Chereads / RPG gamer through the multiverse! / Chapter 15 - (11)a spar with Garp on the sea! the punch of love ignites! part 2 (still not the full chapter)

Chapter 15 - (11)a spar with Garp on the sea! the punch of love ignites! part 2 (still not the full chapter)

Hey guys/gals! So a quick question, since Yuuji doesn't have any formal training with a sword, should I have him wander into a nearby bar and unknowingly sit him next to Mihawk? And should I have mihawk teach him how to use a sword? Also considering Yamato is the viewer chosen love interest in one piece, should I have Garp get too excited and accidentally punch Yuuji all the way to wano and into the living quarters of Yamato?

(Comment yes here)

(Comment no here)

And with that onto the chapter


(Calm belt, near Amazon lily)

Training log day 36

So it turns out the rope I was tied to snapped, and I've been lost in the calm belt for almost four days! I'm honestly shocked that I haven't become sea king food. It doesn't look good for me, Garp didn't even realize I was missing, I somehow wish he wasn't so carefree when it comes to training a child, I mean look at how luffy turned out, he's strong but is a complete moron!

And if that's not bad enough, I am starting to go hungry and I don't know what's poisonous, let's at least hope while I sleepfloat here, yes I've learned to float in my sleep, some form of vessel will find me, and I hope they are at least friendly.

After I finished updating my journal via inventory command I let the sounds of the birds lull me to sleep as the warm sun covers my body, let's hope my body can't get cancer.

And with that I close my eyes and take a nap.

(Meanwhile at the Sabaody archipelago)


Garp who was too busy steering the ship towards the archipelago, didn't notice that Yuuji was too quiet during the almost four day trip, and now he's in front of Rayleigh who just sighed as he shook his head.

"You were cashing in your favor for a student, yet you lost him? You really are too carefree." He said as Garp turns and glares.

"Well the only safe islands in the calm belt is Mihawk island, and Amazon lily, and I'm pretty sure Mihawk would kill him because he is in his territory." Rayleigh says to Garp as he worries more, but before he could go into a full on panick attack Shakki came down to the two.

"Hmm…well if I remember correctly, the kuja pirates left earlier today, and while the current Amazon empress is arrogant, the old hag that's on the ship will help the boy." She says as she exhaled smoke from her pipe as Rayleigh looks at him with a smile.

"You hear that Garp, if the kid isn't rude he'll be safe, so when are we leaving?"

(Now back with the unconscious Yuuji)


While Yuuji was sound asleep with the waves, in the distance a ship driven by two snakes was right in his path, these were the kuja pirates, a crew composed only of fierce women, with their leaders being the gorgon sisters, sandersonia and marigold Boa, and their empress, the exalted warlord of the seas, Boa Hancock!

As the snakes were steering the ship sandersonia snapped her head towards Yuuji's direction, "Sister, there seems to be a child floating ahead of us!" She said to Her sisters as an old woman overhears.

"It's probably a corpse, leave it." The sister with long black hair said as she arrogantly brushes her hair behind her ear, the woman with golden orange hair looked at her sisters and wondered if she should say anything.

But before she could say anything the sound of a cane tapping on the ship was heard as the elder of Amazon lily appeared.

"No you must save the child nyaow!!" She said as the eldest sister looked at her with annoyance, "shut up you hag, I don't have to do a thing! And why? Because I'm beautiful of course!!"

(Did I do that old lady's speech right?)

"But I can still sense he is alive!! We can't leave a child to die here!!" The elder Amazon reasoned as the eldest sister glares at her.

"Fine, if that shuts you up, get that child on the ship!!" The eldest sister shouted as the snakes follow her command and stop, before bending down and grabbing the child by his collar while he get startled awake and tried punching it.

"Dammit I don't wanna be eaten!!" The child said as the snake, while irritated seems to have understood why the child was reacting to it like it was, so despite being irritated it gently placed the boy on the deck and they went back to swimming towards Amazon lily.

(If you are wondering while Yuuji is called child, I'm speaking about him from the kuja pirates perspective.)

Still trying to gather what was going on the child hears the sound of heels clacking against wood as he turns and sees three woman looking at him.

"I ordered the snakes to bring you aboard, be grateful boy!" The tall woman said as she continues to speak, "so why were you floating in the calm belt?" She asked as Yuuji finally clicked on why the woman speaking was so familiar, she was Boa Fucking Hancock!

"Well…" Yuuji began as he starts to explain everything that's happened leading to this point in time, and as they listened the remember how carefree the so called vice admiral really was.

"Well in any case, I am Boa Hancock, one of the seven warlords and the most beautiful woman on the seas!" Boa said in her usual arrogance as Yuuji blushes, due to how small he was compared to the amazons he could see up Boa's skirt.

(Lucky bastard!)

"Uhm miss, please at least take a seat! I can see your panties!" Yuuji shouted as he furiously blushed, as Boa who didn't realize was feeling both anger and embarrassment.

"You…give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you to stone and toss you overboard!" Boa says as her sisters panicked, they knew their sister didn't like perverts yet they all didn't take into account for Yuuji's height.

"Sister calm down!" Marigold says as Boa turns to her, "and why should I? He looked up my skirt!" She countered as marigold stands her ground, "because he is smaller than us, he even said to sit down, so he probably isnt a pervert!"

And this argument went on as they made their way to Amazon lily.


Well folks I hope you enjoy the chapter, im pretty sure I'll make the next chapter the final part before moving to the next chapter.

But what do you think? Did I do the mannerisms right, or do I need work.

But besides that I hope you all have a good night and I'll see you next week, peace😁✌️