Chereads / ACE [Billionaire Romance] / Chapter 64 - Episode 64 Butterflies

Chapter 64 - Episode 64 Butterflies

💦 ACE 💦

 {💔 He's broken... She will heal Him ❤ }


 (🌺 He's arrogant..... She's crazy 🌺)

🔥 Billionaire Romance 🔥


 🌺 Alexandra 🌺

 I felt myself getting light headed and knew I needed a drink of water to calm down. As I enter the kitchen,I hear Ace's footsteps follow behind me and he calls out my name

I grab a glass and fill it with water when I notice him stand beside me in the kitchen. Only us two, alone.

"Alexandra, please just listen" he starts to say

I shake my head

 "Im listening Ace!" I slightly yell

 "Look, she came by the office yesterday and wanted to see me. Alex, she's a changed person and means well. She told me her side of the story and how she has changed for the better. She's engaged, she's been working, she even brought back the money, cent for cent that she had taken that day"I slam the glass a little too hard on the counter and turn to him

"How could you agree to sit and talk to her Ace!? Do you not understand how dangerous she can be!? What if you would have gotten hurt? What if something could have happened to you!? What would happened then-" he cuts me off and gently grabs my arms

 "Alexandra! She is your sister. I know you both have a past and it's not easy to forgive and I'm not saying you need to forgive her. But she has put in an effort to change for the better and it's only fair you give her the opportunity to hear her out! She's still your sister by blood Alex, she's your family" he says

I shake my head and close my eyes 

"no she's not... you're my family" I whisper and caress his cheek

He leans his forehead against mine and we both close our eyes, taking in the moment.

"Alex, just listen to what she has to say." he says a few moments later, breaking the silence as he pulls away.

Looking into his icy blue eyes, I gently nod my head and let out a sigh


Sitting at the kitchen island, I rest my head in my hands as I waited for Jennifer to come in.

Ace said he was going to tell her she could come in and I didn't want to make a scene outside with everyone who was sitting there. Therefore, it was better if we just had our conversation inside.

As I waited, I tried to think about how this conversation could go... I felt like I didn't even know my sister anymore.

 She seemed like a total stranger and that there was no possible connection to her anymore.

I hear the glass door, connecting the kitchen to the backyard slide open, and Jennifer walking in.

I put my head up and look at her, as we make brief eye contact. I'm not sure if it was just my hormones, but I felt my heart hurt a little bit. Remembering all the times it was just me and her when we were younger. How we used to be so close... I missed her.


"What are you doing her Jenn?" I ask feeling no emotion

She let's out a breath and takes a seat beside me on the kitchen island stool 

"I was stupid." she starts to say, looking down at her hands 

"Utterly dumb and completely stupid. No words can explain how badly I wish I could go back in time, and change my stupid behaviour."

I don't say anything until she speaks again

 "I decided to turn my life around. Like how you always wanted for me. Il spare you the details since I'm sure Ace can fill you in if he hasn't already but I met Pietro at the lowest point in my life. And he helped me Alex, he helped me become a better person. 

I-I, I know you don't care to hear this, it has no benefit for you and it doesn't change what happened in the past but, I want you to know, that I listened to you. I did what you always wanted for me, what mom always wanted for me. To become a better person and take control of my life. I've been truly happy these past few years Alex. 

But one thing has always and will forever stay with me... the regret on my actions and the pain I caused you. I know no apology will ever be enough but I just want you to know.." she starts to say and places her hand on mine, looking into my eyes 

"I want you to know that I will forever, till I take my last breath, will always be sorry for what pain I caused you and everything I put you through. You never deserved any of it, especially from your sister. I know how you always wanted what's best for me, and in return, I was horrible towards you. I'm so sorry Alexandra" croaks out with tears streaming down her face

She wipes her tears "I don't expect you to ever forgive me, hell, I can't even forgive myself. But I just want you to know that I'm so sorry and I love you, so much."

I try my best to push away my own tears that were starting to form.

I look away and she stands up turning to leave. But before she leaves, she turns to say one more thing.

"I, I know about the cancer" she says in almost a whisper

I close my eyes, now feeling the storm of emotions hit me

Opening my eyes, I feel her arms embracing me from behind as she placed her head in the crook of my neck. I lean into her touch, feeling my sisters warm embrace.

Oh I missed her.

"You don't deserve this" she says as I turn to face her with tears streaming down both of our faces

I sniffle and wipe my tears 

"It's what mom had right?" she asks and I nod my head

 "Do you know how much time-"I cut her off

 "Not much time after the baby comes" I answer with a shaky breath

I felt the pain she was feeling in this moment. It was now I realized, no matter what happened between Jennifer and I, at the end of the day, we were family and we would put aside our differences to be there for the person we loved. For family.

I pull her in for another embrace, A few moments later, she pulls away and raises my head, pushing the few strands of hair away from my face as she tries to pull herself together.

"It's okay Alex, you will be fine. You're strong and I believe in you. It's your birthday and before I came, you were having a good time. Now please get rid of all these thoughts and bring back that smile on your face" she says

Inod my head and stand up, wiping away my tears

 "Jennifer I want you to know, that I'm happy and proud of you. And I know mom would be too"

She gives me a small smile and another hug

 "You've always taken care of people your whole life, including me. Now it's my turn. Alex, if you need anything, I'm a phone call away. I promise this time." she says with seriousness

Inod my head and give hera small 'thank you".

It was hard, I had to admit, to accept my sister back in my life after what she had done. But life is about moving on, not dwelling in the past and I've learned, that forgiveness is important, because no one is perfect and everyone has faults.

After meeting Pietro, (who by the way was a very nice guy!), Ace and I invite them to stay a bit longer but they said they didn't want to disturb the party and had to get going.

Once they left and their car was out of sight, Ace turned to me, holding me in his arms 

"How did it go?" he asks 

"surprisingly well"I breathe out

He gives me a soft smile "Im happy for you"

"Thank you.. for giving me that extra push" I say out as we start heading back to the party 

"Well if there's one thing I've learned after being married to you all these years, its that your a little stubborn sometimes" he says with a chuckle and I gently smack his shoulder

 "Says YOU Mr. I know everything" I joke around

We both head back to the party where luckily, everyone was still having a great time and we do so too!

A couple hours pass by and people were starting to go home. I was also starting to get a little tired after having such an adventurous day today. We say goodbye to all our guests and I thank themn all for coming.

Once everyone had left, it was now only Ace and I.

"Ace" I start to say and pull him into my arms, our faces inches apart

I brush my nose against him and look up into his eyes

 "Thank you for today. Everything you have done today, it was more than I could ever ask for" I say softly

I gently place my lips onto his and he immediately responds to the kiss. He smiles into the kiss and then pulls away with something on his mind 

"What?" I ask 

"The night is not over yet..." he says and takes my hand in his, guiding me to his car 

"W-what? There's MORE!?" I question

When did he plan all this stuff?? 

"Of course there is, it's the love of my life's birthday, you don't think I would do everything in my power to make it special?" he asks as he opens the car door for me 

"but Ace, the minute I woke up, everything you have done has been special!" I say and buckle my seatbelt

He gets into the car and starts it

Pulling out of the drive way, he looks at me 

"It's the last surprise, I promise" 


Ace pulls up to a parking lot with a forest of trees in-front of us and I immediately know where we are.

"The rainbow..." I breathe out

He turns to face me and smiles

 "You remember.."

 "Of course I do" I answer and hold his hand in mine

This is where Ace and I, (well Liam at the time...) came one day after I had a long day at work. This was before I knew Liam was actually Ace. But it's safe to say, this is where I fell for him.

It was our special place, a place to fnd peace in-front of the gorgeous waterfall that is around a 10 minute walk from the parking lot..

Hand in hand, we follow the trail which to my surprise, was all lit up beautifully with lanterns 

"When did you have time to set all of this up?"I question as we walk under the moonlight, following the gorgeously lit up pathway

 "I pulled a few strings here and there" he shrugs and gently squeezes my hand

Upon finally reaching the waterfall, I turn and immediately fall in love.

The tree that we usually would sit under, our tree, was so beautifully lit up with thousands of lights. It was magical! 

"Ace.." I breathe out

 "Do you like it?" he asks looking at me in awe

 "I, I don't know what to say" I answer and look back at him 

"Don't say anything.." he starts to say and pulls out his phone and a small speaker

He turns on the speaker, setting it to the ground and pulls up a song on his phone. Pressing play, he reaches out his hand to me as the music starts to play and I immediately know the song "...Dance with me"

I give him a soft smile and place my hand in his as he pulls me closer.

The guitar starts playing and we both start to hum our song, the song we slowed dance to when we got married in Greece, under the moonlight..

So this is Love.💖

Dancing under the beautiful and magical tree filled with lights, I couldn't help but take a snapshot of a picture perfect moment that would stay in my mind and memory forever. All these years of being married to him, I still had butterflies when around him.

Ace was truly the man of my dreams. Everything he had ever done for me, was remarkable and I felt so special and lucky to be loved by him.

At the end of the song, he twirls me and I end up back in his arms.

After we dance, there was a little picnic set up under the tree. Again I don't know when he planned all of this or who he hired to set all of this up... but I was truly surprised.

After our picnic, we stood near the waterfall and Ace had a lantern in his hand.

"What's this?" I ask as he passes me it and he pulls out a lighter 

"To end off your birthday, is this lantern. It is said that at lantern festivals, you take your significant other, you both make a wish into the lantern, light it up and then send it to float up into the heavens. This way, our wish will reach God faster"

I smile at him 

"Ace Anderson, what else could I possibly wish for. You have given me a day full of surprises and if I asked you to hand me the world, you probably would." I say and place my lips on his 

"I love you" he says

 "I love you more"

With that, we both light up the lantern together, both making our wishes. Looking at each-other, we raise the lantern and let it go free into the air as the wind carries it through, raising higher and higher into the sky until it was out of sight.
