The ride from the hospital to Marge's apartment was a blur.

Mostly because I cried and cried, the entire time.

The taxi driver kept looking at me, through the rearview mirror.

I guess it was hard for him to see a grown ass woman bawling her eyes out.

He dropped me off in front of Marge's building and I quickly got out.

I gave him a generous tip and he drove off.

I stood on the sidewalk and looked up.

Marge's apartment was on the 5th floor, but I had no energy left in me.

My body felt like lead, and I couldn't move.

I was exhausted.


Worn out.

I closed my eyes and let the tears stream down my cheeks.

My mum did not remember me. She couldn't remember me. She had no idea who I was, or who my sisters were.

"What the hell am I going to do?"

I cried out.

It was as if all the pressure, stress, and anxiety I had been carrying for the last 3 years suddenly came rushing in and consumed me.

I had been holding it together.

Forcing myself not to think about what happened. Forcing myself to be strong for my family. Forcing myself to keep it together.

But I was done.

I couldn't take it anymore.

If the one person who had always been there for me, loved and cared for me, no matter what.

If the one person who had protected and taken care of me my whole life, no longer remembered who I was, or what I meant to her.

Then there was no hope.

There was nothing left for me.

What the fuck was the point of holding on?

"Zoe?... What are you doing standing there?"

A voice pulled me from my thoughts.

I opened my eyes and saw Marge coming down the stairs.

She was dressed in her pajamas and her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun.

"Oh my god. Are you ok? Why are you crying?" She asked

Marge wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I collapsed in her arms.

"It's mom. She's awake." I said.

"What?" Marge exclaimed. "But that's good news. Isn't it?"

I pulled away from her, and looked at her.

"She doesn't remember who I am, Marge. She doesn't remember anything. She doesn't remember my sisters. Or me. Or her life before the accident."

"She can't speak or walk or even remember who she is." I sobbed.

"I don't know what to do. I can't do this." I cried.

"Don't say that, Zoe."Marge hugged me again.

"You took care of her when she was in coma, for three years. The doctors gave up on her, but you never did. You have been here all this time. And look, your hard work paid off. She's alive and awake. That's all that matters."

Marge pulled away and looked at me.

"Now you have to take care of her. Even more now, than you did when she was in coma. Because the road ahead is going to be very rough. You're not alone. I will be there for you. Don't ever forget that." Marge consoled me.

"Thanks, Marge." I smiled at her.

I wiped my face with the back of my hand. I looked at her and smiled. The tears had stopped, and a sense of peace and calm had washed over me.

"Now, let's get you up to my place. I'm going to pour you a glass of wine and we can talk. Ok?" Marge



Marge's apartment was far bigger and better than mine.


She lived alone, wasn't taking care of a sick mother and the only debt she had to pay was her college loan.

She was doing a lot better than me.

And she had no fucking idea how lucky she was.

But, she had her own struggles.

An abusive boyfriend, who kept continuously stole from her and used her.

She was so tired of his shit, but she loved him.

He was her high school sweetheart.

They had dated all through college and then afterwards.

But now, he was nothing but a burden.

He sucked her dry.

He was an asshole.

A selfish, arrogant asshole.

And she deserved better.

But she never left him.

I guess she was too scared or afraid to start over, alone.

So she stuck around, and endured his abuse.

It was hard to watch her.

But, at the end of the day, we all had our battles to fight.

That's why our friendship worked.

I sat on her down on the couch, while she went and got the wine.

"Here you go." She handed me the glass, and I took a sip.

"So, tell me everything about your mum. Is her condition that bad?" She asked.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"I mean, she is awake and alive, but the doctor said she is unlikely to make a full recovery. I'm scared, Marge. What if she stays this way? Forever?" I asked in tears.

"Have hope, Zoe. She will be fine." Marge reassured me.

I nodded and took a big gulp of my drink.

"Anyway. That's not really the reason why I came over here. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."

"Ok. Tell me." She said.

"Well, last night, Ramona offered me a job."

"A job?" Marge's questioned.

"Yeah. A 3-day private dance party with some billionaires. It's a lot of money, Marge. More than what I'm earning at the club." I replied.

"When?" She asked again.

"Well…." I searched my bag for the envelope I saw in the mail this morning.

As Ramona promised, the tickets, the itinerary, and the flight details were there.

I handed it over to her.

Marge took the papers and began flipping through them.

"Whoa! Vegas, baby!" She shrieked, as she examined the documents.

"3 days?! In Las Vegas, at the Grand Luxe resort! How much are they paying you?" Marge asked me.

"$100,000." I answered.

"$100,000." Marge yelled. "Oh my God. That's a lot of money. What did you say? Are you going to do it?" Marge asked.

"That's why I came over here." I placed my drink on the table and looked at her.

"What do you think, Marge? Should I go?" I asked. "I mean, I don't know who these rich men are… Or why they requested for me specifically. I mean there are better dancers out there, right? I asked.

"Zoe, this is an amazing opportunity. If you are worried about them being creepy or something, don't be. Ramona won't just send you off to a bunch of weirdos. Besides, she has a security team that looks after her girls. No one can touch you….. except you want them to. So, you can relax. Just have fun and make the most out of the weekend." She advised me.

"You think so?" I asked again.

"I know so." Marge replied.

"So, I should do it? Go to Vegas and dance for the billionaires?"

"Yes. Yes. YES!" Marge said, excitedly.

"Then you can get you and your sisters out of that lousy apartment. Pay off your debts, and maybe even quit your job at the club. Then you can find a better one. And, who knows, maybe you can save up some money and go back to college."

"Really?" I laughed.

"Maybe." She shrugged.

I looked at Marge and thought about what she said.

It sounded really good.

And, if everything went according to plan, I would finally be free.

"Can you help me look after my sisters while I'm away? I'm not saying you should mother them. Just make sure they go to school…. Oh and that Penelope doesn't kill Victoria before I get back." I chuckled.

"Of course. Anything for you, Zoe." Marge smiled at me.

"Thanks, Marge."

We both looked at each other, and suddenly we burst out laughing.

"So, you're going to Vegas." Marge grinned.

"Looks like it." I replied.

"Oh my God. We have to go shopping. We have to get you the sexiest outfits. So, the billionaires can't resist you." She shrieked.

"You don't have to spend money on me, Marge."

"Are you kidding me? We're going shopping tomorrow. Let's make the most of this trip." Marge stated.

"Sounds good."

We both clinked glasses and drank.


I spent the rest of my days shopping for new outfits and preparing for the trip.

I was too busy getting ready for Las Vegas, that I didn't attend any lesson with Master for a week.

I would say I had forgotten about him….

But 'forgotten' was such a strong word.

And, in no way, could I ever forget Master.

I could feel his presence around me, everywhere.

The ghost of his hands and lips lingered on my body.

I guess after the rejection, I needed a break.

My days were preoccupied with visiting mother, practicing at the club, and preparing for Vegas.

And the nights…

Well the nights, were a different story.

I was haunted by dreams and fantasies of a man who will never be mine.

His face, his smile, his touch, and his kiss…

I spent my nights dreaming and wishing it were real.

Wishing he could see me, as more than just a student.

Wishing he could relief my sexual frustration, in a way that a vibrator could never.

It was like a bad drug addiction.….

An addiction that unfortunately, I couldn't quit.

Even though, I tried.

"Fuck you master." I murmured as my fingers played with the black business card Marge gave me.

The card that brought me to him. The card that introduced me to his world.

His world of discipline, power and control.

And, his world, was my darkest fantasy.

I should have burned it when I had the chance.

It was a mistake to keep it, because, now, the temptation was real.

Too real.

I wanted to call him, but I couldn't.

So, instead, I stared at it.

And, it mocked me.

Mocking the feelings I had, that I was trying so hard to suppress.

"Fuck it!" I yelled as I typed in his number and dialed.

The phone rang once, then twice, and finally it went to voice mail.

"This is Mr Blackwood. I'm not available. Leave a message."

His voice was calm and steady, and my body quivered at the sound of it.

"Hi, this is Zoe. Umm... I was just calling to say, that I haven't been attending lessons because I have been busy preparing for a business trip. But I should be back soon. So... yeah.... Bye." I said. I ended the call and stared at the phone.

"Fuck!!!!!!! Zoe, what are you doing?!?!?!?"

I screamed out loud, and threw the phone onto the bed.

"Why the fuck did you call him?" I shook my head, and sighed.

"I'm an idiot."

I'm sure he had a thousand voicemails from a thousand prettier-better looking-girls than me.

And, I was just another one.

Another desperate, horny girl who got attached to a sexy man like him.

"Zoe? Are you ready?"

A voice called out from the door. It was Marge.

She had promised to drive me to the airport.

"I'll be right there." I replied.

I quickly got up and shoved the black business card into the drawer.

"No more distractions." I said.

I had a job to do, and I couldn't afford any slip up.

I picked my phone, and bag and headed for the door.

It was time for me to get over Master and move on.