William laid in the bunk of his apartment relaxing, he head rested on a large pillow.
He had just eaten an apple that he had gotten out of the food processor in his apartment.
Since the hydra was killed, the water spells were working and the water wasn't muddy anymore.
William heard the sound of rain drops outside of the ark, it was raining for the first time in almost a year.
In three days, the mermaids had moved into the ark and Established new Waral.
It was like a giant swimming pool inside that part of the ark.
Thunder crashed in the distance.
"William!" Said a voice over the intercom, "William! Are you there?"
William pushed a button on the intercom.
"I'm here Edgar. What's going on?"
"The ark is under attack! I need you and the other young ones to be the next line of defense if they get in the ark."
"They? Who are they?"
"There's a whole army of goblins and trolls attacking the ark! We are holding them off alright but you must be ready just in case one of them gets inside!"
Goblins, also known as Orcs are monstrous creatures with rough green skin and are about 5 feet tall. They are mindless beings summoned by a wizard using a Ritual to help with an attack. Goblins possess only enough intelligence to understand orders given to them by their leader. Goblins are very quick and are very good with swords and spears.
Trolls are usually between six and seven feet high and very muscular. Like the goblins they are summoned by a wizard doing a ritual in order to help them. Usually trolls are used to guard various areas, but they can be used to attack right alongside goblins. Trolls are not as quick as goblins but they are very strong. Trolls can lift up to 10 tons above their head.
Just like the goblins, the trolls don't possess a lot of intelligence and they only obey orders from the one who summoned them.
After getting some weapons from the armory, he went straight to the pilots chamber.
"What's going on? Who is attacking us?"
"It seems that a wizard has unleashed a herd of monster on the ark." Said Gort, one of the pilots of the ark.
Gort was a golem and about 8 feet high. He once passed day after day looting and pillaging, but losing his family to a gang of trolls caused him to reform and now his works on the ark. Gort was shy and polite, but is also a strong and tough fighter.
Golems are beings made of rock and human shaped. They are very strong but cannot move around too quickly because of their great size. Golems were once wild beings who looted the country side but since the attack of monsters in the land, they have joined the kingdoms in the ark.
"Why would a wizard be out there? And why would he attack the ark?" Said Gort.
Another pilot, Gong spoke. "There is a giant out there."
Gong was a robot build by the scientists of metro. He was unusually good-natured robot, playful and of a lighthearted disposition. He greatly admired Prince Edgar.
"He could do some damage to the ark." said Gong.
"Damn!" Said Will, "I'd better get down to the main entrance!"
William ran from the pilots chamber and down the main corridor.
"Will!" Yelled Marie, "Thank god you're here!" She was guarding the main entrance with a bunch of young knights and wizards. Her hair was still tied in a half crown braid, making her look like a real princess. A beautiful one at that.
William's heart squeezed painfully. 'She's so cute when she's not complaining.'
"Who is attacking us?" Asked William
"Some angry wizard." Marie said, "Brother said to Secure the entrance so that's what we must do."
"Magic missile!" A troll was hit with a glowing dart of magic force and disappeared.
"I got him!" Said Warrick the leprechaun.
"Alright!" Yelled Sir Haggar, "Don't get cocky!"
Leprechauns are a family of gnomes best known for their red hair and green clothing. Like most gnomes, the leprechaun family can be mischievous and they love alcohol. The leprechauns also are magical folk, making them good wizards and they have a love for gold and making shoes.
After a while, the goblins and trolls were finally defeated, but a lot of people were killed or wounded.
"Is it over?" Said an old wizard in a wheel chair as he rolled up. His name was Bursar and he was a very old bald wizard with long white beard.
"Yes Bursar," said Sir Haggar, "We have everything under control."
"Oh young Haggar," laughed Bursar, "you have come so far. It seems like yesterday I was training you."
"Edgar," said Marie just as Prince Edgar entered the ark, "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Who was this wizard that attacked us?"
"Please dear sister, one question at a time. I'm fine and this wizard was the owner of the hydra we killed."
"Really?" Said Will.
"That's right," said Edgar as he sat down at one of the tables used for dinning, "His name is Ratty. He is completely insane and wants to rule the land."