I have never been on a plane before.

In fact, this was my first time traveling out of the city.

Marge and I made a pit stop at the airport coffee shop before we headed to the gate.

We sat at a table near the window, with our drinks, watching as the planes landed and took off.

I had always wanted to fly.

Fly to a place far away, where no one knew who I was or where I came from.

Where I had no problem or worry or responsibility.

A place where I could be free.

To run away…

Like my good-for-nothing father.

He was a deadbeat.

He left me and my sisters with a sick mother.

And, no explanation. Nothing. Just gone.

And, for 3 years, we have never heard from him.

"Are you excited?" Marge asked.

"Yeah, kind of." I replied.

"I'm jealous of you, Zoe. You know. You're going to Las Vegas with a bunch of sexy billionaires."

She sipped her coffee and giggled.

"Who knows, you might meet someone you like and fall in love." She said.

I laughed.

"What's so funny? It could happen." Marge said.

"It's not going to happen, Marge." I shook my head.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because…." I trailed off.

Because I could never love anyone, the way I loved Master.

I was obsessed.

Obsessed with his touch. With his scent.

With his smile. With the sound of his voice.

He was a drug.

A drug that was bad for me. It was wrong.

Unhealthy. And, impossible.

"I just can't. Besides, I don't want to. I'm just doing this for the money. Enough money to never have to work again." I explained.

"Ok. If you say so. But, remember, there is nothing wrong with falling in love, Zoe." Marge told me.

"I'm not looking for a relationship, Marge. Trust me the last thing I want to do is end up like you and your boyfriend." I replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marge snapped. "Chris and I are perfectly happy, thank you very much."

"Marge, you don't see the way he treats you. He is an asshole. He takes advantage of your kindness and your love. He is a user, and a loser, and you deserve better." I blurted out.

"That's not true." Marge yelled.

"That's not true…" I scoffed. "The man takes every single penny you earn from your job and spends it on gambling and hookers."

"Well, not all the time." She replied.

"Every single time. Every day. And, then he comes back home, and you take him in." I said.

"He doesn't love you, Marge. He doesn't even care about you." I told her.

I didn't care if I was harsh to her. She needed to hear the fuckin truth.

"Stop it, Zoe." Marge looked away, as her eyes began to water.

"Marge…" I reached out to touch her hand, but she moved away.

"He is the only man I have ever loved. And, I love him. He needs me, Zoe. He needs me." Marge cried.

"But, who is there for you, Marge?" I asked.

"What do you want me to do, Zoe?" She asked. Her tone suddenly changed.

"Huh? Do you want me to be like you…. Miserable… alone… trying to fuck a man who clearly doesn't want you and who I warned you not to fuck?" Marge yelled angrily.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I read your diary. The one you keep in your locker at the club." Marge spat.

My eyes went wide. Marge read my diary!

"Oh, don't look so surprised, Zoe. Who in their stupid mind, would leave a diary in a cubicle, at a strip club? A fucking idiot, that's who." She spat.

"You went through my things?" I yelled in anger.

"No, I didn't go through your things. It was staring me right in my face. I thought I would have a quick read and return it. But then I saw your entries. About Master." She said.

"I…" I tried to speak but she interrupted me.

"What were you thinking Zoe? I told you not to fuck him, and what did you do? You decided to throw yourself at him. What did you get back, Huh? A fucking rejection." She criticized.

"What I do with my life is none of your business?" I yelled.

"Master isn't who you think he is, Zoe. You're not the only one who has a crush on him. He has had several girls, over the years. All of them, rejected and heartbroken, like you. Some of them are still obsessed. You will end up like them. You will end up broken and pathetic." She said to me.

"Fuck you." I yelled.

"You're so selfish, Zoe. So caught up in your own problems… always complaining." Marge began to speak.

"My mother is sick… my dad left… my sisters… Grow the fuck up, Zoe. Life isn't fair. Deal with it. I'm stuck with a man, I hate because he is all I have. You're miserable, because, you refuse to open your eyes and see that there is a whole world out there waiting for you. Just get over your fucking self, and get a fucking life." Marge yelled at me.

I was about to lash out, but the announcements came on the speaker.

"Flight 623 now boarding. Flight 623 to Las Vegas, Nevada, now boarding."

"That's my flight. Goodbye Marge." I said coldly.

I picked up my bags, and left.