Not far from the ark, Ratty the wizard and his minions sit in a circle preforming a ritual.
"Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!"
Ratty waved his hands in the air with an intense look on his face.
"Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!"
William was sleeping in his bunk, snuggled up in a large red blanket.
Suddenly a ringing sound was heard, it was the intercom.
William reached over to the intercom and pushed one of the buttons.
"William! This is King Esteban, we have a situation here! I need to see you in the throne room ASAP!"
"Yes sire, I'm on my way."
As William entered the throne room, Marie and Cayleb were already there with a dozen other people.
"William! You're here!" Said King Esteban.
Colonel Cyrus sat in the stood of the throne room. He was a centaur with with long dark hair with a long jaw and a deep voice.
"The ark were attacked by a dragon last night and a lot of people were here." Said Cyrus, "Some witnesses saw the dragon flying away towards the mountains. All of you have been chosen for this expedition because all of you are prodigies. That makes you special."
"Expedition?" Said Marie, "I can't leave my family and kingdom. We just moved into the ark and have a lot of work to do."
"Marie, you're the best cleric in the ark. We need you."
"And you William," said Esteban, "You have proven yourself in battle. We need you as well. You're the faster swordsman we have."
"Sire," said William, "I'm only 13 years old."
"This mission is a very important one," said King Esteban, "And this may be the biggest challenge yet, but I have faith in you and everyone else who has been chosen for this mission. Edgar has taught you well, and I shall knight you when you are grown up."
"Now go pack up some things," said Colonel Cyrus, "We leave first thing tomorrow."
"Yes sire," Said William with a bow.
King Esteban and Queen Agustina were wise rulers and William respected them; they were like grandparents to him.