By the time I finally got to the city, it was early morning.

Liam had flown me to New York and drove me home.

We stopped in front of my apartment.

"Call me if you need anything." He said.

"Thank you for the help and I'm really sorry about everything." I replied.

"It's fine, Zoe. Take care." He smiled at me.

I got out of the car and watched the car drive away.

I walked into my apartment and flopped down on the bed.

No one was home. My sisters were probably in Marge's apartment.

I didn't want to call Marge or tell her I was back yet so I just lay there. Staring at the ceiling.

Everything felt so crazy to me.

The trip…. the bachelor's party…. Master…. his marriage and also the fight between him and Liam.

"Ughhh" I sighed.

It was supposed to be a 3 days party but here I was at home after the first day.

This was bad.

I wondered if Master had told Ramona about it. That I had left and not completed the 3 days. That I didn't make him happy.

I wondered if he asked for her for a refund.

I hadn't been paid yet. My deal with Ramona was that I would be paid the $100,000 after the 3 days was done.

But with the way things were looking, I don't think I will get the money.

And knowing Ramona, she would get mad fire me too.

I shook my head and buried my face in the pillow. I couldn't stop the tears.

Why did everything have to turn out this way?

I needed the money badly. I was planning on using the money to pay off my mum's hospital debt, pay for extra medical care, move my sisters and I out of this rat hole and buy my mum some medication.

The $100,000 was my only hope and now I had lost it because I couldn't control my stupid feelings.

I should have just f^cked Master and kept him happy.

Even though I hated him for using me.

But, I should have just sucked it up and taken one for the team.

At least I would have gotten the money and helped my mum and siblings.

Now my job was in jeopardy and the money would not come.

I cried until my eyes were red and swollen.

My heart hurt so much and all I wanted to do was curl up and die.

I had screwed everything up.


I don't know when I passed out from crying but by the time I woke up it was mid-day.

I stood up from the bed and stretched. I had made up my mind on what to do.

I was going to go over to Marge place to pick up my sisters and then go to the club to beg Ramona.

I don't care if I have to kneel or lay my face on the ground. I was going to beg to keep my job. If she doesn't give me the $100,000, I will still continue being a stripper.

I didn't care about the money anymore.

All I wanted was to be able to take care of my mum and siblings.

To keep them safe and give them a better life.

No more Master. No more stupid feelings.

The only thing I was going to do was focus on my family.

I walked into the shower and turned it on. The water was very cold. The landlord must have cut the gas supply because I hadn't paid the rent yet.

I sighed. My life was a fcking mess.

But, I wasn't giving up.

I showered and put on a white tee shirt and jeans.

I didn't bother to apply any makeup and left my hair loose.


I got on a bus as soon as I left my apartment and soon enough, I found myself at Marge's place.

I breathed in and knocked on the door.

I knew Marge was going to bombard me with a lot of questions as to why I was back to the city so early.

I knocked on the door and it opened.

It wasn't Marge.

It was her deadbeat boyfriend, Chris.

He was smoking weed and his clothes were stained with god-knows-what.

"What do you want?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. His breath smelt like cheap alcohol.

I almost puked. I wondered how Marge kept putting up with him.

"Is Marge around?" I asked.

"She's out." He replied, and tried to shut the door in my face but I held the door and pushed him aside.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, you little bitch?" He shouted.

I ignored him and stepped inside the house.

"I came here to talk to Marge and pick up my sisters. Where are they?" I asked.

I waved my hand in front of my place. The apartment stinked of smoke and was a mess. There were beer cans and wine bottles everywhere.

"Those little brats? Marge left with them too." He replied.

I frowned.

"First of all my sisters aren't brats. They are the best kids anyone could ask for. And secondly, where did she take them?" I asked.

"The hospital. Something about your mum having a heart attack or something." He replied, nonchalantly.

My eyes grew wide and my heart dropped.

"What??!!!!" I yelled.

"My mum? What's do you mean my mum had a heart attack? Why didn't you tell me earlier? What happened?" I asked.

My voice was frantic and I was freaking out. My mind went to the worst case scenario.

My mum could die.

"Well, the hospital called Marge yesterday. They had been trying to reach you but you weren't picking up your phone or something. Marge tried to reach you again but still couldn't. So, she went to the hospital with your sisters. She couldn't leave them here with me." Noah replied.

I stared in shock. This can't be happening.

I dug my hand into my bag and searched for my phone. It wasn't there. My phone wasn't in my bag.

Then I remembered. I left it at the hotel last night, before going to the bachelor's party.

My phone was in Las Vegas.

Shit. Shit!!!

"Fck!!!!" I yelled as I rushed out of Marge's apartment.

My mum. Oh God. My mum.

She had just woken up from coma and now this. What the hell was going on?

I ran towards the road and stopped the first taxi that came along.

I gave him the hospital name and he drove off.

Oh God, please be okay. Please. Please.

I prayed silently.


The drive to the hospital was torture. My heart kept racing and my palms were getting sweaty.

My mum. I cried.

I didn't want to lose her. It would be too much for me to bear. I bit down on my lips.

I was so stupid. I was in Las Vegas, arguing with Master and getting into a dumb little fight, while my mum was here, fighting for her life.

"I'm so sorry mum." I mouthed to myself.

My hands were shaking and I could feel the tears building up. I was such a stupid child.

When I finally reached the hospital, I threw the driver the money and dashed into the building.

My eyes scanned the place.

Where were they?

"Zoey." A familiar voice called.

I turned around and saw Marge, standing a few feet away.

She was holding a cup of coffee and her eyes looked a bit swollen.

"Marge." I rushed over to her immediately.

"What happened? Where's my mum? Where are my sisters?" I asked in tears. My legs were weak and I felt like collapsing.

I had never been this scared before.

My mum was the only parent I had left.

If anything happens to her. I would die.

"Oh, Zoey." Marge stared at me and shook her head.

She pulled me into a hug and I sobbed.

I wrapped my arms around her and cried.

"Everything is going to be ok." She rubbed my back.

She handed me the cup of coffee and led me down the hall.

"The hospital called me last night, a few minutes after you left for the party. They said your mum suffers a heart attack. I tried to reach you but you weren't picking so I rushed down here with your sisters." Marge said as she handed me the cup of coffee she was holding.

"Drink this. You need it. You look like hell, kid." She added.

I took a sip and continued following her.

"I'm sorry I didn't pick up the phone…I….I left the phone at the hotel. I didn't take it along with me. I'm so sorry, Marge." I replied.

Marge shook her head and placed her arm around me.

"No need to apologize. It's ok." She said.

We finally reached the hospital waiting area. My sisters were sleeping on the chairs. Their small faces looked so tired.

I went over and bent down to their level.

I gently gave them a kiss on their foreheads.

They both woke up and stared at me.

"Zoey!!!" they yelled and jumped into my arms.

"You're back." Victoria said, and gave me a tight hug.

Penelope just stared at me.

I could see that her cheeks were stained with tears. I wiped the tears away and held her.

"I'm here. Everything is going to be fine." I said, and tried to smile.

"Where have you been?" Penelope asked. Her voice was a bit harsh.

"The hospital called. Marge called. We tried to call you. We tried so hard. Why weren't you picking up the phone? Don't you care about mother." Victoria said.

My sisters were staring at me and their eyes were full of hurt and anger.

It made me feel even worse.

They had been through so much in their lives and the last thing they needed was for me to let them down.

But, I had and it was killing me.

"I'm so sorry." I said.

"I…I…" I tried to speak but the guilt and pain was too much.

How could I explain this to them?

I couldn't tell them that I went to strip for money, only for it to be the man I was in love with and I ran away like a coward.

And where's the money? Gone. Poof. Disappeared.

The plan I had set in place. All the hopes I had.

Everything was ruined.

"Your sister went on a business trip and couldn't call. But, she's back now." Marge replied instead.

She shot me a look.

"Right, Zoey?" She added.

"Yeah." I said.

My sisters stared at me for a moment longer and then turned back to their seats.

"Victoria and Penelope. Your sister is doing her best, both for you and your mother. You both know that. You know how hard she has been working these past months. So, give her a break and have a little patience with her. You two are not the only ones struggling." Marge added.

The girls looked at me.

"We are sorry." They said in unison.

They looked so ashamed.

"Don't worry about it. It's ok." I said and kissed them on the forehead.

Then I went over and sat next to Marge.

"Thank you." I said to her. I held her hand and smiled. The tears were coming back again.

"Thank you so much Marge. Thank you for everything. I don't know what I would have done without you. I…I can never repay you for what you have done. Never." I cried.

I buried my head into her shoulder and sobbed.

Marge patted my head. "It's ok, Zoe. You're my best friend and I love you."

She stroked my hair and continued talking. "I know we said a few hurtful things to each other before you got on the plane but it doesn't matter. All I care about right now is that you and your sisters are ok." She added.

She held my face and wiped away my tears.

"So tell me, why are you back so early? The trip was supposed to be for 3 days. Is it because of your mum? Are they still going to pay you?" She asked.

"Who was the Mr X? Tell me everything." Marge questioned. She was being so nice and sweet, but the guilt was eating me up.

I didn't know whether or not to tell her the truth.

That Mr X was Master. That he was getting married. I didn't know if I should tell her about our argument and how I ran away.

How I blew away my chance of getting $100, all because I couldn't control my emotions.

Because I was in love with him.