Chereads / ACE [Billionaire Romance] / Chapter 60 - Episode 60 Nursery

Chapter 60 - Episode 60 Nursery

💦 ACE 💦

 {💔 He's broken... She will heal Him ❤ }


 (🌺 He's arrogant..... She's crazy 🌺)

🔥 Billionaire Romance 🔥


 🌺 Alex 🌺

Sitting on the sandy ground, I breathe in the fresh scent of the salty ocean frisking through the air. Looking to my right, I saw the view of the waves clashing against each other. The different shades of blue that differed, ranging from the lightest blue to the darkest of all the further you looked ahead. 

Then right above the beautiful sea, was the lit up blue sky with perfect white clouds scattered all around, creating different shapes that one may seem to the eye.

It looked like a picture perfect painting.

"Mamma!" I hear the dulcet voice call out

I turn to my right and see the cutest chubby cheeks ever smiling as bright as the sky. Her big blue eyes, which she got from her father, looking straight at me as she points to her slightly tilted sandcastle that she had built.

I get up and walk Over to her as she stands up proudly in her cute little pink swimsuit. Her brown tight locks that were noW wet from the water, hanging down in the messy little bun that was on her tiny head.

"Look! I did it" she says

Smiling at the adorable child in-front of me, I pick her up and tightly squeeze her, giving her one big kiss on her cheek.

"My baby"I inhale her scent. I couldn't get enough of her baby scent. She just smelled too good, even though she was now 5, she still smelled like my little baby girl.

She starts to giggle as I smelled her and gently tickled her in my arms

 "You made that all by yourself?"I ask after putting her down

She nods her head 'yes'

 "Wow! Im so proud of you!"I say taking a seat beside her in the sand

 "Well, not all by myself daddy helped... just a little bit" she squints her eyes 

"Oh did he now? And where's daddy?"I ask raising an eyebrow

She suddenly covers her mouth to stop from letting out a laugh, which begins to worry me 

"Scarlett..?" Before I could turn around, I feel my whole body shiver as a bucket of water is poured all over my back

At least I was wearing a swimsuit..

Letting out a gasp, I open my eyes and see both Ace and

Scarlett laughing their heads of

 "Oh you did not-"I squint my eyes at Ace as he smiles back at me

 "Oh yes I did"

I then grab the bucket and run to the ocean, filling it up

 "Get ready Anderson, it's payback time!!" I yell 

Turning to him with my bucket which was now filled with water, I notice Scarlett holding a smaller one with her, that was already filled.

"It's 2 against one" he says proudly with Scarlett by his side

All of a sudden, Scarlett splashes Ace with her bucket getting him all wet and runs to me 

"Im on mommy's side!" she laughs 

"That's my girl!" I high five her as she helps me

Running around the beach with my beautiful family, I couldn't help but wonder, Why did life seem so perfect?

Everything felt like as it should be. Happiness, that was the perfect feeling...

Running to the ocean to fill up my bucket with more water, I hear Scarlett start to cry out in panic and in fear "Mommy! Don't leave me!" 

"Mommy!" She cries out again, this time more worried and starts to cry when I don't immediately turn around.

"Scarlett honey, I'm not going too far. I'm right here" I say without turning back to her, I continue walking towards the ocean

 "Mommy please come back" she cries out again

It breakS my heart hearing her cry. All I wanted was to turn back around and run to her, holding her tightly in my arms but my body kept walking forward, as if I had no Control over it.

"Baby it's gonna be alright" I say 

"Mommy give me your hand" she says 

I finally reach the water, then I turn around and see her holding her hand out for me, far away

 "I will always be beside you"I whisper with a smile

 "Mommy don't go, I need you" she cries with tears streaming down her face

All of a sudden, she starts to move farther away from me which is when I begin to worry 

"Scarlett?" I yell out and run towards her

 "Mommy don't leave me alone!" 



I jolt out of bed feeling my heart jump out of my chest. 

Opening my eyes, I'm met with the familiar surroundings of 

our bedroom and take a deep breath when realizing it was just a dream.

Putting my head back down on my pillow, I try to remember last nights events. After a few seconds, I start to reconnect my thoughts from last night and the long conversation Ace and I had. 

Last I remember was falling asleep in Ace's arms last night on the floor against the wall. I'm not sure how l exactly ended up on the bed. I must have gotten up in the middle of the night.

Feeling fully awake, I look over at the empty spot beside me on the bed. Ace must have gotten up already. Last nights conversation was rough but it was needed. I feel an overwhelming amount of pain as I remember parts from last night. 

It broke my heart to realize how much pain I was putting Ace through. I hadn't realized that my cancer wasn't only effecting me but it was effecting Ace in a way too.

Deciding to get out of bed, I walk to the bathroom and start to freshen up. Stepping into the shower, I couldn't help but think of my dream. It felt a little hazy as I couldn't exactly remember each detail but I remember the good feeling at the beginning of it. 

Replaying the beautiful beginning part of my dream through my head, I think about how simple and lovely life could be. 

Oh how I wish it could be like that. However all good things must come to amend like in my dream which started to become a nightmare. My heart sinks into my chest thinking about my baby girl.

She's never going to know the real me. Who I was and all the things I would have told her growing up. She wasn't going to have me around for long and that broke a part of me inside. 

There were so many things I wanted to tell her, wanted her to know about me.

Which is when I get an idea...

was time to finally start moving forward. We all knew what was to lay ahead in the next coming months and we simply don't have much time to waste. I wanted to make these last couple months really count and getting everything done in time, for my baby girl.

Pulling my hair up into a bun, I change into my messy sweats that still had paint marks on them from before.

I wanted to finish painting the nursery and finally get it all together by the end of today. I kind of got off track with the painting and it was time to finally finish it.

Walking out of the bedroom and towards the nursery, I notice the door faintly open with music being played.

Pushing the door more open, I see Ace up on the ladder already painting away.

He was jamming with the music and was slightly swaying his hips to the beat. I try to hold in my laugh which results in a huge smile forming on my lips, Knocking on the door to get his attention, I grab a clean brush as he turns to me

 "Need some help?" I question

He immediately turns to me and a smile forms on his face. 

Climbing down his ladder, he lowers the music and walks towards me 

"You're up? Good morning" he says placing a kiss on my forehead

 "I thought it was about time I finished painting this nursery" he says with a soft smile

 "That was exactly what I had in mind"I say placing my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me

We didn't need to speak words. Looking into each other's eyes, we both already knew what we meant. It was like I had finally accepted it. Ace had finally accepted it too.

And it was finally time for both of us to move forward and work together to ensure that the priority was our baby girl.

Which is exactly what we did.

I place a kiss on his lips, savouring the moment. The perfect and light moment where only him and I existed in this empty room. This feeling I always had with him that I never wanted to end. I loved this feeling. I loved him.

All of a sudden, he brings the paint brush that he was holding in his hand up to my face and brushes it against my nose, getting paint all over, Opening my eyes, I raise an eyebrow at him as he can't help but let out a huge grin

 "Did you just get paint on my nose?" 

"Yes I did, and you look so adorable" He says as he paints my nose again

I turn around and dip my hands in the paint, then I turn back towards him, cupping his cheeks

Placing another quick peck on his lips, I pull away hands away leaving the painted hand marks all over his face

 "Now you're even more adorable" I tease

Squinting his eyes at the mess I just made all over his.

 I turn to an unpainted wall and place my hands on it, imprinting my hand prints. Then I feel Ace quickly place his hands onto my ass, grabbing it

 "You did not..."I start to say 

"Of course I did" he smirks as I turn to face him.

I immediately push him gently on his chest, getting even more paint on what used to be his white t-shirt

Oh boy this is about to get messy.

Let's just say that we had a very painting-full morning.
