Chapter 8 - Saving her

Míng Yûzé pov.

Waking up lazily, today was the last day of the weekdays, and tomorrow I'll be able to take a rest from a long stressful day. Anyway, even if it was a rest day tomorrow, I still need to come up with some ideas or clues about my situation.

"Ruì, breakfast is ready now," Lì Mēi called from downstairs while I just rolled down the bed lazily.

I swear this is the most annoying thing to happen in my life. Can't someone just kill me? I'm so tired right now with this reincarnated life.

I let out a heavy sigh before standing up as I head inside the bathroom for my daily routine.


I went downstairs after the preparation as I headed inside the dining area to see Lì Mēi had already prepared the meals.

"Good morning," Lì Mēi said with a bright smile, while I just sat down and grabbed my plate quietly.

"Why did you ask Ruò Xuān to follow me?" I suddenly asked, making her look at me while she sat down on the opposite side.

"Why not? I've been worrying about you since you've been busying yourself lately," she said, making me mentally roll my eyes.

"Just tell him to stop; there's nothing to worry about," I said before shoveling my spoon full of rice inside my mouth.

"Alright, alright, fine, but make sure nothing is happening, okay?" She said before reaching out her hand to ruffle my hair.


Right now, I'm walking down the hallways inside the school building and suddenly walk past a bulletin board with pictures and names of the school officers.

I stopped my track when I noticed a familiar face on it and saw it was the guy who saved me yesterday. I was about to read it, but then...

"Hey! Stop it!" 

I turned my gaze when I suddenly heard a girl's voice; it was coming from the corner, making me confused.

"I said give it back!" 

I frown slightly and start to walk where the voice was coming. Soon I arrived there and saw the girl who was there getting bullied by those annoying pigs again.

The bullies were holding her bag and started to scatter her things all over the ground.

Typically bullies are just doing some common bully things, and of course those victims who look so weak are trying to fight.


I wonder if I was really reincarnated or went into some TV shows where drama happens. Well, that is way more annoying than what's happening right now. *Sigh* I guess I should just help her.

"Hey, are you that weak to bully someone who can't even fight?" I suddenly said, making them turn their attention to me.

Now, even I was taken back to what I just said. Anyway, at least a small practice could warm up this body.

"Ah, look, the weakling finally found its voice," Shân Yuàn said in a sarcastic tone as he and his friends turned around to face me.

Now this is it; hopefully this kid's body is fine right now, or else I'll be dead for sure.

"Now what kid? Got your tongue cut by a cat?" Bîng Mîn said as he and Shân Yuàn laughed. 

"Cat? But all I see here was a pig," I said with a sarcastic tone, making them shut their mouths as they frowned.

"What did you just call us?" Shân Yuàn snapped as he started to walk closer to me.

"I call you a P.I.G." I said while emphasizing each letter, making him more furious.

"Get him!" Shân Yuàn shouted angrily as he rushed toward me.

Bîng Mîn was closer to me, but luckily I was able to dodge his punch, while Shân Yuàn grabbed my arm, and he almost punched me in the face, but I immediately dodged it and hit his stomach, using my knee hard enough to make him cough a blood, and fell down the ground.

"Y-you!" Bîng Mîn pointed at me with widening eyes as he glanced down at his boss, who was lying on the ground while coughing blood.

'Well, I guess Zî Ruì's body wasn't that weak at all.' I thought as I chuckled before shaking my head. 

"Alright, alright, that's enough," Qîng Lài said as he walked toward Shân Yuàn and helped him up.

"Just you wait!" Bîng Mîn warned before the three of them left.

I just let out a heavy sigh while rubbing the bridge of my nose. Now, I just notice that Qîng Lài didn't join the fight and just watched us with amusement written on his face.

Surely, I didn't know if he was really in their group or not.

"Zî Ruì, thank you for helping me." 

I turned around and saw the girl who was now thanking me, while I just stared at her blankly.

"I'm sorry for bothering you; let me treat you since you just saved my life," she said with a bright smile.

I just stared at her before rolling my eyes and crossing my arm against my chest.

"And why would I accept your offer? I don't even know you," I said while rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"Well, we are classmates, and I'm the one who tried to talk to you before," she said while smiling widely, but I just glared at her.

"And so? I don't care who you are," I said and turned my back on him, but then I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"I'M HUÌ YÎNG!" She shouted, making me startled, and I turned to look at her in shock.

"PLEASE ACCEPT THE OFFER!" She said while bowing down 90°, making me pull away from her touch, a bit taken back by her action.

"Hey, stop that! Don't you feel embarrassed?!" I said, panicking and feeling ashamed

"No I won't! after all you save my life, so please accept my offer!" She begged, making me look around in embarrassment as I looked around in panick and saw a lot of students passing by while gossiping and staring at us confusedly.

"Hey! I said stop that now and stop bowing!" I said in embarrassment as I tried to make her stand straight, but she just remained still.

"I said stop doing that!" I yelled while trying to pull her away to where she was standing, but she just remains still.

"NO! ACCEPT MY OFFER FIRST!" She yelled, making everyone to gossip again and look at us a bit shocked and confused.

"Fine, fine! Now stop doing that!" I said as I was finally able to drag her out of the scene while everyone continued to gossip.

I just rolled my eyes in embarrassment and annoyance as I continued to drag her away. 

"Really, you'll allow me? Where do you want to go? We can go at the burger shop or even into a restaurant if you want!" She said happily and started to suggest some places while I continued to drag her.