A couple of gasps could be heard from the room; his sister's eyes widened in shock that their father had slapped his son.
Sebastian knew he was in the wrong, although he felt no remorse for his action. How much longer do I need to wait for him to vent his rage?
Looking into his father's eyes, whose chest was heaving, trying to contain his anger. His father gritted his teeth as he slammed the glass table.
"L—Leave now before I lose my anger with you. While you're out, I have to clean up your mess once again."
Sebastian nods his head, he turned and left the room.
The door shut with a loud noise, he sighed dramatically as he thought about what to do next. He knew he messed up again.
He accidentally killed someone; he didn't think he would get caught because he left fingerprints and DNA on the dead body.
His father is pissed off because he's getting tired of cleaning his mess again. Although he doesn't know the name of the person he killed, it was some random girl he picked up from the underground fight.
The underground fight was a secret place for vampires, where they could release their restless energy.
During that time, he was in a foul mood after winning the fight because it didn't stimulate him as usual, and the girl offered up herself on a platter plate, wanting to get into his pants, not knowing how to take a big fat 'no' for an answer. After stepping into his room, he decided to take a quick shower.
A burst of warm water splashed over him, calming the raging hormones in his body, trying to figure out how to get out of the mess he made.
He would have to get into the morgue and get rid of the dead body, but he would have to avoid the cameras.
It's good thing he knows the hospital place since my father's a reliable doctor. No one would ask him questions or be suspicious of him.
Getting out the shower, drying himself with the towel, and getting dressed in black clothes. He knew it would be a long night for him, so he didn't have to worry about people in the night.
Then his father would get off his back, and he wouldn't have to take care of his mess, proving he isn't as useless as he is.
After walking out, he walked out in the snow, despite not feeling cold at all. The cold air can't hurt him since his body doesn't register the cold.
Walking into the garage to grab a shovel, so he can dig in the woods, where he can burn the body. Looking around to make sure no one was in the distance, although he and his family live a couple of miles away from the city. It was just plain roads, sky, and the lake across from the house.
Let's get this over with.
So his family doesn't nag him about getting careless. Using his supernatural speed to get to the location of the spot that would take a human ten days to get there.
The blur of trees, snow, birds, crickets, and the sounds of howls across the distance didn't distract him from the task. His hair flickering across his face as he stopped before a spot.
It was a perfect spot where he could burn the body; it was far away from the city, and no one would look over here. It was isolated enough. With the shovel, he started digging for an hour.
Wiping the grime and the sweat on his face, he looked at the hole in the ground and smirked as he thought about the next plan. Looking into the menacing moon in the sky, yet there were no stars. It was like a sudden reminder.
The moon is always standing alone, despite being surrounded by thousands of stars, yet they can't understand no matter how you try.
Setting the shovel down in the large hole that would fit enough for a large body, then he could hear a sound in the air.
A cry! Someone is here and sounds like someone is in trouble!
Curiosity flickers within him, like a scratch on the surface. He knew if he ignored it, he's going to be curious about it for days. Closing his eyes as he listens carefully in the distance to locate where the sound is coming from. Pump! — pump! — pump!
Turning around and using his supernatural speed once again, he could smell fresh blood—delicious, divine, and sweet.
Slowing down to a stop, he could see a small figure in the distance, someone who is covered in snow and blood.
The figure is shivering due to the frigid weather. Looking around, he could see lots of de—
Arching his brow, there are lots of dead wolves surrounding the figure. Looking closely, he could tell it was a boy, a youth whose figure is caked in bloodstained, torn shirt, and holding a silver knife that's soaked with crimson blood.
Impossible! A human can't kill that many wolves unless they're highly skilled.
Walking closer to watch the scene, the figure seemed to be startled, turning around with a flinch.
The youth raised his knife in alarm, stepping back warily. Sebastian could tell the boy is exhausted, yet the only thing that keeps him standing is pure determination and willpower. Sebastian smiled carelessly. "Look out behind you."
A gray wolf jumps out from behind the tree, then Sebastian runs in front of him without thinking.
Once the grey wolf jumped for the attack, Sebastian was able to snap his neck with precision. There was no thought for hesitation. It was just a spur of the moment. The boy cried in surprise; the wolf lies on the ground—dead.
Sebastian turned around and saw that the boy was frightened by the sight. Clicking his tongue after realizing his mistake.
He just revealed his true nature before a human. Humans get terrified by things they do not understand. Things that lurk in the night.
What should I do now? Kill him?
He thought silently.