There was a few shadowy figures approaching him. As they got closer he could see them drawing weapons. Berry knew he was no match for anything besides small monsters. He readied himself not knowing what was about to happen. Suddenly he was struck in the head from behind. Every thing went black and the last thing he heard was his head bouncing off the dirt. Berry was tied up and it felt like he was in a cart. Each rock the wheels encountered made his head trob more. He set up to see where he was and was greeted by a boot to the face. Blackness engulfed him again. He had learned his lesson. This time when he awoke he remained still. He very slightly opened his eyes, trying to get his bearings. It seemed like he was about to be transferred from this cart to another by the bit of conversation he over heard. "Are you sure he's unarmed?" One man asked. "Ya I'm sure. He had a sword and dagger but we took those back at camp." A second man said. " What about all those pouches anything in them" the first man asked pointing at Berry. "Just fish" he laughed. "He's got them all full of fish. What an idiot. We took few coins and cores from him, but it's all just fish." Berry had put his life on the line to earn all that and it was gone so easily. The two men grabbed Berry and tossed him into a small cage in the back of a different vehicle. They then covered it with a thick blanket. No light shown in his cramped little cage. He cast his healing orb, quickly taking care oh his head and face.
After about two days he was transferred again. It was at this time he realized he was being sold. Slavery was illegal in his country but that doesn't stop evil people from profiting of the pain of others. He knew before he was moved that he would be on a ship. He had never been on a ship but was shur he would get seasick. Not that vomiting on himself could make him smell any worse. He hadn't been allowed out to relieve himself and finally had no choice but to soil himself. This had given him an idea for his next spell he would try to create. His train of thought was interrupted as the cage cover was removed. The cage had been pushed up against a cell door and he was promptly jabbed from behind with something sharp."Get in there" said the man with snarl. At least in the cell he could stand and stretch out. His body hurt from being cramped up for so long. Shortly after several other people were crammed into the cell with him. Eventually it had become full with enough people to fill a small village. He had guessed that is what had happened because everyone seemed to be familiar with each other.
The ship had set sail a few hours ago. It took him some time to convince someone to untie his hands. They were suspicious of him. Someone had even gone as far as to say he was one of the pirates. Eventually a boy about his age untied him. "My name is Ryan I'm the blacksmiths son." My name is Berry" he said thanking him. "Do you know what's going on?" Berry asked. "Don't know they attacked without warning. My father and a few of the others tried to fight back. They were unstoppable. They killed them like they were bugs." His voice trailed off. Tears began to form in his eyes. Berry didn't want to push anymore, it was painful for everyone there.
After he spent some time healing any injuries the pirates had inflicted, he sat himself in the corner to meditated. When he first called forth his healing orb the vilagers had become hopeful. Thinking he could do something to get them free. That hope quickly disappeared when he explained this was all he could do. They were thankful for his healing but were also just as happy to leave him be. He pulled inside himself finding his core. He had noticed little wire like stings attached to it. As he traced them he discovered they ran thought his entire body like vains. The ones that led to his hand were slightly bigger than the rest. He assumed this was because those were used more often when he cast his orbs. He had begun to noticing his mana core depleted slower the more familiar he became with his healing orb. Maybe eventually he could keep it going continuously like his light orb. He had so many questions and no one to guide him. He would just have to experiment. Speaking of experiments he knew exactly what he wanted to try next. He summoned his light into his palm, hands cup around it. He forced his will into the spell manipulating it just like he had before. "Purifying light" he whispered. The ord dimmed and took on a slightly golden glow. As soon as the spell formed he could feel the filth disappear from his soiled clothes. It only lasted a few seconds just as his healing orb had when it was first cast. He was also surprised that he no longer had to urinate.
Days past and in this time he focused on training his mana channels, he decided to call them. Instead of manifesting his mana into a spell in the physical world he cycled it throughout his body. He traced the lines over and over again countless times. He had also periodically summoned one of his two new spell trying to bring his level of familiarity with them up. He was now able to keep them going for almost two minutes before he had to stop and refill his mana core. As his mana channels opened he found it easier and easier to sense ambient mana and absorb it. Although he still needed to meditated to do so.
The pirates very rarely came down to check on there cargo. When they did it wasn't for long. Normally this cell would so unbearably bad. They had no idea Berry had been purifying his roommates periodically. The pirates didn't even bring them food or water. Luckily the sea water that washed in became drinkable after his spells affect. There had been a small bowl in the cell that was used to drink from.
It was late one night when everyone was awoken by a sudden jolting of the ship. A very angry storm attacked the ship, smashing it with hands made of waves. "We have angered the gods" a voice echoed from above. A thin man with red beard stumbled down the stairs. Fumbling with keys he unlocked the cell muttering prayers the entire time. As soon as the door was unlocked Ryan and a few others forced there way out, Berry followed shortly after. As they reached the deck they were stuck by chilling wind and rain. His little group ambushed the pirates before they realized what was happening. Berry had grabbed a piece of wood that had splinted off of something. He used it as a club to smack an unsuspecting pirate over the edge of the ship. It was hard to keep his footing as the ship rocked violently from side to side. An unforgiving wave smashed into the side of the ship almost capsizing it. Berry had been tossed into the air and was heading overboard. A rope hanging from the main mast dangled infount of him. He grasped onto it desperately trying to hold on as he was swung about. The ship righted itself as the next wave charged ready to unleash its furry. Berry began to clime. His hands stung with every slip of the rope. At the top was a basket like cradle maned by a look out. As Berry pored himself into the crowsnest the man swung a dagger at him. Berry was able to move just enough for the blade to miss any vitals as it dug into his shoulder. Berry grabbed the man's wrist preventing him from removing the blade. He kicked at the man's knees, knocking him off belence. As the same time he smashed his forehead into the man's nose with as much force as he could muster. The man collapsed at Berry's feet. Reaching down he grabbed him lifting with all his might, he trough him over. He watched as the man crashed into the railing then bounced into the sea. He sat down tired from the whole ordeal. He reached into one of his pouches and pulled out his last peace of fish jurky. "I'm tired of fish" he said finishing it off. He stood to look down and see how everyone else was doing. It looked like almost all the pirates had been dealt with. Before he was able to celebrate he saw a wave so tall it blacked out all the remaining light that the clouds hadn't smothered.