The Holy Right
In a world where divine powers and mystical beings shape reality, a man is reborn as the son of Aleister Crowley, the infamous occultist known as the "most evil man in the world." Armed with the legendary "Right Hand of God," he embarks on a journey to transcend both mortal and divine boundaries. Along the way, he encounters entities like the "Magic Gods" from Toaru Majutsu no Index, the "Beasts" from Fate, and the "Heretic Gods" from Campione! — each representing some of the most powerful forces in existence.
As he wields his right hand, imbued with divine authority, he strives to overcome humanity's inherent evil and rise to the status of a god. His magic name, "BEAST 777," signifies his resolve to challenge and surpass the limits of human sin. But in a world dominated by gods, demons, and magical beings, can he truly ascend to become the one true God of Christianity, or will he be consumed by the very power he seeks to wield?
This is a story of power, redemption, and the quest to overcome the ultimate evil within.