Chereads / RPG gamer through the multiverse! / Chapter 17 - (12)I learn archery from the amazons part 1

Chapter 17 - (12)I learn archery from the amazons part 1

Hey guys, so my mom loved the dinner I took her to, it costed 200 bucks for the two of us, but seeing her smile and not have the weight of her job crushing her is worth it.

Anywho, I'm going to make a small training arc within the training arc, so while Garp and Rayleigh take a ship to Amazon lily(which I'll make the trip span 4 or 5 chapters), Yuuji will spend time with the amazons.

Now onto the chapter.


As Marigold and Sandersonia were calming down their sister I turn to the elderly lady who helped get me onto the ship and bow to her in respect, "thank you for your assistance Miss." I say as she waved it off.

"Nyo need to thank me, that woman is too damn arrogant for her own good! I just hope interaction with someone like you will help her." She says as I see the two sisters finally help calm their eldest sister.

"Okay boy, after much talking I've decided to forgive you of your…accident, so be thankful." Boa says with a flick of her hair as I say thanks to her sisters.

"Uhm, Miss Sandersonia and Marigold, I…have a request." I say to the two sisters who turn to me, "as long as it's not outlandish or could upset our sister, we can provide." Sandersonia said with a small blush, I take it she was never good with the opposite gender, but I nod at their response.

"I'd like to train under the Amazons." I say to them as the look at each other in confusion, "why would you want to learn from the amazons? Didn't you say you were learning from Garp?" Marigold asks as Sandersonia nods to her question.

"I know, but what I mean is could you teach me archery." I explain as Marigold tell the amazons they were close to the island before talking to me.

"But why do you want to learn archery? Wouldn't you prefer to learn Haki?" She asks as I shake my head, "no ma'am, I want to learn archery because it's way more useful than using a gun, guns make too much noise, Bows are much more silent." I explain as Sandersonia looks at me for a few seconds before laughing, "You know what sister? I like this man, he understands the value of archery." She says as Marigold nods, "then we can grant your request, but since you can't use armament Haki yet, you can't take the Amazon trial." She says as I get confused, "what trial?"

"When an Amazon learns how to use Armament Haki, it means she, or in your case he goes to the underground cave we call the Snake pit and there you will find a snake that will be your partner and your bow." She explains as I find more unknown lore.

"I understand ma'am, then when will we start?" I ask but the sound of my stomach grumbling , making Sandersonia chuckle, "we can start after you eat, no Amazon can work their best on an empty stomach." She says as the ship stops and all the Kuja pirates before disembarking.

"Uh mr or miss snake, im sorry for hitting you when you tried to help me." I say to the two snakes who hissed as if saying 'we know that already, now get off of the boat!', and with that I walk off the boat.

As I get to the dock I see Sandersonia and Marigold waiting for me as I see the Amazon citizens looking at me and muttering to each other.

"Why did they bring a man here?"

"I don't know, but maybe I can use this time to study him a bit."

"I don't know, maybe he's done something to upset our empress and she's awaiting his execution."

As I hear this I see the three amazons who helped luffy when he landed in Amazon lily, the tall one was quite pretty, I'd date her if she wasn't three times my height!!

"Everyone! This man is our guest, treat him with kindness and the utmost care!!!" Sandersonia said to everyone as she ushers me to their mess hall, or was it a dining area?

After sitting for a few minutes the Amazon who wanted to study me came with two plates of food and some water, "do you mind if I sit with you while I ask questions?" She asked as I nod and we both eat.

She asked questions that I answered In kind, but I had to steer her clear of one question, and that was to explore my body.

After thirty minutes I finish my plate and after asking where I put the plate I hand it to their cook and then I wandered the place to find Marigold or Sandersonia.

And after an hour I hear Marigold call my name and I see her with a bow and a quiver of arrows, "why did you wander off?! Don't you have any common sense, you don't just explore a womans home!" She says as I realize what she meant and apologized as she takes me to a training field where I see multiple targets, one side has moving targets that moved via vines while the ones she took me to were stationary.

"Oh yeah I never gave you or your sisters my name, I'm yuuji." I say as she hands me the bow in her hands, "alright, which hand is your dominant hand?"

"I'm left handed." I say as she shows me how to position myself with the bow, " alright for now shoot the target and try to hit the center." She instructed as I try to pull back the bowstring.

But it wouldn't budge!! I keep forgetting I come from a world where citizens can't casually punch ships into the sea or throw moutains, "stop! relax your body, don't think of the bow as a tool, but an extension of you." She advises as the amazons who were training watched with interest as I take a deep breath and do as she instructed again, but this time o was able to pull the bowstring! Not all the way but it was a start.

After thirty minutes of trying I finally shot the arrow, but it went over the target, Marigold watched in amusement as I celebrated being able to pull the bowstring.

"You did well, considering that bow can only bend when applying half a ton of strength to pull it back." She says as I freeze at what she said, HALF A TON?!

"I can tell your body isn't that strong, but this is a start, let's take a ten minute break and tackle it again." She says as I take a seat near a tree trunk, 'I wonder if that's what the system meant by removing my normal limiter?' I think to myself as I look at the arrow, "this is going to take a while.


So to explain what I mean by his normal limiter was broken, think of it like how saitama broke his limiter via training, but in Yuuji's case since he comes from a semi safe world his limiter broke to be able to handle the one piece world.

Is that understandable? It made sense to me!

Also what's the name of the old lady? As well as the tall Amazon woman that helped luffy, I want to have Yuuji befriend her.

And with that I'll see you next week, peace😁✌️