Chapter 2 - MUDSLIDE

- [June 1st, 1979] Friday / {13 years have passed} - 

"Oh come on Sandy! You already used it! I want a turn with it now!"

"I'm still using it to brush her hair — so you have to wait your turn Daisy." said the other girl with mid-long black curly hair, who wore pink ribbons on each side of her hair. She had golden hazel eyes; her skin was light toned naturally brown skin, and had a pink band-aid on the left side of her cheek. 

While the other little girl that she was squabbling with, had short blonde hair that rested on her shoulders — she had a cute button nose, as well as also having golden hazel eyes, and her skin was medium skin toned and she bore freckles around her nose, and had a blue band-aid on her right side of her cheek. Some people would have found it hard to believe that these two girls are actually twins.

Both of the girls wore hand-me-down clothes that looked in pristine condition and coincidently, yet were a little outdated — and ironically, fit them perfectly. The two girls wore clothes of their preferred favourite colours. 

Daisy wore clothes of colours of pink, yellow, and green — while Sandy wore colours of blue, pink, and purple. The two girls were still bickering and fighting for the doll brush and kept insisting that one of them needed more than the other. 

Sandy had a slim and shapely plastic fashion doll; with olive skin, and puffy curly black hair called an Amber doll. It was dressed nicely, with red crimson attire.

Daisy's doll was entirely different from Sandy's — her doll was a green patchy ragdoll. Its hair was made of red yarn and its eyes were button eyes; being a completely different colour from each other. One button eye was blue, while the left button eye was purple. And it wore a pale blue quilt-like dress with yellow soft frills.

"Well, I need it more than you! Juju's hair is messy, and you've had it for more than 5 minutes!" Proclaimed Daisy while raising her voice at Sandy. "Well, obviously my doll requires a lot of care for her hair! And besides… Amber needs it more than that ugly doll of yours!" Spat Sandy. 

Then, out of pure frustration — Daisy tried yanking the hairbrush away from Sandy, and the two started fighting for the little doll brush.

"What's with all the commotion???"

Both girls froze from their little brawl, as they caught the attention of a sudden strict voice. 

"Sandy!!! Daisy!!! What is going on here???" Questioned a girl with platinum silver-white hair, as she walked in on their little quarrel. The girl looked about eight or nine years older than the two little girls who were both four years old. 

The girl was no other than the baby from thirteen years ago — all grown up. She still bore the beautiful platinum silver white hair and beautiful lilac blue eyes. 

Instead, her hair was messy, and poorly cut — as if someone just butchered and chopped her hair. Leaving it to be kept up in a sloppy and messed up ponytail, where some uneven strands of her long side bangs dangled loosely. 

Instead of looking completely healthy and well taken care of — she was awfully thin and looked as if she hadn't eaten in days. Her face developed these awful gaunt and hollow cheeks and was mostly skin and bones. Her skin was very sallow; instead of her original fair skin as her skin was very pale, or more like it was white as a white piece of parchment.

Her clothes were hand-me-downs as well — but weren't in great condition like Daisy's and Sandy's clothes, as their clothes were once her's when she was their age. The clothes she wore were adult men's clothes that were too big and baggy for her small scrawny body — so she used a belt to help keep her trousers from falling. And her clothes had seen better days, as they were torn and stitched in a few places. 

She wore black and white striped over-knee socks that were a little worn out and outdated, but looked like they were taken care of over the years. But were also too big for her awfully thin legs, as they looked a bit loose for her. As for her shoes — she wore and had only a pair of old worn out old black Converse, on which she helps herself to doodle whenever she likes.

"Lilac! Sandy won't let me have a turn with the hairbrush for my dolly and she won't share!" Whined Daisy, pointing at Sandy, who was clinging to the old hair brush.

"Well… Daisy was going to ruin it by using our only brush on her ugly doll!" Sandy grew angry at Daisy for tattling on her, and so she insulted her doll.

"Juju is not ugly! You are!" Daisy spat at Sandy, looking and sounding upset, as tears started to develop.

"Ugly!-... Why You!" Snarled Sandy, as she grew angry at what Daisy called her. She then shoved Daisy, and the two started fighting. Lila steps in and separates the two girls and removes the hairbrush from them. 

"Alright, that's enough!!! Stop fighting for every little thing, you two — and stop insulting each other and stop calling each other names! As for this — you'll get it back, once you two learn to share and love each other like the sisters that you are!!!" Scolded Lila at the two, shoving the hairbrush in the pockets of her torn trousers. 

"What?!? That's not fair!" argued Sandy, looking a bit baffled and teary-eyed. "It doesn't matter if it's 'fair' or not. Neither one of you is getting this back until you two learn to share and get along." Replied Lila, whereas Daisy immediately answered her in a blunt tone. 

"But she started it!" Shouted Daisy with teary eyes, while pointing at Sandy. Sandy snapped at Daisy looking angrier than before. 

"Oh shut up you little snitch! This all started because you wanted to brush that ugly doll's hair and wouldn't stop acting like a complete baby. I sometimes find it hard to believe that we're actually sisters — because we obviously look nothing alike, as we look completely different! I sometimes wish that you got adopted by a family who can handle a big crybaby like you!-" Sandy shouted in frustration, before continuing with her sentence. Lila immediately cuts off what she was going to say, as she gets angry at Sandy, and she then begins scolding her about it.

"Sandy!!! You don't say that to her or anyone, ever, okay!?! That's a very terrible thing to say to your sister, and you shouldn't say such things to anyone!!!" 

Sandy didn't want to admit that what she said was terrible, but still felt angry as she still felt that it wasn't fair that she should be punished for having to share their only brush for an old ragdoll.

Not wanting the twins to continue bickering at each other. She tells the two to apologise for the rude things they had said to each other. And that the two would make up. And hoping that the two would work it out and come to a solution in getting to share things better and start getting along. 

Just as she was about to hug Daisy, telling her of how sorry she was. She instantly froze as she saw Daisy with the brush in her hand, thinking that she might have snatched it from Lila's pockets. Or that maybe Lila must have handed her the brush without her knowing. 

Which of course, upsetted her angrier than she was before.

She stood up from the floor, snatching the ragdoll from Daisy's grasp — and tore off its arm. 

Daisy then started to cry her eyes out, as Sandy ripped her doll Juju's arm off. Lila got more furious at Sandy for her actions and was very disappointed in her. 

"Sandy!!! Why on earth did you do that!?! You know that Juju is a precious doll to Daisy!!!" Scolded Lila, while Sandy didn't bother to look at her, feeling both angry yet ashamed. "Sandy, look at me when I'm talking to you!!! You don't ever do these sorts of things to people no matter what!!! And you don't ever treat your sister and people this way either!!!" While still scolding Sandy, she quickly notices a few tears coming down her angered face. Somewhat understanding the situation, Lila tones down her anger, then starts to speak to her in a calming voice, to be easier on her this time. 

"Look, Sandy… I'm sorry for raising my voice at you earlier, without giving you a reason to hear you out…" She spoke lightly, making Sandy finally face her. "But you have to understand… that you shouldn't be rash and shouldn't be mean towards Daisy. Neither of you should say horrible things to each other. Because I know that you two know that deep down… you love each other. And Sandy, I know that you truly love your little twin sister and that you want to do whatever it takes to protect her. So I don't believe any of the terrible things that you said. Because I know that you and Daisy are good girls."

Sandy glances at Lila, with glassy eyes. Tears well up and wipes the tears with her long-sleeved shirt. With an understanding and sheepish expression, she nervously nodded at what she said. Lila smiles at her, caresses Sandy's curly hair while continuing to talk to her. "Now tell me Sandy… why did you tear Juju's arm off???" asked Lila lightly, and calmly. 

Sandy takes a moment to muster up the words to explain, without breaking another tear. "Well…" she utters in a panic. 

"*Shhh!!!* It's alright. Take a deep breath, and take things slow to try to explain. Whatever you have to say, I'll listen and I'll try to understand. Okay???." Lila shushes her, as well as telling her to take her time to explain, and that she'll try her best to understand. 

"It.. it's because… I saw Daisy with the hairbrush in her hands… and I thought… she might have stolen it from your pockets. Or… that you probably might have secretly given it to her to use instead." 

Lila shook her head, after listening to Sandy's explanation but couldn't blame her for her wildest assumptions. She was probably stressing over the silly hair brush situation as she and Daisy are both children after all — as they will tend to fight for something so small and pointless. 

"I… I didn't steal it! A-and she didn't give me the hairbrush… I-I just picked it up off the floor… and wondered why it was lying on the floor in the first place. I was going to give it back to Lila then noticed that there was a small tear on her short trousers… which I think that it probably fell out from your pocket…" Daisy stuttered nervously as she told Lila, and Sandy with a shy nervous look on her face — thinking that she might be in trouble for not saying anything earlier. 

Lila sticks her hand in the pocket that she stored the brush in, where her hand peeks through the bottom. Knowing now, that it must have fallen out through the bottom tear of her trouser shorts. 

"Oh…You're right." Lila muttered to Daisy, realising the hole in her pocket, as she wiggled her fingers out the hole. "Can't wait to stitch these again — if I have enough thread, hopefully. *Sigh~*" She sighed annoyingly at the thought. 

Sandy now fully understands what had happened — feeling ashamed and embarrassed for what she had done. For doing what she did, out of a huge misunderstanding.

Sandy clears her throat, getting both Lila and Daisy's attention.

"Um… Also, um…" Sandy mumbled. Fidgeting her fingers as she found it hard to gather the words to explain what she wanted to say. Lila places a hand on her shoulder, calmly telling her to take deep breaths and to take her time to calm herself. Sandy did what she told her to do, taking a few deep breaths and clearing her mind. Ready to tell Lila and Daisy what was on her mind, but was a little hesitant about what she was about to say.

"I… I said what I said, because… The other kids at school say that… well… that me and Daisy don't look like each other. And whenever they looked at us… they said that we might both be adopted… Or… That I might be adopted." Sandy said tearfully. Her voice broke every time she spoke and remembered what the other kids at school told her. Lila immediately lifted Sandy's chin and told her. 

"Sandy, look at me." Sandy was still crying, and trying her best to look Lila in the eye. Once she somehow calmed herself down a bit, she finally looked at Lila. 

"Don't listen to anybody who looks at you, and says that you're different. Just because you and Daisy don't share the same hair or skin colour, doesn't mean that you're not twin sisters. Because you two are absolutely sisters — uniquely special and amazing than anyone would ever know. You both get each other better and understand each other like the super twins I know the two of you are!!!" Lila tells her with a warm smile, on her weak frail gaunt face.

More tears came down on Sandy's face after listening to what Lila had told her and her twin. 

Daisy looked almost as shocked about the news she just heard from Sandy. She had no idea that other kids were saying such things about how different they had looked to others. But had a feeling that was what everyone might have thought when they looked at her and Daisy. And was probably the reason why Sandy was acting and behaving rather differently and sour for almost a while now.

Suddenly, Sandy rushes towards Daisy and hugs her tightly, while more tears run down from her face. catching her twin sister completely off guard."I'm sorry… I'm so sorry — I-I got angry at you over nothing… and said a lot of mean things to you…" Sandy said while choking on her teary apology. As she was feeling awful for everything that she said to hurt Daisy extremely. 

Daisy returns her hug, and she too starts crying. "It… It's okay Sandy… I'm sorry too… I should have waited a bit more, and… and I shouldn't act like a baby either… I know that I'm not the type of sister that you wanted… and I'm sorry that we don't look… and sound alike…" Utters Daisy, where tears began to blur out her vision. Sandy instantly pulls away from their hug, being face to face with her twin with a concerned look, realising what Daisy was thinking.

"No!" she exclaimed

"You're perfectly fine just as you are. Forget what I said… I didn't mean the things I said… I shouldn't have listened to the other kids… I was being stupid!"

"I don't think you're stupid!" Daisy scolds Sandy for what she said about herself. Both stayed quiet for a bit, until finally the both of them hugged it out, and apologised to each other. Which made Lila all the more pleased and happy that they were able to make up, and settle down.

Once they separated from their hug, Sandy looked at the doll's torn arm on the floor, and Daisy looked down at her doll's missing arm. Sandy felt terrible for ripping the doll's arm off, so she quickly picked up the doll's arm and tried sticking it back on where she tore the doll's arm. But wasn't able to stick on properly. To make up for what she did, Sandy hands Daisy her Amber doll, telling her that she can share the doll until Juju gets better.

"That's right!!! Juju needs to see the doctor!!! And plenty of rest to get better!!! Luckily doctor Lila's here to help!!!" Stated Lila determinally, while taking the ragdoll off their hands. 

"B-but Lilac, will Juju's arm be fixed?…" Daisy whimpered, looking up at Lila with a worried teary expression, as her bottom lip quivered.

"Don't worry Daisy — I'll fix her up in no time. I'll make sure to see if I have enough thread somewhere so that I can stitch back her arm. For the meantime, though." Lila told her sister while she tore a small piece of her poorly tethered and stitched shirt; rapping the piece of torn cloth around Juju's neck, and placing the doll's torn arm piece inside the little arm sling that she made for the ragdoll. 

"Once I find some thread, Juju will have this arm sling on for the meantime. And once, she's all patched up — she'll be as good as new!" Lila said, easing her little sister from her worries while giving her a big bright grin. 

Both girls looked at Lila and then at each other, both looking relieved to hear that from her. Both twins hugged each other again and apologised to each other again. Telling each other twin that they are the best twin sister they ever had as well as other things to one another. Making Lila chuckle at the two, and relieved to see that things have finally settled down and back to normal. 

Lila hands Juju back to Daisy and tells the two who have started to finally calm down moments later.

"Okay. Now that we all made up. How about we make a trip to the kitchen!!! You girls must be hungry by now??? — Even after all the lively commotion that happened earlier." Mentions Lila, where the girls agree as both theirs and Lila's stomachs began to rumble. 

"Also… While we're finished eating." She then added. "How about I read you a little bit of 'The Young and Amazing Witch! Sabrina Spellcaster!' while we're at it???" Said Lila excitedly while showing the two girls the old comic that she pulled out from one of her not torn pockets of her trousers— with a gleeful excitement and a twinkle in her eyes. 

Daisy and Sandy looked at Lila with worried faces, both looking pale.

"B-but Lilac, won't you get in trouble for having that here?" Asked Daisy, all worried for her sake.

 Lila sees how worried they were of her, but assures them that they have nothing to worry about. 

"Everything will be fine, just as long as Olga is out 'working'. I don't have to worry about her punishing me — besides, it's my favourite and only series! And whenever I read it, I imagine myself in Sabrina's world. Where I get to do magic in her usual and normal everyday life. Where she and her pet black cat Familiar Salem go on these amazing adventures, where she can cast spells and fly a broom!!!" Lila tells her sisters the plot of her favourite comic book.

"Not only that!!! How can I not read something where I share the same hair colour as the main character!?! Though there are a few words that I have a hard time and trouble reading — the drawings help with helping visualise what I need to know!!! It's even better reading the pages over and over again, and can't help wanting a life just like Sabrina's. A teenage girl, who was an only child and lived with her deranged aunt. Thought that she will live the rest of her life in misery until she found out that she was a witch, herself. While her late parents weren't born magical, she was born with magic — making her the first to be born a witch." She said as she squealed with excitement. 

"After finding out how to control her powers, even accidentally and magically turning the stairs to her house into a slide that her aunt was walking down on and later falling into a mud pit that she conjured. Even accidentally turning her pet cat to talk. Or how she accidentally turned her childhood friend Darian Shield into a frog, while turning one of her furniture into a living frog. And so she and her cat go on a small adventure to find a way to turn him back. And..." She rambled on and on, not being able to control her excitement as she visualised the illustrated world of her fictional teenage witch character, wanting to have the same life as the adventurist witch. 

Telling her twin sisters the whole plot of the comic book. Her sisters were already used to her talking about the same things over and over, as they already heard the comic book story, over and over. But were both happy as long as they saw how happy Lila was.

"*Sigh!*.... How I wish I would be as magical as a witch…-" 

Lila clenched on to her favourite comic book tightly, while she talked about desperately wanting to be a witch, like her favourite comic book character. But also hugging the thing that she holds very dearly, as it was a comic book given to her by her father. And reading the comic book, she begins to remember her father, him, and their times together.

Suddenly, as she was busy daydreaming, someone snatched the comic book from her hands. Startling her as she wakes up from her little daydream. She turned around and grew pale, the moment she saw the person leaning beside her. It was a tall middle-aged woman with dark brown hair which she had pinned up in a bun and wore a crimson-red business suit; with sharp shoulder pads. 

She had blue eyes and was a very plump woman with a crooked snub-shaped nose. It was no other than the woman from thirteen years ago. It was Olga, their foster parent. Lila was puzzled by the fact that she came early from work today, and wasn't expecting her to arrive back home until later tonight. But based on her expression and the way she was acting — Lila had a feeling that her boss probably sent her home, for irrational behaviour again. And the look she was giving Lila, was a face that Lila knew what it meant. And was afraid of what was to happen next.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Shouted Olga, gesturing to the old comic book, in full disgust. She knew at that very start that she was going to get into a lot of trouble for owning such a thing in Olga's home. 

Olga — who was awfully religious, found things like the old comic book, as witchcraft or whatnot. And considered everything as the 'Devil's Work'. Such things are prohibited in the household, and if by chance she finds evidence of such things in her home — would be punished by Olga, and sometimes would be done in a crucial, and inhumane way. 

"I can explain, — it is mine, but I-" tried her best to explain herself. But Olga cuts her off again, not giving her a chance to speak. 

"But what? Ms. Evie… Go on?" Olga said in an intimidating, scarcely frightening voice while glaring at her with pure disgust. 

"I-It's mine, it was a gift, given to me by my dad… and so I kept it safe with me. B-but everything that's written and illustrated there isn't real… So-" Stuttered Lila a bit, as she tried to convince Olga, but failed to do so. As she was cut off by Olga tsking at her.

"Look at me." Olga snares, telling Lila to look up and face her. 

But when Lila slowly lifted her head to look at her — her face grew pale, and watched in horror, as Olga tore up her only copy of her precious comic book into pieces. 

Once she was done tearing up the comic book, leaving bits of it crumbling to the floor. She looked at Olga again, with teary eyes, and let out a small little cry and shouted.

"Why?!? — It was a comic book that my dad gave me… You tore up what I had left of my father!!!" 

Olga slapped Lila hard in the face with her back hand and the impact made Lila fall to the ground immediately. Olga's eyes were filled with flames and was disgusted to hear her speak about her father. Olga pulls her up from the ground, by yanking her hair. Being at the same eye level she whispers in her ear, while her grip is still on her hair. 

"Listen here, you little shit — Sebastian is not your father." She stated coldly. "You were left at our doorstep when you were just an infant. Because your real parents didn't want you for their daughter." 

Lila glared at Olga, as she was irritated and angry by the fact that she was calling her an unwanted child and that her birth parents didn't want her. The same cold words that Olga had been repeating to her ever since she was little. The same old and cold words that still stung, and obviously grew sick and tired of hearing the same thing, especially from Olga. 

"Oh ho! What's with that face you're giving me? Don't like what I'm saying about your real mum and dad? Or by the fact that Sebastian didn't want you either." Olga hissed, while slapping Lila in the face again, playfully but with such force. And was mostly bothered by Lila's sudden glare and cockiness. 

Lila was enraged at hearing these sorts of lies Olga spat, but at the same time — she couldn't prevent the tears from falling down her face.

"And it's because of you… that he's-" Olga wanted to continue to torture her some more with her cold bitter words, but immediately stopped herself from saying anything else as she looked to see both Sandy and Daisy, looking terrified. Olga didn't want to traumatise the girls any further, as they were witnessing this horrific event before them. Olga preferred Sandy and Daisy over Lila, yet still treated the two little girls rather unfairly, but not so worse than how she treats Lila.

As Olga loosened her grip, from Lila's hair, and whispered in her ear again. "Listen to me you and listen clearly — I'm going to pretend about everything that you did, and what you said earlier about wanting to be a witch. I will not allow such talk and such things in my house! Such things are from the devil and are works of the hands of evil! — And if by any chance I catch you, somehow bring in more demonic things in my house again. Then consider yourself not having any meals — for a week. Do I make myself clear?" Whispered Olga in a cold menacing and lecturing voice. 

As Lila hesitated to nod, not wanting to give in. But hearing her stomach grumble loudly — given that she hadn't eaten the past week. And so, she agreed to Olga's terms and trembly nodded. 

While she had her approval, Olga finally let go of her hair. Looking and feeling accomplished to have taught Lila a lesson. Lila was left on the floor, feeling hopeless as she began crying about what happened. Sandy and Daisy rushed by her side, to try to comfort her, as they saw her in her pitiful state.

"Now clean this up! After you're done with that — think about what you've done. Oh! And… make sure to sweep and mop the entire upstairs area; don't come downstairs to eat if you're not finished." Olga mutters a little loudly in delight while making her way downstairs. 

As she was halfway down the stairs. Lila, picking up the pieces of her precious comic book, looked up and glared at Olga, as well as glaring and focusing on the stairs for a brief moment. She looked and stared at the stairs, imagining it to turn into a slide, and then imagined the bottom of the stairs to have a mud pit. Where then suddenly and coincidentally the stairs turned into a slide, while towards the bottom of the stairs — was a mud pit. 

Olga instantly lost her footing as she slipped and fell down the stairs that magically turned into a slide — which appeared out of nowhere; then fell straight into the mud pit. 

She screams in horror and disgust, as she and her crimson suit were covered in mud. "AAAAAHHH! WHAT IN BLAZING HELL IS GOING ON!" 

Lila was surprised and shocked by what happened and wasn't sure how it happened either. As she just thought of it, then all of a sudden it became real?…. as if it were magic? 

As Daisy and Sandy looked down at Olga from up the stairs, both couldn't help but chuckle to see her struggling to get up. To them, she looked like a piggy rolling in the mud. She even squealed like one, the more she struggled to stand up. 

Olga was embarrassed and felt humiliated by what was happening to her, and wondered what she did to deserve this. 

Then, it suddenly hit her as she looked up the stairs. She sees Lila, with deep anger and hatred in her eyes, thinking that maybe she had something to do with this? 

"YOU!" Hearing Olga shout, startled Lila leaving goosebumps and chills down her spine. 

"YOU WITCH! YOU DID THIS TO ME! I know you did, you fucking freak!" Shouted Olga, while finally standing up, but still struggled in climbing up the slide to reach Lila.

 Panicked and didn't know what to do — all she could think of was to shut her eyes tightly and imagine that nothing would happen to her. Hoping that Olga wouldn't try and manage to get up, and climb the slide. 

But when she did, the mud pit disappeared and the stairs went back to normal instead. This allowed Olga the opportunity to get up the stairs properly without slipping to get to Lila. 

Lila was upset that this time, what she thought and imagined, what she did before, didn't work earlier.

As Olga quickly ran up and made it up the stairs — yanking Lila, yet again, by the hair with her muddied hand. She grabbed a hold of her hair, pulling her from behind as she was walking through the cramped hallway. Once they stop walking, Olga opens the door of the room that Lila shared with her twin sisters — she throws her in, then locks her up so that she won't get out. 

As the bedroom door had a door knob with a lock on it, and a double deadbolt lock — Olga was the only one who had the only key for the top double lock. 

Once Olga locked Lila inside the room — she yelled at her from the other side of the door, while stuffing the key inside her mud-soiled pockets of her now dirtied red suit.

"YOU WITCH! — YOU VILE FUCKING WITCH! — STAY IN THERE AND DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO GET OUT — UNTIL YOU REALISE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!... filthy monster." Shouted Olga, while adding a hissed insult while walking away. 

Lila picks herself up off the floor, soothing her head from her hair being yanked by Olga, numerous times today. She walked towards a nearby dresser — kicked the corner of it, out of anger and frustration. Then jumped on her bed and started screaming and crying on her pillow, while trying to let out as much of her anger. 

A few minutes passed, and finally lifts her head from the pillow, and mutters softly to herself.

"*Sniff!!!*Why… Why does Olga hate me so much??? Everything I do or say, she always finds fault in it. Finds every reason to despise me." While Lila was questioning herself, about the unanswered questions, where it was obvious to her that Olga just hated her for only ever existing. 

She started to drift her mind to distract herself from the depressing aspects of her life, of the odd events that occurred. And was beginning to wonder, if what happened today was a bit strange — wondering if what happened just now might have been something out of the ordinary. Or something quite ordinary?

"I wonder… If by looking at Olga,… and the stairs… Could that have made the stairs transform into a slide and the mud pit to suddenly appear out of thin air, really happen??? Like in the chapter, what Sabrina did to her aunt???" She mumbles to herself, sounding so sure of herself that maybe her life was almost like that of her favourite comic book.

"No… What am I saying??? What happened today was one of Olga's constructed tricks or schemes. As there probably wasn't a slide and somehow… did some sort of trick to make it seem there was a slide as well as planting a mud pit from the outside — and tried to pin the blame on me." Declared Lila, sounding sure about herself, almost a bit positive about what she said, thinking it was plain logic.

However, until now she had second-guessed her beliefs and wondered if maybe they were true. As she thought how realistic the stairs turned into an actual slide and reverted back to how the stairs were before. And how the mud pit appeared and reappeared at the same time the slide appeared. 

"But… What if… what happened was magic??? And if it was — T-then maybe… Maybe I can do the same type of magic as Sabrina! — Yeah!!! Like on page six, where she transformed her bedroom dresser into a frog! Right after she turned her friend Darian Shields into a frog." Now being convinced, with all the coincidences and other earlier occurrences. Convinced that everything that happened now was probably due to magic. 

Lila excitedly puts her attention towards the nearby dresser that she kicked earlier, hoping to see if she can somehow turn it into a frog. Make it float off the ground, or open its drawers.

She focused on staring at the dresser, trying so hard and imagining for it to turn into a frog or mostly do anything — just like how she did before with the stairs and imagining it into a slide. But nothing seemed to be happening. 

She then tried something else, by extending her arm out — aiming at the drawer while she imagined anything that came to mind, to see if that would do the trick; which ended up not working either. 

After focusing on the old dresser, as hard as she could — imagining it to transform it into whatever she thought of. But after trying so hard in trying to transform the dresser, she was left feeling and looking foolish. Whereas then Lila puts her arm down as she now believes that it was probably all in her head.

"*Pfft!!!* Just as I thought… What happened today was purely a mere coincidence — a very bizarre coincidence or probably hallucinating from not eating for such a long time. There's no way I could've done what I've done earlier. Just like now — I couldn't even do what I did to this old dresser!!!" Stated Lila, as she hoped that something would happen she turned her head for a brief second. But seeing that nothing occurred, and everything in the room looks ordinary and pretty much the same as it was before. 

After everything had happened today, she decided to give up and tried to sleep it off; as the thought of it was making her even more exhausted and stressing her out even more. And thinks that maybe she might have been a bit tired and was probably imagining things. 

Hopefully, by the time she wakes up, Olga would unlock the door to the room, so that she could sneak downstairs and eat something. 

As she readied herself to take a quick nap, ignoring her starving growling stomach. She looked at the dresser one more time. Thinking about her favourite comic book character, Sabrina Spellcaster and about how she couldn't turn the dresser into a frog like her favorite character. 

"I wish…. It was actually magic…. And that I could wield magic myself… Like Sabrina." She muttered to herself, as she felt her eyelids getting heavy.

She turned and faced the other side of the bed, shut her eyes, and finally dozed off. As she was fast asleep for her little nap — without her knowing, the dresser began to change in colours, shrunk and grew in size, turned into odd shapes, turned into a frog; then lastly back to its original form.