Chereads / Hardfall and the Hero / Chapter 8 - Castaway

Chapter 8 - Castaway

"Finally made it" he said dragging himself to shore. "I was shur you were going to die this time." A famanine voice giggled. "Shut up Lumi" Berry said collapsing onto a large rock. The sun was warm and bright. Berry's light orb danced around him, it's light barely illuminating anything. He had gotten used to keeping it on, it was comforting. He didn't feel so alone with Lumi summoned. "You need to eat" she reminded him. "I know I know" he grumbled. Pulling himself to his feet he began to survey the island. It turned out to be a bit of a tropical paradise. There was an abundance of fresh fruit trees growing all kinds of varieties of fruits. After filling himself he built a small totem out of rocks. He planned on circling the island and wanted a marker so he wouldn't wander endlessly. He had removed his shirt and tied it over his shoulder like a sling to hold some of the fruits he had gathered. "You really should buy a backpack" said Lumi. "do you see any stores around here." He shot back. Bickering back and forth they made there way around the island. It was a rather large island taking two full days to circle. On the northern shore a slight sliver of land could be seen on the horizon. Swimming there was out of the question. It was to far he would drown if he tried.

Berry held the bosses core in his hands, it looked slightly different than all the cores he had seen before. The core swirled with a dark miasma, "time to make my core stronger." As he had done before he pulled the core inside himself but something unexpected happened. He felt his consciousness get pulled into the core instead. He was back in the darkness and the boss of the blind was standing before him. He was forced into battling the remnant of the boss that persisted in the core. Having already learned its attack patterns, he quickly defeated it. As he did the core cleared and was easily absorbed. He could feel the difference instantly. His mana had more then doubled. Instinctively he summoned all three of his orbs. As they popped into existence, swirling around him. He watched as his mana slowly emptied. About five minutes with three orbs active. Further test results showed he was able to maintain one orb indefinitely. It seemed he was able fill his core without needing to meditate. Although meditation filled it alot faster.

Over the next few weeks Berry worked on making a shack to stay in. He didn't know how long he would be stranded for. Berry had crafted some rudimentary tools out of sharpened stones and trees branches. He chopped down trees one after another. Eventually he had built a little place for himself. Standing in front of it he almost cried. It was the first time he had a home of his own. Berry quickly fell into a steady routine. In the morning he would run and work out. In the day he would work on his house or his boat. In the evening he would do weapon training. Using several different types of weapons made of wood. At night he would meditate, working on his mana channels. This is how he spent the next year of his life.

He was finally ready to leave the island. Berry was no longer the weak boy he was when he fell from that cliff. His hair had grown long and unruly. Like wise his beard had grown wild. His skin had tanned and his muscles balged with strength. A few new orbs in circled him. One with a deep green glow that restored his stamina well it was active. The other new orb was a dark blue, this one was the hardest but best spell he had created. It absorbed ambient mana and refilled his core automatically. It allowed him to keep all his spells going at the same time. Despite having such a over powered spell under his control he wasn't actually able to create any offensive spells. It was rather frustrating. He had baskets of fruits, fish and dried meat securely stowed aboard. The ship was constructed of planks of wood held together with ropes made of cloth. Berry had been cutting his shirt into stripes and weaving the stripes together for rope. Waiting for his shirt to repair itself was what had taken the most time. He had also created a sail out of squares of the same shirt.

Berry set in his seat inside his hand crafted vessel. Looking back for the last time he said goodbye to his little house that had kept him safe and dry for so long. With a pull of a rope attached to a surprisingly complex set of pulleys and levers, a large rock dropped. Berry held on tight as his ship was rocketed into the sea. He pulled another rope and his sail opened up catching the wind. With ease his ship glided across the surface of the water. Within two weeks he would reach his destination. At one point during his voyage something began circling his ship but what ever it was never surfaced or attacked. As he began to get closer to land he adjusted his heading to run parallel with the land. He was going to search for civilization instead of getting stranded again. It was another five days before he saw anything man made. He was overjoyed when he came across a large city settled into the bay. When he got closer he was greeted by a group of armed guards. They had watched him approaching and grew more amazed the closer he got. His ship was ragged to say the least. Then instead of pulling into the docks he pulled a rope and the whole thing fell apart. This strange looking man appeared moments later from underwater and dragged himself onto the docks. "No docking fee" he laughed.

"We have detained a strange man this morning sir." Said a guard wearing a nice suit of plait armor. "We waited for you to return before we interrogated him" he continued. "Show him to me" a gruff looking man in a more impressive suit of armor said, rising to his feet. They walked down a spiraling stone stare case. Several metal cells lined one side of the room. In the last cell a wild looking man set hunched over talking to himself. "I told you "this would happen" he said. "Well I didn't hear you offering up any better ideas" he answered himself in a deeper voice. The man in the nice armor cleared his throat. "My name is commander Vincent Thunderfist. I'm head of the guard here in Mastrun." The wild man turned and stood to his feet. And started screaming and shaking the bars. "What brings you to are city." "A boat but it's gone now." Vincent shook his head "what is your purpose here" he demanded. His anger showed trough despite doing his best to keep himself restrained. "He's clearly out of his mind. You won't be able to get anything from him." The guard said. Shaking his head Vincent and the guard left the crazy man in his cell. After returning to his office Vincent ask "do you think he is a spy?" " It's possible sir. He is wearing the uniform from Frostharrow." Mastrun and Frostharrow had been at war for a few months, both sides had lost alot. After so many deaths each side pulled back creating a area no one could enter without being struck down by the other side. The battle field was still far away from the actual city of Mistrun so Berry being here proved to be very troublesome. They needed information from him but his mind was clearly fractured. Vincent quickly wrote something down and placed it into a envelope. He handed it to the guard "Benjamin make sure he gets this. If we can get anything useful from that prisoner we may have a chance to win this war." The guard Benjamin saluted and headed out.

"What's going on Ben, is Frostharrow attacking again?" A girl asked chasing after Benjamin. "Damn it Casey go home you shouldn't be out here. It's dangerous." "I'm not scared I can handle myself" she said pointing to her boomerang. "I don't have time for this right now Casey go home or I'm going to tell mom you were up here again." "Fine" she huffed and bounded off down the road. After her older brother was out of sight she snuck back to the guard house. "Seriously we caught a Frostharrow spy" she overheard one of the guards saying. Casey was excited a real spy here, she had to see him. Casey had a nasty habit of getting into trouble. If there was a place she shouldn't be she had been there. So naturally she slipped past the other guards with very little effort. Silently she crept into the cell room. In the corner cell she saw a strange glowing light.