Chereads / Lila Evie - House of the Butterflies / Chapter 4 - YOUR A WITCH!!!

Chapter 4 - YOUR A WITCH!!!

After a moment had passed — Lila opened her eyes, finding herself in her room as she then realised that she woke up and was no longer in her dream. She sits up from her bed, and looks around her, making sure that she isn't still dreaming. After clarifying, all around her was real, and that she was back and woken up to reality. 

Confused about what she dreamt, and wasn't sure what even the dream meant. All she learned from the dream was a little girl, who seemed happy and content in seeing as well as being with her Prince's side? She thinks that the dream was probably a dream about a little princess with her grumpy prince. And for some odd reason, Lila felt that the dream felt somewhat familiar to her — and then suddenly, she felt a tear falling down her face. 

Not knowing why she started crying, or why she dreamt of such a dream? She felt longing for it, as she felt the need to return from the dream and also felt saddened for leaving. Not knowing why she's feeling the way she's feeling now over an odd silly dream. She shook her head and told herself that it was simply a weird dream — as dreams tend to be weirder for people, even for her. 

Lila then took a look at the old small clock hung on the wall of the bedroom, and saw that two hours had passed. She slept longer than she anticipated.

Then her stomach started to grumble a bit louder and ached so much more than ever before, for being hungry and for not eating for a long time. As she got up from her bed, hoping to see if Olga came back to unlock the door. 

But as she jiggled the doorknob, seeing that it was still locked. Looking and feeling upset, more tears started to run down, later feeling foolish for ever thinking that Olga would remember that she was still here. She slowly sat down as her back was against the locked door, pulled her legs in towards her, curling herself into a ball; having her face buried between her legs. 

Then out of frustration, she banged the back of her head against the door so many times while her stomach grumbled louder, which filled her eardrums. 

Then… she heard footsteps, making her stop from banging her head against the door. The footsteps were closing in, indicating that somebody was coming, as the footsteps got closer and closer, then heard a familiar voice, in a loud hushed whisper. 

"*Psst!* Lilac — I got you something to eat." 

"Daisy???" She whispered back loudly, happy to hear her little sister.

"The door is still locked, so Sandy is still getting the key from Olga's room, while she's showering!" Whispered Daisy a bit loudly, carrying a tray of leftover food for Lila. 

"Thank you Daisy, but…. I don't want you two to get into trouble for me… I'll just wait for Olga to come and open the door." Lila whispered a little loudly — in a concerned, yet weak and tired voice. Daisy then raised her voice a bit more, still in a whisper. 

"But you haven't eaten in a week! I want you to eat and get better, quickly… I don't want you to get sick or… or…-" Lila interrupts Daisy, trying to calm her, so that she wouldn't raise her voice. 

"It's alright Daisy, I didn't eat for a week because I got in trouble for something I did last week, remember???" 

Daisy then spoke back, looking puzzled yet angry. "In trouble for what?!? You didn't do anything! Olga just got mad at you for getting juice for me and Sandy." 

"But you have to remember, that she invited a man over and specifically informed us to not come downstairs and ruin her night. I was caught and was later punished for it." Said Lila, trying to synthesise with Daisy. "And you have to understand, Olga hasn't been the same since Sebastian-... left six years ago, and it has taken a toll on Olga since then." Thinking that this was probably the reason for everything that Olga's behaviour towards Lila. 

"But that doesn't mean why she has the right to treat you like this for all these years!" Shouted Daisy making it loud for everyone to hear. 

Lila quickly shushes Daisy through the door — for being loud and tries calming her down, as she fears for the worst. She then hears more footsteps coming in their direction, both hoping that it was Sandy coming back with the key. 

Daisy's face fell after seeing that Olga was walking towards her instead; while gripping onto Sandy's arm. 

Olga looked like she just hopped out of the shower, having only to wear a bathrobe and wrapping a bathrobe around her wet hair. On one hand, she gripped Sandy's arm. While on the other arm, she angrily gripped onto a leather belt. 

Once she let go of the poor girl's hand. Sandy tried her best to hide her face from Daisy, not wanting her twin little sister to see what seemed to be a reddened slap mark on her face and eyes filled with tears. Hinting that Olga had caught her trying to steal the key to the bedroom and got Sandy to tell her what she and Daisy were plotting.

Daisy swallowed her saliva in fear that she'd be next. Which was exactly what Olga did, as she came closer to her, immediately slapping Daisy hard on the face. As she saw the tray of food on the floor beside her, already knew that she had brought the tray of food for Lila. 

Olga pushed Daisy to the side, making her fall and lose her footing. 

Olga then kicked the tray full of food over, breaking and spilling the ceramic bowl of Cream of Chicken soup that Lila cooked and prepared earlier today — as well as kicking a glass of water across the floor. Olga looked back at the two girls, looking at them with rage, as if she was betrayed by the two little girls — and with the belt she was gripping onto earlier, and walked towards them — readying to use and hit the twin girls with the belt she brought. 

Lila was hearing all the commotion from the other side of the door — and immediately acted and shouted from her side of the door. 

"Stop!!! — Stop it, please!!! Punish me instead!!! — They had nothing to do with it!!! I told them to unlock the door and bring me food!!!" Shouted Lila, with her eyes balling with tears. 

Olga glared at the two girls and said to them, "Is this true?" 

Both of them stayed silent, not daring to look up and gaze at her, as they grew even more scared of what to do and say. 

"One of you better tell me the truth this instant…" Hissed Olga in a low menacing voice. "Otherwise —" She added, while waving the belt around and then hitting the door where Lila was behind from. 

Both Sandy and Daisy jumped from being spooked by the loud whipping noise of the belt and the loud thud of the door it hit. Sandy was holding onto Daisy tightly while trembling in absolute fear of being slapped again but was also afraid of being hit by the belt if she didn't say anything. 

Daisy's mouth quivered and thought that it would be best to tell the truth, seeing how Sandy was completely terrified just like she was. Hoping to tell the truth about her idea and plot about stealing the key to open the locked door and bringing food to their sister — hoping to have some sort of punishment so Lila wouldn't have to afterward. 

"W-we… I-" But as she opens her mouth, trying not to stutter in her sentences. She stuttered but was immediately interrupted by Lila's sudden cries and begging.

"Olga, what I say is true! I told them to not say anything and to bring me the key so that I could eat the food that they had brought me!!!… If anyone has to be punished for such things… then let it be me!!!" Yelled Lila in a scarce crying voice. 

Olga was finally convinced as she knew deep down that Lila might have bewitched the girls in some way, and made her do her bidding. 

Olga dismisses the girls but tells them somewhat kindly to head downstairs and to be sure to raise the TV volume. Olga tells them this with a cunningly cheesy smile, making the girls grow eerie by her change of personality, as they know very well of her real self, underneath that mask she wears. 

Although both girls were told what Olga had told them to do. Daisy and Sandy didn't want to leave, as they felt their feet glued to the floor, but were mostly worried and concerned for Lila.

Olga was growing impatient with them, seeing as they weren't moving from their spot. So she came closer to them and raised her belt to scare them. They flinched and they quickly ran downstairs, where they quickly went to the living room and turned on the TV, setting it to a kid's show and raising the volume up.

But no matter how loud they set the volume up. As the twin girls were about to hear something, the television wouldn't muffle the noise that would be heard upstairs. The twin girls heard their bedroom door unlock upstairs — then not a moment later, they heard a loud bang and thud, then immediately heard whips and screams upstairs. 

Although the television was already on high volume, both the twins covered their ears as they sobbed, as they could still hear the loud cries coming upstairs. Lila crying and begging for help as she was being punished

"YOU INSOLENT WITCH! HOW COULD YOU BEWITCH THOSE TWO LITTLE INNOCENT GIRLS!" Shouted Olga while continuing to beat Lila to the pulp.

"YOU DROVE SEBASTIAN AWAY! AND NOW YOU'RE TRYING TO USE YOUR WITCHCRAFT ON THE GIRLS TOO!?! YOU FUCKING WITCH!" Shouted Olga, while her yelling and Lila's screams of agony echoed loudly upstairs to the downstairs living room. 

Daisy and Sandy both hugged each other, as they wept for their older sisters' tormented cries. 

Sandy sees her younger twin, sucking on her thumb while gripping Sandy's shirt. She then lets Daisy hug her Amber doll, as she saw how terrified she was of what was happening upstairs. This helped a bit, but still couldn't drown out the loud cries. 

Both Daisy and Sandy hugged each other tightly again, Daisy holding on to the Amber doll as she trembled beneath her twin's trembling arms.

"It's okay… everything is going to be okay.." both twins telling each other that it would be okay and that they had each other. 

While the mix sounds of both cartoons from the TV, and the horrific sounds playing in the background — the twins' sobs are infused with the noise and other sounds. Almost took back what they had said to each other, as they both thought and wondered how any of this was going to be okay?

After an hour passed, Olga left the bedroom — finishing what she did — leaving Lila on the cold wooden floor where she beat her senseless, leaving the bedroom door open then headed back to her bedroom to get dressed. 

Daisy and Sandy quickly ran upstairs as they heard that the coast was clear. They quickly ran upstairs, worried and concerned for their older sister as they hurried to see if Lila was alright. 

But once they reached the bedroom, they were mortified by the scenery of what they were witnessing before them. Lila was on the floor, covered in belt markings and what seemed that in some places, the belt broke the skin — scarring her upper arms, legs, and abdomen area, as blood started slowly appearing through her clothes. 

Lila heard that both girls came into the room, seeing her in her condition as she tried getting up. Where Daisy and Sandy ran quickly to help her, as they saw her struggling. 

Once they helped her up, she slowly made her way to her bed and sat there, while getting her worn-out torn blanket to cover herself — to not have the girls see her saddened state any further. 

Catching her off guard, they removed her blanket out of the way and immediately hugged Lila. The twins hugged her as they both cried and sobbed, shocked and appalled by the condition Lila was in.

Taken aback by their hug, surprised that they weren't disgusted in seeing her in her current state. 

Lila hugged them back tightly, and the three of them began crying their eyes out. 

Lila faces them while wiping her tears off her face, looking concerned and worried for the twins after seeing the faint hand mark on both their bandaged cheeks. "Are you two alright???" She speaks in a weak quivering voice. 

"We should be asking you that!" Shouted Sandy, chokingly with tears falling down her face even more. 

"Why would you do that!? Why would you lie and let her beat you up and not let her punish us instead?!" Daisy then argued — she spoke in turn for Sandy. Both twins tried to fathom what Lila's reasons may be for taking in this type of torment and sacrifices for them? 

"I'd rather it be me to have the beatings, than having you two being beaten. And I gotta tell you… You're both lucky that it wasn't you two… otherwise, you both would've been in more serious pain-" Lila tried her best to give the two an insight as well as an explanation, but just angered the twins with her reasons. 

So much so that Sandy then snapped at Lila, as she and Daisy couldn't believe what they were hearing? "We're serious Lila! You should stop this or else this will become far worse for you! We don't want anything bad happening to you!"

Lila was shocked to see and hear Sandy raising her voice at her, as she and Daisy had never done so to begin with.

"We are not going to just stay back and watch you killing yourself like this… It scares me… us… we don't want to lose y-you… If only you see that by now…" Daisy then added as she was choking up from the thought of what she feared would happen if Lila continued protecting them. 

Lila saw them worrying for her, she knew how much they loved and cared for her, as she was the only one responsible for taking care of the two; making sure they were safe and protected. Ever since Sebastian's disappearance, things haven't been the same with them living in the house. 

Olga, their 'mother', let alone caretaker, had changed after their father's disappearance — Lila has always remembered her as a loving person, a caring, and nurturing parent, who loved her family deeply. But now and ever since then… she was someone who despised Lila from her very core. 

Lila compared her mother from when she remembered as a child to the person she knew then, feeling that Olga as well as her memory of her mother were entirely and completely different people. Completely different from the kind loving mother she knew and remembered. The one she has living with them is the complete opposite and is a cruel person, who simply looks at Lila as if she were a parasite. 

Olga had always put Lila through hell, torturing her — even breaking the news to her at the age of six, of her not being their biological child, and being nothing more than merely an orphan. Telling Lila that she and Sebastian took her in when she was an infant, who was left on their doorstep. Then showing Lila the letter that was left with her, proving that she was left as an orphan and that nobody wanted her.

Ever since Sebastian's disappearance, Lila was never told where and how his disappearance was her fault — but all Olga thought of instead of telling her the main reason, was to blame Lila for Sebastian's disappearance, for either being alive or mostly being even born. 

And as a punishment for even being born, or for whatever Lila did to make her deserve what she did. Olga had forced her out of school and made her stay home to take care of things such as cooking and cleaning as well as helping her take care of the twins — things to make up for everything that Lila did. 

But in reality, Lila was really mostly stuck in being a slave, never setting foot outside, and being kept indoors to be Olga's 'punishing bag' for whatever Lila did to give her a reason to 'discipline' her — or whenever she felt like it. 

Even if Lila was kept as a slave, she still did her best to raise her sisters — like she did when they were just babies and had no idea what she was even doing. But after all these years, she will always be there to protect them from harm's way and from Olga's beatings.

Sandy and Daisy went and fetched the small first aid kit that they kept in the kitchen cupboards. Lila still didn't want either of them to see her wounds, or burden them anymore as she tried to cover the rest with the old stitched-up blanket. But remained silent as she knew that they would still bandage her up even if she insisted.

Once she was all patched up, she muttered to the two, "Thank you… and-" She mumbled, before finishing what she was going to say next. Sandy and Daisy then looked at Lila, seeing the tears welling up in her eyes and seeing her lip quiver.

"I'm sorry for not being strong enough to even fend for myself… I let this happen because I want you two to be safe. But even so… I'm still going to do my part to protect the two of you. And I hope that the two of you can forgive me for being this stubborn???" She told them, and both looked at her with wide concern on their faces. Flabbergasted, but not surprised with what she said as they knew that she was never going to listen. Disappointed after listening to her saying that she would never stop with the risks she had put herself into.

"But…" Lila started, "If I'm ever in need of help… or if I'm somewhat in trouble — I know that you two will always be there to come to my aid. If I'm ever in danger." She said lastly with a teary reassuring smile. 

Sandy and Daisy quickly embraced Lila in a tight hug. But being mindful of her bandaged wounds. Both happily sobbing under their older sister's torn shirt.

"W-we promise… W-w'ell do our very best to protect you too, Lilac!" Both cried in unison. 

Lila returned the hug and kissed the top of the heads, whispering to the two with more tears falling down her face. "I love you girls… never forget that."

"We love you too!!!" Both twins replied tearfully in unison.


The next morning — everything seemed to be a bit more normal than what happened yesterday. Lila immediately woke up and quickly got dressed, wearing the same clothes from yesterday. She jumped off her bed, stood up, and stretched — feeling a bit sore, as well as her lower back ached from the springs of her bed. There was nothing she could do about it, only to simply just ignore it as best as she could, like ignoring the bandaged mark belt wounds she bore on her body. Which was easier said than done. 

Lila walked over to the twins' bunk beds to wake them to get ready for school. Both twins squirmed, not wanting to wake up. Daisy felt comfortable hugging her doll Juju while she slept, as Sandy slept comfortably hugging her Amber doll.

As the twins were still deep in their sleep. Lila decided to head downstairs and head to the kitchen to start making today's breakfast for Olga and her sisters. She didn't have to make food for someone who has been mostly torturing her, her entire life — but if she didn't do anything that Olga says, especially in doing her daily chores. Then Olga would force her sisters to have the same fate as Lila. This is exactly why Lila takes the torture and beatings if it meant that her sisters wouldn't end up in the same situation as her.

The twins eventually got up, after a few light shoves and nudges from their older sister as they quickly got dressed and ate their morning breakfast. Once they were fully dressed and had their breakfast and got ready for school. 

The house seemed rather quiet as Olga and the twins left. The twins headed to school, Olga drove them while she drove herself to work, while Lila was left alone. And seeing that everybody had left for work and school, she went ahead and readied herself to get the chores done. 

After cleaning and fixing the beds of every bedroom — taking down the light amount of dirty laundry from their bedroom and the heavy amount from Olga's. 

While gathering both baskets filled with clothes, Lila passed one of the bedrooms by her and her twin sisters, which was always locked for some reason?

Every time she walked past that one locked bedroom — she would for some reason always feel sad, and would sometimes shed a tear; which she wasn't sure why though? Not knowing what was inside the room, and there was no other way to know since Olga was the only one with the only key for the locked bedroom. A key that she kept very well hidden, even as Lila tried to find the missing key. But always came empty-handed. 


After finally having the upstairs area cleaned, there was only the sitting room area as well as the kitchen and dining room connecting the two rooms — which wouldn't take that much longer to have done as Olga wouldn't be home until noon… or whenever she felt like coming home early again. 

As Lila was finishing up, cleaning the sitting lounge as she picked up the last remaining empty bottles that were laid and scattered on the floor. She felt her stomach grumble and made her way to the kitchen to whip up something since she missed breakfast and was busy doing her usual chores. But mostly for not having anything to eat for about a week. 

As she was making her way to the kitchen, she halted as she heard the postman dropping the mail through the mail slot.

Lila sighed heavily about the bad timing but knew that she could wait just a bit to cook and eat something. And so she went to fetch the mail. 

As usual — bills, bills, and more bills. Since she was semiliterate, she could tell by seeing the red stamp in bold letters, which would only mean that she was behind on her bills.

She took and studied the mail while making her way back to the kitchen, thinking about how Olga would even pay these expenses for both electric and water bills; let alone the mortgage seemed to have increased. 

Whatever she did for work, wouldn't even try to cover for how much she owed, even after she left her work earlier than she did. 

Olga also seemed rather irritated and angry that she no longer was receiving the specific letters from a specific sender, who she guessed had been giving Olga money every about a month.

She saw Olga holding the peculiar envelope once, containing a heavy amount of cash inside.

The money was to help maintain the house and to help feed those who live in it. But Olga obviously spent the majority of it on lavished suits, and food mostly for herself. While Lila tried to help and feed her sisters with whatever they had at home.

Whatever or whoever this person was that had been sending these letters to Olga before they had stopped sending her money. Was none of Lila's business and decided to stay out of it not wanting to get involved in whatever messy situation it might lead to if she were to get involved.

She set the mail on the kitchen counter so that Olga would check on them later once she came back home. Lila rolled up her torn-up sleeves and cooked or heated up what was left over in the fridge from the day.

"*Sigh!!!* Let's see… Milk, eggs, sausages… gross!!! Someone forgot to throw out the spoiled Battenburg Cake from last week… Such a waste." Utters Lila in disgust as she throws out the spoiled cake. She was upset for not grabbing a piece herself, after not having any sweets in her life in a while — but Olga had locked her up by then. 

"Alright, alright!!! Enough lollygagging, and feeling blue or whatever!!! Time to finally eat something, I am so hungry!!!" Muttered Lila to herself lastly, while she decided to prepare herself some leftovers of Bangers and Mash that she made last night while everyone was asleep, but didn't get the chance to eat, only drink a glass of water — as she had to quickly head back to bed for her curfew that Olga had given only to her to follow or else consequences would be given to her after. 

She was glad that it was stored on the way back deep in the fridge. And was lucky that there was some left over for her to eat, Since Olga usually finds the food that she makes, and ends up eating whatever is left, or sometimes throws it in the trash. And at times, she would force Lila to fish it out from the trash and make her eat it. Didn't matter if it was either old or spoiled.

But thank goodness that today was becoming different for once, and for the better. Lila sighed in relief and thought that Thursday was probably going to be a good day, as she also hoped so too — as she was having a good feeling that something might happen today… or something worse.

As she heated up her meal, she sat down at the small dining table, in the dining area — so that she could enjoy and savour her meal. 

"Mmm!!! *Sniff!* Life is truly beautiful!!! *Sniff!!!*" Muttered Lila with a mouth full of food as she began tearing up, feeling emotional as to finally having something to eat after a week without eating. While she ate, she heard a sudden small tapping noise on the dining room window. 

*Tap *Tap *Tap!

"Hmm??? What was that???" Mumbled Lila with her face stuffed with mashed potatoes. She thought it was probably a tree branch hitting the window, which was probably causing the tapping noise. As it seemed to be getting a bit windy. She decided to ignore it, as it was probably nothing. But then, she heard the same tapping again.

*Tap *Tap *Tap!

Lila wiped off the bit of mash that was on her face with her sleeve and got up from her seat to check what was making that noise. And to her surprise, she sees that the one making the little tapping noises was a barn owl, it had a collar medal around its neck with the letter 'O' on it. And what it looked like it was holding a letter on its beak. Gesturing to her to take it.

"Oh!!! What you got there, little guy??? Is this for me???" Lila took the letter from the owl and didn't fly off as it looked like it was waiting for Lila to give them something.

"Oh!!! I'm sorry… you must be hungry… but… I don't know what to give you??? There are frogs and mice lurking by the little garden. If that is what you eat, then you're more than welcome to eat them to your heart's content!!!" She told the barn owl as it eyed its rewarded meal lurking in the grass and little vegetable garden.

As the owl was enjoying its meal, Lila read what was displayed on the letter with a black stamp of an emblem of what looked to be a Horse, Tiger, Eagle, and Cobra as well as a fancy cursive 'O', much like the one on the owl's medal, but was shown in the middle of the five animals of the stamp; above the ink stamped emblem, it read:

"Oasel Aca-'' 

She couldn't make out what the rest said, as it was splattered under the messy stamp sealment — covering mostly half of the emblem piece too. The wax seal had the same words displayed on it but was warped in a way that also became unreadable.

She turned the letter around to see who the sender of the letter was for — and to her surprise; the letter was for her. And though she was semiliterate, she could make out partly some of the words and tried her best to read the rest of the letter, as it read:

"MS. L. '"C"' EVIE,

Bedroom Sharing with two roommates upstairs,

22, The Sorrels, 

Isham, Kettering, 

Northamptonshire NN14 1HU"

Lila's eyes widened at the letter, as she didn't actually realise that the letter was for her. She never got mail, and who would be mailing her? She hardly knew anybody outside her home, and it couldn't be the kids in her neighbourhood that she saw through the living room window. Since, the only ones they knew who lived in the four-bedroom house were Olga, Sandy, and Daisy, while she was kept hidden away from the world.

She was both shocked and a little bit freaked out about how it was even possible for someone to know where she lived since she hardly ever left the house and didn't go to school anymore. But what she was mostly confused and concerned about was that the sender of the letter knew that she shared her bedroom with, as it specified two roommates, meaning her twin little sisters. 

All at once, she was confused and wondered why they sent an owl to deliver her a letter. And wondered who sent it? While Lila was about to open the mysterious letter — she heard the front door opening. 

"Crap!!!" She thought "Who's home so early??? The girls shouldn't be home until later today, and Olga-... Dang it!!!"

Lila had just remembered that Olga had a habit of coming home early whenever she felt like it. Not only because her boss dismisses her due to her ill-mannered behaviour.

Lila heard her footsteps coming closer, and closer. Anxious as she was, and for some reason — she hid the letter in the pocket of her worn-out and torn trousers. 

Lila see's the owl still out in the garden, and quickly scares the owl away, by throwing a piece of sausage from her plate at the owl — where the owl jolted by the sudden throw. It took off with both mouse and sausage in its beak. Lila was relieved that the owl flew away, as she was afraid that Olga might've injured the little guy if she spotted it in her house. 

"What are you doing?" Said Olga with a cold tone, catching Lila leaning out the dining room window. Lila quickly moves away from the window and walks back towards the table, and to retrieve her empty plate. 

"I-I was only eating, I mean… I needed some fresh air and then I was eating… I-I mean…" Stutterd Lila, trying her best to stay neutrally casual. But failed poorly as she looked and sounded somewhat nervous and didn't make much sense with what she was trying to say.

Olga saw her feeling and looked a little nervous as well as looking antsy and uneasy — but didn't care what she was doing as long as she was doing her usual daily chores and only cared that she was out of her sight as soon as possible. 

Lila quickly picked up her plate from the table, as she knew that Olga despised seeing her in the same room even if she sat down to eat. Walking over to the washbasin and cleaning the plate rather quickly and setting it aside to dry — trying to hurry out of the room and out of Olga's menacing presence, and tried making it back upstairs to read her letter in secret. 

But while she was hastily walking away, almost making it out of the dining room — the letter fell out of her pocket, as she forgot that one of her pockets was torn from the bottom and forgot to stitch it.

Olga sees the letter fall from her pockets and on the floor, and picks it up. 

"WAIT!" Said Olga, raising her voice, which made Lila freeze in her place. 

Lila gulped a little loudly, as she was afraid of what Olga might do, considering that she might punish her for being seen eating in the dining room — or probably Olga wanted to beat her a bit more after what happened yesterday or whatever happened today at work? Or probably for the mysterious letter? 

"What is this?" Olga said in a cold menacing voice. 

Lila slowly turned around to face Olga and saw that Olga was holding the letter that she stored away in her pocket, as she wasn't fully aware that her letter had fallen out of her pocket. But then now remembering that it had fallen out because of the hole that she had completely forgotten all about.

Lila was now more nervous and afraid than before and didn't know what Olga might do, now that Lila was hiding things from her, even something such as a letter. A letter that was addressed to her. 

Her eyes were glued to the floor and trying not to look at Olga's gaze as she felt the amount of fear building up. Her palms began to sweat and grew even more anxious about what would come next. 

"I-It's a.. a letter, that has m.. my name on it." Says Lila in a shaky quivering voice — while looking down at her feet later, almost too afraid to look at Olga. 

"Look at me….." demanded Olga in a low motionless, yet strict tone. But Lila was too afraid to look up and to face her. Then Olga shouted at her, "I SAID, LOOK AT ME!" 

This made Lila jump and finally raise her head to look at Olga, and what Lila saw was an emotionless expression, with the fullest amount of anger and disgust in Olga's eyes. Lila immediately speaks, as she fears what Olga might do to her later. And so, she tried to reason with her and see if she could get out of whatever sort of punishment that Olga had planned for her.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you. I-It's just that-" 


Lila was interrupted by a loud tear — and saw before her that Olga was tearing her letter into pieces. 

"What are you doing!?! Stop!!! It's my letter!!! Stop it!!!" Lila Shouted and pleaded, trying to get the remainder of the half torn letter.

But Olga pushed her away and quickly rushed to the kitchen, and burnt the fuller half of the letter on the kitchen stove's fire. 

"Olga!!! NO — !!! Please, Stop!!! Why would you do this!?! Why would you destroy that letter… my letter and-" Lila shouted as she angrily sobbed at Olga with tears running down her face.

Shortly after, she was interrupted by Olga as she walked up to Lila and slapped her across the face, then gripped her face with such force — bringing it up to her face as she said to her.

"If you honestly think that you are going to such a place… to be one of them… to ruin our lives, as you did before… I'll kill you where you stand and make sure that you will never see the light of day again." As Olga spoke with a cold dead serious stare. As the letter that she left on the flaming lit stove, immediately turned to ash. 

"Now, go to your room… Now!" Hissed Olga ever so coldly as she let go of her face and walked away — making her way towards the sitting room to watch television of her favourite show, then going back to work. 

Lila feeling defeated and hopeless, ran upstairs as tears fought their way to fall down her face. Upset about losing something that was hers that she had in her possession for no more than a minute, only to have it completely destroyed. 

Once she made it back to her room, she locked herself in while slamming the door behind her. Although she feels lucky enough to be let off without a scratch — aside from her face, which still felt a little sore from the force grip. 

Overall, she was upset and was engulfed with rage over what happened and what Olga did. Feeling frustrated by everything, she jumped on her bed and screamed and cried on her pillow; and let out every bit of her frustrations and emotions, as she couldn't help but feel hopeless that she didn't stand her ground and fight back. That she yet again, let such things happen to her.

Luckily the girls weren't home, as she didn't want them to see her in her current state. But at the same time, she felt alone. She wanted somebody by her side to comfort her and say what she needed to hear as they soothe her head. Literally anything that would put everything she had bubbling inside, behind her.

Although she barely asks for a little bit of compassion, something that would make her feel loved and wanted. She knew that no one would grant her such things. As she felt that such things are too great to be given, and something too far off from her reach. 

She began harming herself by hurting herself with her own fists, punching herself multiple times, all over her body. 

Angry at Olga, the whole world, her existence; literally at everything. And although it hurt every time, she punched herself. She thought that this was something that she deserved for ever existing.

Maybe that would be the main reason for her to have to hate herself. As whatever she said or did made things worse for herself — and maybe that was also the reason why Olga hated even her to begin with? And what Olga might have said was right about her.

But Lila didn't care anymore, as she knew that Olga would never look at her or treat her as a daughter ever again. That all she was to her was a mere orphan, a monster… a witch.

As she paused her fists from punching herself, remembering the same cold words that Olga had said to Lila, they kept playing over, and over in her head. Making her more depressed than before. 


"YOU VILE FUCKING WITCH!" Olga's voice kept repeating over and over, nonstop.

Then, images played in her mind. Images and memory fragments of Olga tormenting Lila over the years, taking away every bit of hope and happiness that Lila had years prior. 

After curling up into a ball, a voice suddenly began playing in her mind as well as a memory, and the voice sounded familiar to her, as it made her tear up from hearing it after all these years. 

"Don't cry My Little Lilac…"

"Remember that you are extraordinary and will do great things!"

"I love you my brightest little witch! Always be the witch that I know you'll be! Like our favourite witch Sabrina Spellcaster!"

Said the gentle hushed voice, of a man that Lila knew was by the instant, her father Sebastian. 

Remembering his inspirations and kind words. Lila couldn't help but cry, as she missed him dearly. She missed hugging him, talking to him as well as drawing and reading their favourite comic book together of their fictional witch Sabrina Spellcaster. 

Lila couldn't really remember clearly what the memory meant as it was a bit hazy and so long ago that she had heard and imagined it. But she felt that the memory was something that was giving her a sense of comfort, as well as hope and a way to keep moving forward.

With that in mind, she thought and said to herself. While wiping away her tears.

"You know what… who cares if I'm a witch??? Yeah, actually…. I shouldn't feel bad for wanting to be one — Besides, my favourite character is a witch!!! So I think it's pretty amazing if maybe I'm a witch, myself. As long as I can create things and if it makes me happy. Then, I'm glad if I'm a witch!!!" Shouted Lila with a new sense of excitement and confidence. Her eyes beamed with confidence in dedication, as she clenched her hands into a fist.

Then, out of nowhere. She hears a tapping and scratching on the window of her room. Making her jump, as she got spooked by the sudden sound, catching her completely off guard.

 *Tap *Tap *Tap! 

*Scratch *Scratch *Scratch!

Thinking it will be another owl or probably the same owl from last time. But as she walked towards the noise of the tapping from her window, and saw from behind the window that it was a weasel this time, instead of an owl. And it too had a collar medal around its neck — followed by a letter on its harness. 

Lila quickly opens the bedroom window to let the little weasel in. In which it took the letter out from its harness by biting on the edge of the envelope gently; so that there wasn't any sort of damage to the letter, and handed it to Lila. On which she happily and eagerly accepted right away. 

She looked at the letter, hoping if the sender had sent her another letter like the one she had before it turned into ashes.

She was happy as well as relieved to see that it was another letter that was addressed to her, as well as being the exact copy of the one that was destroyed earlier. 

Once she had the second letter in her hands, the weasel then bowed to Lila, indicating that they had done their job in delivering the letter. It made its way back outside the window and towards the back little garden, as it spotted something in the little garden — possibly the frogs and mice that rummaged through the small garden. On which, the critter helped itself by hunting down the little mice and frogs that were rummaging through the garden's produce. 

Once the little weasel made its leave, Lila waved and whispered a little 'thank you' to the letter messenger; and closed the window. 

As Lila sat down, eager and ready to open the envelope that she was given before, wanting to know what the letter was. But before Lila opened the letter, she quickly walked towards the door, making sure to lock it — so that Olga wouldn't come in and destroy it again. 

Although she could still come into the room while locking both top and bottom locks. But she knew that it would buy her some little time to quickly hide the letter, if she heard the lock of the door opening. 

When Lila opened her letter, quickly removing the wax seal and taking the letter out from the envelope — and in complete surprise, the letter began floating in thin air; then it oddly folded itself — turning itself into a paper bird. 

Then, what spooked her a bit more, or what she didn't expect would happen next. Was when the paper bird began speaking, and it spoke using a woman's stern voice. She, as well as it, spoke with a strange accent — one that Lila had never heard anyone speak in such a way.

The paper coughed, to get Lila's attention as it finally spoke:


~ "Oasel Academy ~

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Gregory Deborah

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation, of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Eevee [Evie], 

We have sent you another envelope of your acceptance letter, given the knowledge that your previous letter was destroyed. Not to worry, we will send you another in case this letter becomes lost, stolen, and or destroyed. 

The reason for this letter is to inform you that we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Oasel Academy, a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find the enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on the 1st of September. We await your owl, weasel and or oasel; other by no later than the 31st of July.

Yours Sincerely,

Rita Fletcher,

Deputy Headmistress"

The paper bird then stopped speaking as it read through the entire letter — as it did, it turned back into what it was before; folded itself, and went back inside the envelope. Then landing on Lila's hands.

Luckily she didn't read the entire envelope without needing to struggle and force herself to, and was glad to have an enchanted letter to read everything out loud for her. As she still wouldn't be able to understand what the rest of the letter would have said. Especially when written in cursive.

Lila couldn't believe her own eyes, nor did she think that it was real as she heard the whole message. She couldn't help but chuckle for a bit — as she heard the speaker, or yet alone the paper bird with the stern woman's voice pronouncing her last name wrong. 

But she mainly focused on the letter that turned into a paper bird — and how it was just speaking as if it were a person. She couldn't help how happy she truly felt to hear such wonderful news, even from a little bird. A paper bird, at that.

"A school's acceptance letter… that was sent specifically for me??? And not just any school — a school for witches and wizards??? I-is this for real??? Or does this mean that… that I'm..-" 

Was what she thought — and wasn't able to finish her last sentence after hearing the 'paper bird' letter. 

She couldn't quite believe what she just heard, as she felt she was probably dreaming right now or maybe just imagining everything just then. Maybe from lack of proper sleep, and lack of eating, has finally made her mad. 

But to be a hundred percent sure; she pinched herself so hard to see if she was dreaming or not. But as she did, she was still holding onto the letter in her hands. She opened it one more time slowly, to see if it would turn into a paper bird and speak again. 

As she opened the letter, it instantly turned into a paper bird again, replaying the same message. 

She immediately grabs the floating paper bird letter and folds it back to being a simple written parchment, putting the folded enchanted parchment back inside the envelope as well as putting the letter aside on her bed, as she is at a loss for words. 

Now being convinced that the letter was real, or more like it was alive somehow? Being enhanced with some sort of magic, in order for it to have itself form into a paper bird, and having the ability to speak. 

Even if it's a piece of parchment, and it shouldn't be speaking — but it was, and it spoke twice right before her. 

She also thought how magical it was for both letters to be delivered by none other than a barn owl and a little weasel, as it seemed something that was only possible in fairytale stories. 

She was even more surprised to hear from the paper bird's little beak about her living conditions and about her previous letter — as if it or the sender knew everything about her, and that her previous letter was delivered and destroyed shortly after. 

It was at that point, she knew that it had to be magic, and if it wasn't — then what?

Feeling overwhelmed, tears suddenly formed and dripped down from her face; landing on her acceptance letter. She was crying tears. Not for being upset, but for being happy. Crying tears of joy and felt like it was a dream come true.

"I'm… I'm a witch???

Was what Lila said; and was the only thing that came to mind, while more tears began coming down her face, sounding a bit unsure yet convinced. But then thought that this seemed too good to be true, and still couldn't believe what was actually happening. As if the letter wasn't enough to fully convince her somehow? 

Also thinking, yet again that maybe she might still be probably dreaming, for sure. And was probably having some sort of vivid wild fantasy-type of dream — dreaming about mail-delivering owls and weasels and magical talking paper bird letters. Heck — she had no idea what an oasel was — as it was told and written on the paper bird letter.

"Was it some sort of animal??? Or an object of some sort??? And were the strange occurrences of what happened before also magic???" Was what she thought about, as she also wondered if the strange occurrences from the day before as well as everything that had happened until now; were somehow connected — and were also.

She thinks that maybe with what happened with the stairs and mud pit — could really be the source of magic, caused by her and now this letter. But was still dividedly thinking about the ambiguous thought. Even if she just thought of the scenes and chapters from her comic book, she didn't expect it would suddenly happen as it did.

"Well… maybe it was some sort of a mere stunt or trick that Olga might have constructed so that she could find another reason to put the blame on me??? Or maybe I'm still having some sort of a strange fever-like dream??? Since I haven't eaten in a while…" She told herself, as she couldn't really understand nor explain how any of these occurrences happened at first and how she did it. Thinking that everything that might have happened now and before was something that either Olga had constructed, or something her mind had fabricated. 

"But… what I did before…seemed to be quite real… Even this enchanted letter, this is real too… or maybe— Ugh!!! I don't know what's real and what's not anymore!!! — I just need a sign or something to prove that I'm not actually going mad here!?!-" 

Lila argued to herself, as she grew frustrated. Wanting to know desperately that she wasn't going insane and that she wasn't dreaming and imagining everything up. 

But as she struggled and complained to herself — she heard the dresser rumble a bit, making her to quickly notice. She was a bit startled, as it then began to slowly float — float into mid air. 

As Lila was watching the dresser float in mid-air — her jaw fell to the ground. Both shocked and confused, and wasn't sure what was happening or what she was seeing was even possible. 

Then for a brief moment, the dresser landed back on the ground gently — seeing this startled Lila a bit. 

Not knowing what she did, or if she actually did something to make the dresser float or not. As she only thought of having her weight off her shoulders, but never actually thought that it would mean the dresser would suddenly float out of nowhere.

But just to be sure, that it was her doing. She tried focusing on the dresser, by staring at it; tried making the dresser float again — but no luck — it didn't move and just stayed still. But instead of giving up, and instead making the dresser float. She tried making the drawers open this time without touching and pulling on them. 

After focusing on the dresser for a brief moment again, then imagining them from opening — she suddenly sees one of the drawers move a bit slightly forward on their own. Happily thrilled by her small progress, she then tried doing it again as she stared and focused as well as imagined of the drawers opening a little faster this time. 

And then suddenly — all the drawers flew out of the dresser. Then the drawers quickly flew towards Lila and immediately crashed into the wall behind her — almost hitting Lila, but luckily she ducked just in time.

"What's Going on up there?!? I'm trying to watch my show!"

Olga shouted from downstairs. 

Lila completely forgot that Olga was still downstairs, and was afraid that she would come upstairs to see what she was doing and to find the dresser's drawers as well as tethered clothes on her bed. (More importantly, the holes that were left on the wall, due to the impact of the flying drawers) 

Lila feared that Olga would come upstairs to see and question what was happening; and so — she quickly acted fast, in order for Olga to not come in the bedroom, and accuse her and beat her of witchcraft.

"I'm… I'm sorry — I'll try to keep quiet for now!!! I was just u-upset, and t-took it out on the dresser." Lila replied back. Worriedly wondered if Olga believed what she said, or if she somehow knew that she was lying and would come marching upstairs — barging in at any moment and seeing what was really happening. 

"You're not the only one living here you know! Keep quiet or else I'll come up and teach you a lesson, you fucking bitch!" Olga barked back. Lila sighed in relief as she heard Olga not marching up the stairs, as she heard the television playing on the other side, as well as Olga, snorted in laughter. Almost sounding like a pig was laughing hysterically from the other side of the door. Laughing loudly at whatever was on TV.

"O-okay… I'll keep quiet!!!" Lila replied back, but Olga probably didn't hear her, since she was probably too focused on her favourite show.

Lila was glad that she was focusing on the television rather than on her — as she was safe for now — but thought it was probably best to not make any more ruckus. To keep Olga downstairs with her precious show and television.

But overall — after witnessing what happened in person; the letter, the dresser, the drawers, including the whole stair-slide and mud pit incident. She was finally fully convinced that what was happening and what she did, was actually magic and not just a made-up dream and wasn't her going completely mad.

She grabbed the acceptance letter that she set aside on her bed after putting it away — and hugged it tightly. Being happy and overjoyed that it was actually happening. She opened the letter again, as she wanted to hear the paper bird's message of her acceptance again:


~ "Oasel Academy ~

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Gregory Deborah

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation, of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Eevee [Evie], 

We have sent you another envelope of your acceptance letter, given the knowledge that your previous letter was destroyed. Not to worry, we will send you another in case this letter becomes lost, stolen, and or destroyed. 

The reason for this letter is to inform you that we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Oasel Academy, a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find the enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on the 1st of September. We await your owl, weasel and or oasel; other by no later than the 31st of July.

Yours Sincerely,

Rita Fletcher,

Deputy Headmistress"

After that, she kept replaying the letter, despite having to hear her name being pronounced incorrectly — she wanted to hear the message — over and over. And couldn't be more happy and thrilled that things were actually starting to look bright for her — and for once, she could not wait for her to start her new journey and life. As well as her new voyage at a magical school — finally accepting and believing that she does have magical abilities, like her beloved character Sabrina. And hopes to become the type of witch she hopes to become. That and having the opportunity and chance to live out her dream of becoming a real magical witch.

"I'M A WITCH!!!" Shouted Lila so happily, with tears falling down her eyes — but quickly quieted down as she almost forgot about Olga. But luckily, Olga didn't hear her, since she was still engrossed with her show, as the pig-like laughter could be heard from the other side of the door. 

Lila was relieved that Olga didn't hear what she said, as things would have been gravely worse for her if she did hear her. 

Lila then quickly got up from her bed and began tidying up and tried hiding the visible holes on the walls with some drawings that her sisters drew — and with it, she tapped all the drawings up, to cover up the holes. She was glad that it did, or else her sisters would come back to see the eyesore of the holes that she accidentally caused on the wall; before they came back from school. 

After picking up and folding the rest of the clothes that were scattered on her bed — and placing them in the drawer. Lila grabbed the filled drawers, one by one. And placing them back to where they were on the dresser.

"You're a witch!!!" She said in a loud whisper. "Lila Cynder Evie — You're a witch..." Lila hummed lastly, while happily placing the last drawer in its place.