Chereads / Hardfall and the Hero / Chapter 10 - The calm before the storm

Chapter 10 - The calm before the storm

Casey wasn't happy with their new house guest but she had been out voted. "I got my eye on you" he said pointing two fingers at hers eyes then to him. He was very odd she had observed. He was rather quiet but he seemed to take to their mom rather quickly. It was probably just her natural motherly personality. Any of Benjamin's or Casey's friends were treated like family and all of them called her mom. Each day Benjamin would go of to work and take him as well. After his shift he would come home and help their mom with chores around the house. He would then spend an hour or two working out in the back yard. Casey always kept a close eye on him when he was home but after a few weeks without him murdering every one she supposed he wasn't going. Although the possibility of him having a murderous mental snap wasn't ever fully out of the question. Casey sat on her favorite chair near a window facing the backyard watching him do his training. He had taken rope and wound it around a tree. He would kick and punch at it with various combinations. A few days after he had come to stay with them her mother had given him a haircut and shaved his beard. She was surprised to find out he wasn't much older then she was. "He's kind of handsome don't you think" Teresa said after sneaking up on Casey. "Mom!" Casey exclaimed face turning bright red. "I've just noticed you spend alot of time watching him is all. He's not a bad boy, he just had a hard life is all." Before he left the guard house they had given him a new set of clothes so he wouldn't stand out to much. Benjamin had said his identity was to be kept secret so as to not start any unnecessary panic. He removed the dark green tunic he was wearing and wiped the sweat away. Casey stared at him noticing all the scars on his muscular body. "I guess you're right mom, I'll try to be a little nicer to him."

It hadn't taken long for people to realize the Burnside family had a new guest staying with them. He had quickly become the local gossip. There was a knock at the door "Casey can you get that" Teresa called from the other side of the house. When Casey opened the door she was surprised to see her friend Jessica standing there. "Jessica what are you doing here?" She asked. Jessica walked in with out needing to be invited. "I've been sent to snoop." She said plainly. Her silky blonde hair swaying as she looked around the house. "So we're is he and why haven't you been around lately?" Casey was pulling oh her braided red hair that hung on each shoulder. She would often do this when nervous. "He's no here. He's with my brother." She said hoping Jessica would leave before they returned for the day. "Dose that mean he's a new guard like your brother. Oh my gods are you dating! And he's already moved in with you! So scandalous, no way no way you're not pregnant are you?" She spoke so fast Casey didn't get a single word in before Jessica had jumped to so many wrong conclusions. Before she could correct her the door opened and Benjamin walked in. He removed his helmet letting his short red hair loose. "Jessica what are you doing here." He said shifting his eyes to his sister. "Who's your friend?" Jessica ask looking at the new guy standing behind Benjamin. "This is uh Hardfall." He said trepidatiously. "I'm sorry Jessica you have to go Casey can talk to you tomorrow" Benjamin said showing her out the door.

Casey shoved a pillow over her face and screamed. Jessica was the biggest gossip in town and she was under the impression that Casey was pregnant. "Is everything ok!" Hardfall asked rushing into her room. "I heard a scream." She trough her pillow at him yelling "Get out of my room." He quickly closed the door, "girls" Teresa said patting him on the shoulder. "She'll come around. Just give her some more time." Hardfall went back to his room and layed down. He still hadn't gotten used to laying in such a soft bed. Even with out his memories his body still remembered. He didn't know why but felt the strong need to train. It was as if his body was afraid and he didn't want to be caught off guard. The scars on his body told him of past danger but his gut told him he wasn't safe yet.

The next morning Casey stopped him before he left with Benjamin for the day. "I'm sorry I yelled at you last night. You were just checking on me, anyway thank you." She said shyly. He smiled at her then hurried on after Benjamin. "Looks like she finally decided to lighten up" Benjamin said grabbing him by the shoulder. Today went pretty much the same as usual. He would go to commander Vincent's office and get his task for the day. Some days he was cleaning floors and other days he was digging. Every once and a while commander Vincent would over see a sparing match between him and one of the officers. He was up six out of nine matches. After a while every one had started to see him as one of them. Even commander Vincent had thought about officially recruiting him. Before his shift had ended he was summoned to the office. "Here" Vincent said sliding a box across the desk to him. "These are your personal belongings, everything we found you with except the the uniform." He removed the dagger from its sheath remarking at its sharpness. It was a pretty cheap dagger but was in really good condition. "Don't make me regret this" Vincent said eyebrows narrowing. "I won't sir" he said tightening the belt. He slipped off his sandals a put on his boots surprised at how soft they were inside. Then the gloves that also fit perfectly. He was surprised at how natural everything felt to wear.

When they returned home he saw Casey's boomerang flying over head then disappearing. He ran to the back of the house and up to Casey, giving her a shock. "What was that it was amazing." He said excitedly. "This? It has a return enchantment on it. Pretty cool ha" she said smugly. "My uncle gave it to me. He makes the coolest things." She handed it to him "so if i throw it, it comes back" she shook her head. "no it only works for me" she summoned it back to her hand. That's when she noticed some of the familiar scratches were no longer there. "What how?" She asked staring at him. "Oh ya my items are enchanted too." He tugged at his shoulder strap."it fixes things I have equipped. I have no idea how it works." "Thats amazing we should show my uncle. Maybe he can make something like it for me." She said grasping his hand and pulling him behind her. "Headed to uncle's shop" she said to Benjamin as they rushed past him. "Do you think he could put a enchantment like that on a dagger?" He asked pointing at her boomerang. "I'll ask him, I kinda want one too." She said realized she was still holding his hand. She turned her face away from him to hide the growing red on her cheeks.

As they approached, the shop sign read Burnside Enchantments. As they entered the little building they were greeted by a slightly balding man with a short red beard. "Casey what's my favorite niece doing here? Oh this must be your fiance everyone's been talking about." She didn't think her face could get any reder but it did. "He's not my anything just a house gest every rumor is a lie." He chuckled "OK ok." She pulled him forward and pointed "have you seen a enchantment like this before? Do you think you could make me something like this? She asked hopefully. He pulled out a his glasses and got really close. "This is some really good work it's a repairers enchantment. Very rare, I could reproduce it but I don't have the materials. I would need a high level monster core to do it." Casey looked disappointed. "Will any of these work" he asked dumping monster cores onto the counter. Casey's uncle picked up the boss core "where did you get this? I can definitely do it with this." Excitement filled the room "also we were hoping to get a set of daggers with the same enchantment as my boomerang on them one for each of us." "Shur but you are going to have to go down to the smith and buy them. I can put the enchantment on them for you using some of those other cores. Anything else you might need." He had moved behind his counter and pulled out a few things he hadn't been able to sell. "A young adventure like you might find these useful." The young man smiled and handed the enchanter the agreed upon amount of gold as he picked afew things that caught his eye.