"My name is Castiel" I looked up; as I picked up an apple from the fruit stand.
"Hm?" I said taken back at the beautiful tall man who stood before me with the most bright hazel doe eyes. Truthfully the man was gorgeous. A could be a model. But what is a "could be a model" doing? Sticking his hand out and introducing himself? I felt my apple slip through my hands, I tried to catch it but it hit the floor making that splat sound.
"Here you dropped this. You might want to wash it first, though, actually more than washing, " he said as he handed me the apple that somehow slipped out of my hands. I am too nervous to even say anything. I genuinely think I feel sick. What's going on with my stomach feels like bugs running around.
"Thank you, your smile just blinded me. But can I help you with anything?"
He chuckled. This time covering his mouth.
"I saw you from across the street. Might sound a bit creepy, but I was observing you as you helped that older woman struggling to pay her tab. I thought to myself. How beautiful. A simple act of generosity changed my perspective of my day. And of course, you are gorgeous. I just had to come up and introduce myself. I hope I'm not coming off as weird or creepy. I know I am rambling but please don't be weirded out."
He rambled as he rubbed his hands together trying to explain nervously. How cute.
"It's definitely a lot to take in from a stranger. But it's nice to meet you Castiel, I am Ares. Before you say anything."
"Don't," I said rapidly. Trying to hide my nervousness.
" Call me A. I know it's a pretty weird name."
"Not at all, Ares. Can I invite you for some coffee if you have some time?"
He stood there looking at me with hopeful eyes.
"Don't overthink it, just tell me yes or no?"
Was I contemplating too hard? I'm scared, excited and nervous. A date….
"Yes, but first let me buy this apple."
I walked quickly towards the vendor and handed them 1.25$ for the red apple. It's probably bruised from the fall earlier. I put the apple inside my tote bag along with my essentials. I walked towards him not knowing what kind of dumb expression I might have. I can only imagine what I must look like. The strange feeling in my stomach is what you would call butterflies.
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm nervous shit less." I spoke without thinking. Gad dam potty mouth. I cursed at myself internally.
"Excuse me!" I immediately retorted back; he looked at me in awe. I wonder what that beautiful brain is thinking.
"I should be honored you feel that way." He chuckled. We then walked down two blocks down till we hit a coffee shop. Truthfully the man did not even know what coffee shop we'd go to, so we coffee hopped around making conversation in each and every shop.
I thought to myself, maybe this was a terrible mistake. The butterflies in my stomach definitely warned me, but the conversation, the chuckles and giggles, and the smiles. They said otherwise. We talked about everything and anything. I don't think I've ever had this feeling before, but then again I've never actually been on a date…date…this is a date right?..
"You know you are quite expressive, it's like I can read your mind by just looking at your facial expressions." I came back to earth. I made eye contact with him and smiled.
"Yes, I'm expressive, and a little too straightforward. But was is this Castiel?"
"What are we?" I said trying not to break into laughter. He looked amused.
"I'm kidding, but as a boundary warning I am not a one-night stand kinda gal, nor am I a friends-with-benefits gal, and you can definitely take the open relationship gal out of the equation," I exclaimed with a smile.
One thing that I evade the most is problems, and that checks for any type of problem. I know we just met but first impressions are everything. I might have the idealogy wrong, but it's worked to get me out of relationships that are not good for me. This man, as gorgeous as he is, is no different than any individual I've interacted with. Also, we evade the whole miscommunication part.
"Well Ares, I like to say that I am not one of those gals either. Sounds horrifying when you list them like that." He chuckled.
"However, I get where you are coming from. I mean a random guy comes up to you while you buy an apple and then asks you on a coffee date. I get it I would lay my cards out too. But I am sure your question was if this was a date right?" He smiled.
That's right, that was my main question, but how could he have known?
"You, you.." he burst out in laughter. It was harmonious coming from him. He turned red and could not word out his sentence. I laughed along, his laugh was contagious.
"It's, its, your expression. It's like whatever you are thinking about, you express it. It's like reading your mind, you're an open person Ares. You know that?" Castiel wiped his tears away that had formed from the laughing. Maybe I am; open as a book. Wide open.
"I like you, I just met you. But I feel like I've known you my whole life. You're a breath of fresh air." He smiled as he twirled his stirrer in his coffee. My mind had completely gone blank.
"It feels like that for me too. I hate first-time meetings, like hey what do we ever talk about, but with you, it felt like talking to a long-time friend. Which brings me to ask you, have I met you before?"
"Yes. I had a dream about my dream girl and guess who it was."
"Please don't tell me!" I gasped.
"Sidney Sweeny?!" I exclaimed, hiding behind my fingers. He burst out in laughter, I swear that laugh is contagious I might actually catch something.
"You, you are just something Ares."
"No, but I actually agree with you, I think I have seen you before. Yeah, it was in my dreams. I was dreaming about my dream man, didn't know I could see my future." I smiled.
"By the way, I was getting there, you stole my line" I exclaimed as I leaned back on my seat.
I hadn't noticed but the sky had gotten darker, and the street lights of the city were now on. It felt like time simply had not gone by, yet the time told me otherwise. He noticed me looking through the window and asked if we could do this again sometime. We exchanged numbers and headed our separate ways. It was the first time I'd ever experienced a date, where I didn't have to think about what to say next or sit in unbearable silence. The thing was that even if we were silent. It was a silence I could breathe in. I sat on the bus headed west to Central and Fullerton. Bus 74 always has me in the thinking zone. I took a seat near the window side, I looked out and wondered what was so great about me.
My phone pinged. A text from Castiel.
Hi Ares, I hope I didn't scare you off. But it was so much fun talking to you. I hope we can keep in touch! Anyways, get back safe. He added a pink heart at the end of his text. I was screaming internally. How could this be happening to me? I replied, and the rest of the ride home went by so fast that I almost forgot to get off. I, a 22-year-old woman. Talking to a man. Who would have thought? I am not saying I haven't had experiences, I'm saying I've never had such a gorgeous man pay attention to me. I texted my best friend, Jacob. Jacob has been my friend since my freshman year of high school. I always thought he was a weird dude, but he's a pretty cool guy to be friends with, plus I get some advice on things. You know the perspective of a man. Jacob and I have always had clear boundaries with each other and our friendship. He's like an older brother I never had. I couldn't imagine life without our friendship.
What's his name? Jacob asked in a message.
His name starts with C. I replied because I will not ruin my chances with him until I know what my future holds.