Chereads / Arcadia's Chronicles: Initium / Chapter 32 - Slave Market (2)

Chapter 32 - Slave Market (2)

 His voice echoed around them with a tone devoid of emotion, as though he had severed his connection with reality. Alejandro wasn't sure if it was a coping mechanism to tolerate it all, but it made him feel better. His earlier claim about buying the proper 'staff' seemed much more genuine now.

"Of course."

"Thank you. Now let's have a look around. And Alexander, should you find anyone of interest, don't hesitate. We have a generous budget of 500 gold coins to play with."

 The General grinned while Alejandro's ears perked up at the mention of the astronomical sum. This was a lot, especially when compared to their first and meager investment. His surprise also told the engineer that the former King's exploits hadn't left the United's walls, which was likely due to the bruised egos of nobles reluctant to admit their losses, especially at the hands of a nobody. For Christopher, however, this financial commitment underscored the importance of this expedition, superseding even the grand revelation that had been the magical crystals. Without a substantial workforce, his burgeoning empire would lack a firm foundation, a prerequisite he had established as one of the two primordial pillars. This was why he now sounded like a corporate magnate. Emotions had no place in machinations of this scale, irrespective of any impending injustices they may encounter.

 After navigating their way through the thrumming crowd, they encountered a rather curious but interesting vendor, the stall in question being a simple and well-maintained hut that had a counter staffed by a man of middling years. He seemed ordinary by all metrics, as he idly puffed on what seemed to be a cigar while observing passersby with disinterested eyes. His attire was clean, but modest, which provided no indication of success or lack thereof. In short, he was an enigma.

 It was only when the trio approached that his eyes changed.

"Well, well! I haven't seen you around before. Is it your first time visiting the market?"

 His voice had a raspy edge, a sure side effect of his smoking habit, while also being mellow, making it oddly comforting. He seemed remarkably forthright as well, a quality the scientist admired in such a place.

"Yes, and we were wondering about what you had to offer."

 Lloyd was quick to reciprocate his direct approach, which seemed to amuse him. The reason why he had even been drawn to this particular stall, amidst the sea of competitors, was because the products weren't displayed, as if to shield them from public scrutiny.

"My selection includes elves, dwarves and humans. They're all healthy and haven't been mistreated whilst in my care. As you may have noticed, my business is being ran very differently, and I take great pride into vetting any potential buyers."

 His gaze then darted around the trio before settling back on Lloyd, undisturbed.

"And I believe you meet the criteria."

 With a swift motion, the old man then lifted a portion of the counter before welcoming them inside, the trio not making itself wait a second longer. What they saw next, however, blew them away. What had appeared like a modest hut on the outside was, in fact, an expansive boutique akin to the ones found lining the bustling streets of a city. The interior decor was simple yet elegant, with amenities adhering to high standards of quality. On the other hand, the layout was significantly different from the usual store, as it was partitioned into numerous chambers that were presumably designated to be the slaves' living quarters. Alexander and Alejandro were also shocked by the unexpected transformation, causing the gatekeeper to even mutter a few words.

"Isn't this super expensive? Why is he looking so…"

 Unfortunately, his trailing thoughts were intercepted by the vendor, who chuckled in response.

"You're right, this did cost me quite a bit, but it's well worth it. It allows me to avoid the upper class and a lot of unsavory characters. I prefer a low-profile approach, you see."

 Alejandro found himself a tad embarrassed, his unbidden thoughts suddenly bare for all to hear, yet he couldn't help but appreciate the man's frankness.

 After letting them wonder for a few more moments, the seller finally got to business.

"I forgot to present myself. I'm Marco Stein. And you all are?"

"I'm Merchant Lloyd, and this is my bodyguard."

"And I'm Alejandro, a gatekeeper of the Gruzian Army."

"What an interesting trio! Very well, I assume you're the buyer, correct?"


"What are you looking for?"

"To be honest, we're looking for everything, and our budget won't be an issue."

 A wisp of a smile flickered on Marco's face, a glint of anticipation dancing in his eyes.

"Very well. Follow me."

 He then led the group in what could only be described as a presentation room, where luxurious chairs, plush and inviting, were arranged in an elegant semicircle. Of course, he readily invited them to take a seat, his years of experience in the business taking over. Once done, he promptly cleared his throat and began.

"First, let's go over the rules: You may not touch the slaves; you may not use magic on the slaves; you may not command the slaves. If you have any questions or concerns, I'll do my best to answer or alleviate them. Breaking these rules will result in your immediate removal from the premises. Are we clear?"

 His tone echoed with finality, and considering his now known wealth, he definitely wasn't someone to be trifled with.

"We understand."

"Perfect! Let's begin."

 Out of nowhere, the trader then clapped thrice, which was almost instantly answered by the creak of doors opening. Mere seconds later and there they were, all neatly lined up behind Marco while meticulously grouped by their races, a scene that mesmerized Christopher.


 He had only caught fleeting glimpses earlier, but he was now being given a chance to behold their beauty, and what a sight it was, forcing him to admit that their ethereal features easily outshone the humans' beside them. Their group, located to Marco's left, consisted of 2 men and 3 women, and they all possessed a regal bearing that suggested an inherent superiority. They were, simply put, a hypnotic existence.

 However, there was one amongst them who particularly stood out, to the point where his eyes had been ensnared. The elf in question was a spellbinding maiden whose beauty was absolute: she boasted a mane of flowing, purplish hair that barely concealed her delicate and pointed ears, while her skin, smooth and unblemished, softly glowed under the ambient light. A cute, button nose also perfectly complemented her hooded sapphire eyes, as well as her thin and soft red lips. Her slender body, meanwhile, was accentuated by a voluptuous chest, lending her an even more royal and dignified aura. Finally, her attire, a risqué ensemble barely covering her sensuous form, seemed custom-tailored to her exquisite physique. To Lloyd, she surpassed the beauty of any model he had ever seen back on Earth.

But unbeknownst to him, this unwavering attention also sparked something else...

[The skill is activating…]