His thoughts were in disarray, as he was in complete disbelief about the window that had just appeared.
How was this possible?! Was this skill not exclusive to objects?! Wait… Had it ever stated such a limitation? It had been his assumption all along, one he now realized to be completely wrong.
As it started to dawn on him, adrenaline began to wildly enter his bloodstream, in turn causing his heart rate to rocket. An already nigh omnipotent skill had suddenly morphed into something even greater. His potential to evaluate talent, a facet he always deemed a weakness, had been unexpectedly addressed — not by the fruits of his effort but by the twist of fate's mischievous hand.
While still grappling with this development, another change in the blue-lit panel suddenly seized his attention.
[Elisen Glynwraek (283) — Female Elf]
The information was nigh identical to what Arcadia's system showed, with the exception of the special abilities, an omission that made sense considering the system's lack of access. There was also the addition of 'Affinities', which was pretty self-explanatory.
As for her stats, they were unbelievable, even when compared to Alexander's. Her vitality, dexterity, intelligence and spirit were all well above average, but what really interested him was her absurdly high magic proficiency which, when coupled with her title and affinity, made her a must-have candidate.
His gaze then lingered on the panel for a few more seconds, still astonished he could even see this. An urge to shout in victorious triumph surged within him, but he instantly quelled it, reminding himself of his goal. Despite this development radically changing the course of his future in Arcadia, his main objective in Gruzia remained unchanged, meaning it was time to use this new tool to immediately further his plans.
Meanwhile, Stein had elected to remain silent in the face of Lloyd's palpable enthusiasm. His experienced eyes had discerned the fervent interest in his treasured elf while also noting the lack of enthusiasm in his other 'products'. This indifference concerned him, compelling Christopher, who had obviously noticed his probing, to swiftly steer the conversation.
"How much for her?"
His voice, though tempered by an undertone of calmness, betrayed a ripple of excitement as he inquired about Elisen's price, causing Marco to pounce on the occasion.
"Well, she's my most prized possession and one that, when she arrived, was incredibly hard to control. On top of being an unparalleled beauty, she's also an extraordinary mage whose magical prowess can frighten even the most seasoned of warriors."
Of course, this was already known by the engineer. What he really needed and wanted to know was if he knew how terrifying she truly was. This back and forth also made it clear that Marco was subtly gauging his financials, as he tried to determine a starting point in the deliberations.
"How interesting… What about her origins? Does she have a special lineage, or was she already a slave when you acquired her? If so, what about her past treatment? Was it as good as it is here?"
The questions were sharp and were his way of knocking down whatever price Marco had in mind. Of course, he'd acquire her irrespective of it, but haggling a bit was certainly fair, especially in a market. It didn't take long before the merchant's discomfort became noticeable, making him proud of quick thinking.
"Her origins are unknown, but she was indeed a slave before I got her. However, her treatment was fantastic, and she was never assaulted in any way, which is a miracle when looking at her. She's definitely worth it."
Marco was resolute, and even though Lloyd had probably gained a slight reduction with this maneuver, he was certain it wouldn't be substantial.
"Fine. Your terms?"
He remained unyielding in his defense to quote a number, very aware of the potential pitfalls, as it could either insult the seller or result in an unreasonable expenditure from his side.
When Stein realized what was happening, he couldn't help but sigh. He had tried, but in vain. From this point on, nothing good would come out of insisting further. With this probing out of the way, the stage was now set for the real negotiation.
"Considering what I've mentioned and her current state, I'm willing to let her go for 150 gold coins."
The scientist, who had already braced himself for an astronomical sum, still nearly choked. This represented 24% of his total budget, which would significantly hinder his purchasing power should he wish to acquire additional personnel. Fortunately, his expression had remained steadfast, revealing nothing to the keen-eyed Marco, who was trying to gauge his emotions.
After allowing a moment of silence to linger, a spark of inspiration ignited in Christopher's mind, causing his eyes to wander across the remainder of the elven group, hoping to find another gem amongst them. Sadly, no one else was worth it, prompting him to shift his scrutiny to the group of all-male dwarves. One, two, three, four… So far, his initial assessment had not been promising, but that was until his gaze fell upon the final figure, where the window that flickered into existence read as follows:
[Thildran Brewthane (93) — Male Dwarf]
Another jackpot!
With an extra dose of adrenaline ramming into his veins, he felt on top of the world. Was this what it felt like to win the lottery?!
But he wasn't done yet.
His attention then shifted to the final group, a collection of humans. Was he really going to get a three out of three?!
Unfortunately, his search ended in disappointment, effectively putting an end to his extensive scouting operation. Of course, Marco was quick to notice his intentions and decided to let the events unfold naturally, as he was pleased to see him finally giving his other 'merchandise' the attention it deserved.
"If I were to purchase these two together, would there be a discount?"
Lloyd nonchalantly pointed to the dwarf, which surprised Stein.
That one? Really?
He had hardly expected to get anything out of him, especially given his age and visibly passed prime. This made the engineer's interest an unexpected boon, and one that inwardly thrilled him. To cover up his excitement, the scientist had remained cool, giving the impression that he was instead doing Marco a favor. His expressions were all well controlled, with his true feelings buried deep beneath layers of practiced neutrality.
"Are you certain? These other dwarves are in their prime and are frankly more proficient in their crafts."
This was Lloyd's victory lap. All he had to do now was bundle these two together, and pull the rug from under his feet.
"I'm sure of it. I'm mostly looking for his experience and since he seems to be the oldest here, he fits my requirements. I assume this'll arrange you as well."
Marco was momentarily caught off guard. He'd long since given up hope of selling Thildran, but he wasn't about to simply give him away either.
After a moment of contemplation and a long, deep breath, he announced his final offer.
"In that case, I'd sell both for 160 gold coins. How about it?"
Lloyd's response was near instantaneous.