"Zoe!!!!!" Marge's voice pierced through the fog, and I opened my eyes, startled.

She was standing next to me, her hand on my shoulder, shaking me.

I looked around and realized that everyone was staring at me.

I shook my head. I must have zoned out again.

After my encounter with Master this afternoon, I came back to the club, and had been in a daze.


What was I thinking?

Trying to seduce Master like that!

What the hell was wrong with me?

"Zoe? What the hell is wrong with you? Are you ok?" Marge was staring at me.

Her brows were furrowed, and her eyes were filled with concern.

"Sorry, Marge, I didn't mean to zone out. Were you saying anything? I'm sorry."

Marge frowned and shook her head.

"You've been distracted lately. Are you sure you're ok? You seem a bit out of it today."

"I'm fine. I'm just a little bit tired."

"Maybe you should stop taking the lessons with Master…. You're doing well now…. getting a lot of clients… lots of money."

I bit my lip.

Marge had no idea that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I didn't want to stop the lessons. Even if I learn everything and there was nothing else to learn, I still want to be with him.

I want him.

"It's alright, Marge. I'll be fine." I said.

"If you say so. Anyway, your shift is over. Ramona wants to see you in her office and the girls and I are going to go get some drinks. Do you want to come?" Marge asked.

"No, thanks, Marge. I'm a bit tired. I'll just talk to Ramona and go home." I replied.

"Ok, Zoe, have a goodnight. Get some rest. You look really worn out."

I smiled and watched her walk away.

I sighed and looked around.

I was the only person in the dressing room. I quickly changed into my jeans and top, grabbed my bag, and made my way to Ramona's office.

"Hey, Ramona," I said as I stepped into her office.

Ramona was sitting behind her desk, going through some paperwork.

The smell of cigar and liquor permeated the air.

Her office looked exactly the way you'd expect a pimp's office to look.

Dark and dingy.

A large oak desk, surrounded by dark red walls, and a big, comfortable couch sat in the corner of the room.

There were pictures of Ramona with famous politicians, celebrities, and athletes on the walls, and a huge flat screen TV.

"Zoe." She said without looking up from her desk. "Take a seat."

I took a deep breath and sat down in the chair in front of her desk.

She looked up at me, and gave me a small smile.

"You know when you started working here, I wasn't really sure if you would make it. But here you are, 2 months later, and you're a hit. Our clients love you. They can't seem to get enough of you." Ramona said.

"Thanks, Ramona. I'm glad to hear that." I smiled.

"Yes, well, I was wrong about you. You've proven to be quite valuable. Which is why I have a special job for you." Ramona explained.

"A special job?" I asked.

"Yes. A very special job." She looked down at her desk and shuffled through some papers.

"Trust me when I say the pay is huge. Very huge. In fact, I will even double it. It will be enough for you to finally save up, pay off your mum hospital's debt…. And even move out of that hovel you and your sisters live in." Ramona told me.

I stared at her.

"How do you know about my mum?" I asked her, shocked that she knew.

I hadn't told anyone at the club about my family or how much debt we were in…. except Marge.

I had made a conscious decision not to.

Ramona just waved her hand.

"Don't worry, I try to keep tabs on all my girls." She said.

"And the special job, what is it? I asked.

Ramona looked up and gave me a big grin. "A private party."

"Ok, who's having the party? Will I be the only dancer? Will Marge be there?…. And Lily?" I asked.

"No, just you." Ramona answered.

I was surprised. "Me? But…" I tried to speak but Ramona interrupted.

"Again Zoe, I won't be calling you here , if someone didn't pay a huge sum of money. They insisted on you. Only you." She stated.

"Who is it?" I questioned.

"Doesn't matter. They're filthy rich. They can afford to have whoever they want. You're lucky. The man is offering to double what we usually charge. Fly you all the way to Las Vegas, first class, all expenses paid, and you're also free to enjoy the city while you're there. You won't have to lift a finger or do a thing. All you have to do is dance, and collect your pay. Simple as that. What do you say?" She leaned back in her chair as she spoke.

My jaw dropped.

What the actual fuck? That's a lot.

"How long will I be there?" I asked.

"Just 3 days" Ramona replied.

"3 days?!" I blurted out. That's a lot.

"Is there a problem?" Ramona raised her eyebrows.

"My sisters… my sick mother. Who will look after them." I expressed my concern.

"Oh please Zoe, your mother is in the hospital. And I believe, your sisters are old enough to look after themselves. It's only 3 days. They can manage without you. And you have no idea how much money this client is offering to pay. 3 days and you'll be able to pay off all your mother's debts and even get a better apartment." Ramona advised.

"But…what if they need me?" I stuttered.

"Zoe, do you want this or not?"

I hesitated.

"Look, you can think about it. You don't have to answer immediately. Sleep on it. I'll have the plane ticket and all the details sent over to your house tomorrow ." Ramona smiled at me.

"And if I say No?" I asked.

"Well you're fired. I won't let you into my club again." She said coldly and went back to her work.