"Wait what do you mean your sword can cut through anything?!" Tashigi, visibly shocked couldn't help but shout as I scratch my face as I decide to be a little more honest with her.
"Well I say it can cut through anything, there actually hasn't been anything that resisted my swords attacks." I explain as she calms down, she was contemplating what I said as she has a question that came to mind.
"But how does it cut through basically everything?" She asks as I think about the disruption field the power blade disrupts makes, if I remember it disrupts matter at a molecular level basically treating matter like it wasn't there.
"Well this sword has basically disrupt matter at a molecular level making it feel like the matter wasn't there." I answer as she tilts her head in confusion, "it cuts through matter like butter." I say dumbing it down for her as she finally understood what I meant.
"But wait! If your sword can do that, wouldn't it make it even stronger than the twelves supreme blades?!" She shouts again as I cover her mouth with my free hand.
"I guess so, and that's why I treat it with absolute care." I say as I let go and I see the door behind us open and out walks Garp.
"Ah good you're here yuuji! Get on that boat, you and I are heading to the sabaody archipelago to meet an… acquaintance of mine." Garp says as I say goodby to Tashigi as she salutes saying goodbye.
I went on the boat and notice it was only him and I, "hey brat can you get the transponder snail inside the sleeping quarters? I'll call him ahead of time." Garp instructs as I nod and go inside to find a snail phone fusion and after picking it up o hand it to Garp as he dials a number.
*Bedup bedup bedup bedup*(x3)
The sound from the snail stopped abruptly as I notice the snail changing form showing a snail with white slicked back hair, a set of eyeglasses with a scar over his right eye, and I had a feeling I knew who the person on the other end was.
(I wasn't sure how the snails worked when individuals talk, so my headcanon is that the transponder snails can shapeshifter showing who you are talking to.)
"Didn't think you of all people would call Garp." I hear a deep voice as I already figured out who Garp called.
"I'm cashing in that favor you owe me from way back in the day." Garp replies as the guy on the line went silent for a few seconds before responding, "oh? And what would my former enemy want from me so bad that he'd cash in a favor?" The man asks in an almost indifferent tet interested tone.
"Cut the crap Rayleigh!!" Garp shouts as I gasp in shock and excitement, in all of one piece, outside of the straw hat crew there was a lone pirate that stood above them in terms of my favorites, the first mate of the Roger pirates, Dark king Rayleigh.
"Fine fine, so are you wishing to talk about this favor in person? I wouldn't mind having a drink while reminiscing about the good ol days." Rayleigh says as Garp replies.
"Just be glad I saved your ass when I made sure you didn't die by rocks' hand." Garp says as he states he wanted to call ahead of time.
"Alright then, I'll have shakki stock up on some good booze and snacks in the meantime see you then." *click*
I Garp turned to me and explained to me why he called Rayleigh, "you see when the Rogers pirates and the marines teamed up to take care to the rock pirates, Rayleigh got sucker punched and was about to be killed by their captain, and he would have succeeded if I didn't punch Rocks away, ever since then he owed me a favor, and I decided to cash it in on you." Garp says as I was trying to understand, this was never told in the story.
'I really should ask eichiro oda one day on whether this is canon' I think to myself as I decide to ask Garp a question.
"But why cash in that favor for me?"(yuuji)
"I'm asking him if he can lend me a hand in teaching you haki as well, if I did it alone I'm afraid I'd get excited and accidentally kill you through the full training, so Rayleigh will be your safety net."(Garp)
I just nod and say thanks for putting me into consideration, which made Garp show a smile, "good, now then." He said as I find the same rope tied to the back of the ship a d threw me back into the water.
"Swim and keep up with the ship as I steer us through the calm belt." He says before laughing as I only said one thing.
"FUCK YOU GARP!!!" I said but I swam as instructed but not even after ten minutes a sea king appeared.
"My advice for you kid is to swim harder than ever before!" Garp says as he steers us farther into the belt.
The ship picked up speed as I pick up the pace in my swimming as I fantasize about Punching Garp in the stomach hard.
Well I hope you all enjoy this chapter, im adding Rayleigh to his training, so now Yuuji will have a teacher on technique and a safety net if Garp pulls a goku and goes all out.
But I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I really like making stories like these and if I did the pacing wrong for this short chapter, please let me know so I can try fixing it on the next chapter.
And with this I'm out,peace😁✌️