Chereads / ACE [Billionaire Romance] / Chapter 65 - Episode 65 Scarlet

Chapter 65 - Episode 65 Scarlet

💦 ACE 💦

 {💔 He's broken... She will heal Him ❤ }


 (🌺 He's arrogant..... She's crazy 🌺)

🔥 Billionaire Romance 🔥


 🌺 Alexandra 🌺

 Today is the day. Today is the day I give birth to my baby girl.

But before we jump ahead, let's go back to the start of the day.

I woke up this morning, feeling surprisingly well. 1 week left till my due date.

Week. Left.

I can say I was scared, but at the same time, I was really excited. To finally meet our baby girl. I've been trying my best these past few weeks to keep myself feeling as strong as I can be. Even thought it was hard and knowing my coughing was at its worst, I was trying my very best.

Because my baby depended on my body and I needed to stay strong, not just for myself but for her.

Ace had been as per usual, an enormous help and support. 

Him and Molly were always on their top game when it came to giving me all my nutrients and making sure I was eating well.

However despite trying to stay strong and healthy, I still felt the pain and discomfort day by day.

Getting out of bed this morning, I was surprised to feel very well. For a second, I had forgotten about my illness.

It was like a miracle at occurred and that everything felt cleared up.

"Good morning sunshine" Ace says while flipping his pancakes that he was making

I walk up closer to him near the stove and hug him from behind. Still half asleep, I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes 

"Good morning" I say half groggy

My stomach was so big. I felt so heavy carrying my self everywhere and leaning onto Ace was probably not the best thing for him..

"That smells so good" I whine out while sniffing the aroma of delicious pancakes being made by chef Ace.

"We'll take a seat, breakfast will be ready in a couple minutes" he says and flashes me a smile

Oh that perfect face, I melt.

"Okie, Il grab some orange juice" I start to say and walk to the fridge 

"Would you like any? It's sO weird Im having the biggest craving for orange juice right now..." I open the fridge and grab the bottle of juice 

"Im good with coffee" he answers and Continues to finish up with the pancakes and starts to place them on a plate

I close the fridge door and make my way to the breakfast table with my orange juice. All of sudden, we hear a splash thinking I dropped my glass of juice onto the floor.

Ace turns around suddenly looking at me as I looked down at the ground

 "Did you spill the juice?" He asks

We both look at the glass that was still full in my hand...

I look down and take a moment to respond "...I., n-no,

Ace, my water broke" I finally say and look up to meet his eyes

He blinks a couple times before his eyes widen in realization 

"Y-your, water... oh my god your water broke!" He exclaims pointing at the small puddle on the floor 

"Yes that's what I said" I answer 

"..ACE!" I yell snapping him out of his daze 

"Y-yes, What?" He asks looking lost 

"Please grab the hospital bag, and grab the car keys. We should go to the hospital" I say

He nods his head in agreement "yes, hospital bag and car keys. Okay I'm on it" as he pulls his sh!t together

I take a moment to smile at hoW panicked he seemed as he tried to collect everything.

We finally get into the car and Ace drives to the hospital.

The weird thing was, I felt no pain at all. My water had broken and yet I felt no contractions or any pain of any

Sort. I felt fine.

"But aren't you not due till next week?" Ace asks still feeling a bit confused at everything that was going on

 "Well, maybe the baby wants to come early" I say and look at the window 

"You're not in pain?" He asks

I shake my head "no... I feel nothing" I answer and look up at him

Was it a good thing? Was it a bad thing? I wasn't Completely sure but it did feel odd.

Entering the hospital, I'm immediately taken to my own private room and placed on a bed. As we waited for Dr. Ashley to arrive, a few doctors and nurses came to check everything.

"Alexandra, Ace" Dr. Ashley says as he enters my room, Ace who was sitting beside me, immediately stands up.

"Ashley, how is she and the baby doing?" He asks

 "The baby is doing great. She's a week early but it looks like she's ready to come out. Heart beat is normal, everything looks fine" Dr. Ashley says 

"..and Alex?" Ace asks trying to cover the worry that was weeping through in his voice

I take a deep breath ready for anything "Alex... to all of our surprises, seems to be doing... great."

I notice the clenched fist Ace had made from the stress immediately relaxes 

"Now, it doesn't mean the cancer isn't still there. It is and it's still very aggressive. But yet, her breathing seems normal, even better than before and she's in no pain.

We don't know how but Alex, if you can keep up this energy during the birth, than we may be able to operate after the baby is delivered and see if we can remove any parts or the tumour" Dr. Ashley says

I can't help my smile that grows on my face "A-are you, serious?" I ask, Ace immediately turns to me with a big smile and hugs me 

"Now I don't want to get you hopes up, because we can't say for sure. It all will depend on the next few hours of labour and how your body will take it" Dr. Ashley restates

Ace and I pull away and he looks at me with hope in his eyes 

"You can do this" he whispers 

I nod my head, pushing back the tears of happiness.

Which takes us to the actual pushing part..

After 6 whole hours of being through labour, I surprisingly didn't feel much pain. Until it was time to push-

Ace was by my side but he wasn't allowed to hold my hand, considering how I almost broke it when my contractions started to kick in.

But he was still by my side, being as supportive as he's always been.

I wasn't going to lie, this birth was taking a toll on my body, I was so tired and was in so much pain. I just wanted it to be over.

"come on baby, you can do this" Ace says as he bends down to push away pieces of my hair that were sticking to my now very sweaty forehead and places a kiss

After many pushes and lots of yelling, we finally hear crying.

"You did it" Ace whispers beside me with a big smile

I throw my head back onto the pillow out of exhaustion and smile at the sound of our baby crying for the first time.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, you have a healthy baby girl" the doctor says and places our baby girl in my arms

I immediately sit up reaching for our little girl and my heart melts.

"ohhh Ace look" I say with tears in my eyes as I hold her in my arms

I look up to see Ace with tears streaming down his face as he looks down at our baby girl in my arms 

"Our Scarlett" he says looking up at me

I nod my head in delight "Our little Scarlett" I smile back at her

In that moment, it was like falling in love all over again.

This time with our baby girl.
