Chereads / ACE [Billionaire Romance] / Chapter 58 - Episode 58 Germany

Chapter 58 - Episode 58 Germany

💦 ACE 💦

 {💔 He's broken... She will heal Him ❤ }


 (🌺 He's arrogant..... She's crazy 🌺)

🔥 Billionaire Romance 🔥


 🌺 Alex 🌺

 Unlocking the door, I enter the house and drop my suitcase on the ground. Ace was behind me, carrying his own suitcase too. We were finally home.

Not speaking to each other, we both go our separate ways around the house. Feeling the jet lag from the long flight, I decide to walk up to my room and take a shower.

Our trip to Germany took longer than expected. Instead of 4 days, it turned into 10 days of traveling throughout Europe. 

I was tired, cranky and annoyed with everything that had just happened in the span of these past 10 days. I had gotten almost no sleep and being 6 months pregnant wasn't helping.

Stripping out of my clothes, I felt too lazy to shower right away so instead, I get the bath ready and step in to relax.

I contemplate and think about what had happened during our trip and how much I really didn't want to see Ace right now. I had enough and was very done with him at the moment. We still hadn't even seen Moly yet as well. We spoke to her on the phone a few days ago and told her why we left so abruptly so she knows of my condition but I have yet to see her.

...0h are you wondering what happened in Germany and how the trip went?

Here let me tell you:

It was basically a waste of our f*cking time.

After meeting the doctor and doing a bunch of tests, which meant poking a whole lot more needles through my body..

 And after many days in and out at the hospital in Germany, the doctor had come to the conclusion that there was nothing he could do to help my condition. 

My cancer was already too aggressive and I was very late in my pregnancy which meant high risk to my baby.

I was prepared for this news, because I already knew there was nothing left to be done. But Ace on the other hand...

Ace was furious at the doctors, his behaviour was out of control. Whenever he felt like it, he would just check out into his own little world, no matter where I was or what I was going through myself. 

I understand it's hard for him too and he's just doing what he can to find a solution but he wasn't accepting the truth and reality which was only making things harder for both of us.

I tried to be supportive but now Im just exhausted from everything.

After the doctor gave us his feedback and Ace went all crazy on him, he told us there was another Doctor somewhere in Europe that we can get a 2nd opinion from.

 Of course Ace wanted nothing more than to go to him. So we did. And after doing a bunch more tests, that doctor told us the same exact thing: Nothing he could do.

We were constantly being referred to new doctors who all couldn't do anything to help my condition. And Ace just couldn't accept that.

Right before we were about to board the plane to come back home, there was another doctor he wanted us to visit. I just couldn't do it anymore. I was tired and exhausted and wanted to go home. That's all I wanted.

To accept the truth and move on with the little time we still had. To try and make the best of it.

Of course an argument started between Ace and I since he wanted us to go see the other doctor but I refused and got my ass on the plane. Protesting to go anywhere but home. 

Eventually he gave in, and the whole plane ride home, we were silent.

The silence on the plane wasn't anything new, since this whole past week had been only silence between us honestly. 

We still hadn't talked about anything that had happened since we heard of my cancer and I knew it was eating us both from the inside.

Wrapping my body in a towel, I finish my 'relaxing' bath and head to the closet to pull out a set of sweatpants to wear. I was so hungry and still had to take my medication that Dr. Ashley had prescribed so after changing into my clothes, I grab my phone and make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Stepping into the kitchen, I see Molly already cooking my favourite food: pasta, God bless her soul.

As soon as she turns and see's me, she drops her spoon and lets out a shaky breath 

"Alex...How was the trip? Do you have good news?" she asks hesitantly feeling like we were both going to break at any moment now.

We had already spoken on the phone during the week when I told her about my recent discovery of the cancer.

And she knew the trip hadn't been going too well so far but she kept hanging onto hope. It felt like I was telling her all over again when I saw her in person right now.

Feeling my eyes water up, I slowly shake my head 'no' and I look down, with my tears falling to the ground "my love" she whispers with pain evident in her voice and eyes.

She instantly pulls me in for a long hug as she can't help but whimper in my arms.

"Why? Why you?" she sobs quietly pulling away and pushing away the strands of hair around my face 

"Molly, it's okay. I'll be okay" I whisper back trying to pull myself together and give her a small smile


he places her hands on my stomach and my heart sinks into my chest.

My baby girl.

I knew exactly what she was thinking and I couldn't think like that right now. I felt like I needed to be strong, not just for my baby, but for Molly who was breaking right now too.

Her puffy eyes meet mine and I grab her hand, taking her to sit on the sofa. Bringing her a glass of water, she calms down and I embrace her in for a hug. 

All these years, Molly had grown to be a my mother figure and I know this news was definitely hard for her too.

After she calms down a bit, we talk about the trip and everything that happened with the different doctors. I also tell her about Ace and his behaviour. 

She argues that he's probably hurting too right now and is just trying to do everything he can. I then tell her how I've decided to just continue with Dr. Ashley's treatment plan that he had proposed to me before since that was basically the only option left to keep me strong enough to continue with my pregnancy.

After eating my dinner and taking my pills, I help Molly clean up and then walk up stairs to the home office to go through my emails. 

There was so much I had to catch up on at work since Ace and I had abruptly left the office for the past 10 days. 

Luckily Sarah and Leila were keeping tabs with us so everything was under control.

Taking a seat on the chair and after looking through a few of my emails, I get a call from Dr. Ashley. Answering the phone, I update him about the trip and how I was ready to start his treatment plan that he had proposed.

We set a date for me to come into the clinic next week and after confirming the time, I see Ace walk in.

"Alright 12pm next Tuesday. Sounds good. Thank you

Dr. Ashley and it was nice catching up. Give my regards to Becky. See you then" I say before hanging up and turning to Ace who was now standing beside me 

"What did he want?" Ace asks 

"We just booked a date for next week to start the treatment plan" I say and then go back to reading my emails 

"We won't be here Tuesday, were flying back in a few days to go visit the other doctor, I already made the appointment" Ace simply says.

Anger starts to seep through and boil in me

 "Ace I already told you, were not going to see another doctor. I never agreed to flying back in a couple days" I say 

"No, you argued that you were tired and wanted to come home to rest. So here we are, rest for a couple days then we head back. That was our agreement"

 "That was never our agreement! I never agreed to this Ace. Cancel the appointment. I'm not going" I argue and take a seat back in my chair and continue to look through my emails

 "Make sure you tell Dr. Ashley you're not going on Tuesday..or don't, doesn't really matter. But we're definitely not going to be here next week so keep that in mind" he says without a care in a world about what I had just told him. 

As he turns to leave, I let out a gasp and feel my heart sink down into my chest after opening an email .

"Oh my god"

Reading the words in the email, it felt so surreal.

Ace turns back to see what just happened

 "What's Wrong?" he asks worried

He looks at the computer screen and reads the email that was of a memorial service announcement that was sent to the both of us 

"Garry passed away" I say
