Chereads / Arcadia's Chronicles: Initium / Chapter 35 - Auction

Chapter 35 - Auction

"Welcome everyone! It seems like we have quite the crowd today!"

 The opening proclamation was delivered by an enchantress of an announcer, a stunning woman in her prime years swathed in a figure-hugging, abbreviated black skirt. With the grace of a seasoned performer, she confidently commanded the stage, her vibrant energy firing up everyone. Of course, the mob responded instantly to her allure, wolf whistles and ribald remarks soaring through the air. But despite their unabashed lust, she handled it all with a disarming cool, unruffled by the ill-intent that lurked in some corners. It clearly wasn't her first rodeo.

 After rousing the masses for another minute, she then reclaimed her spot at the center of the stage.

"Now, let's review our code of conduct: no unwarranted contact, and absolutely no interference of any kind until the transaction is concluded."

 After pausing for effect and letting everyone hang on her every word, she continued.

"In association with the Slave Trading Syndicate, it gives me great pleasure, as your hostess Karina Ria, to officially declare this auction's opening!"

 The audience erupted into applause, their cheers shaking the very air with enthusiasm and excitement. The fervor was simply deafening, compelling some to even shield their ears. But for Christopher, this scene was straight out of a dystopian nightmare, a period when society hadn't yet evolved. Still, now was not the time for such reflections.

"Alejandro, is that the association operating this place?"

"Yes, they're the ones establishing the rules and overseeing new slave traders. Without their approval, it's impossible to operate here, or in Gruzia for that matter."

 It became evident that the Syndicate was an entity of formidable influence and reach, with nothing off limits. Lloyd could also see the disgust on the gatekeeper's face, as they were clearly the reason why this vile practice had remained popular and untouched over the years. He then glanced back at the stage, where he saw that a new group had ascended, and once they were in position, Karina resumed.

"Our inaugural seller is a representative from the Morrissons' Network, a renowned enterprise that has served the slave trading industry for almost two decades. I'll be leaving him the floor to present his product."

 After introducing them, she gracefully ceded the spotlight to a burly man wearing a pseudo-tuxedo. In response, the crowd's fervor tapered slightly, a surefire sign that they had a middling reputation at best.

"Thank you! As you may know, we've always prided ourselves in offering high quality products at affordable prices, and today will be no different."

 In theatrical fashion, the man then spun on his heel to present the five men who had accompanied him on stage.

"These five are all seasoned soldiers who've been captured by our forces following a failed raid against us. They've been treated well and have suffered no physical or mental abuse. Their training has also been rigorous and ongoing, and they come equipped with standard gear."

 The interest picked up a bit, as this was quite the comprehensive and ready-to-go package for someone in dire need. This prompted Christopher to immediately use his skill and assess them, only to find out that they were as advertised, nothing less and certainly nothing more. He quickly turned towards the General to gauge his interest, only to see that his face was plastered with a disgusted grimace. Clearly, these were not what he had in mind. With them now out of the race, it would instead allow him to measure the market's going rate and, perhaps, validate if he'd received a fair deal earlier.

 "The starting bid will begin at 3 gold coins!"

 And without delay, the auction went off to a roaring start.

"3 gold coins!"


"6 here!"

 Bidders vied against one another by raising their hands and bellowing their bids, thus giving the event a wild and unrefined atmosphere. At the 11 gold coins mark, the race then ground to a halt which, after a final call for any additional bids, was accepted. While not invested in this result, this outcome still made Lloyd extremely satisfied, since it confirmed that he had indeed concluded excellent business.

 As the auction went into full swing, a procession of estates and consortiums then began to spring forth at a pace that could have left even the sharpest mind reeling. But despite the chaotic speed, everything unfolded with a smoothness that bespoke an operation seasoned by experience. However, and sadly for Lloyd and his companions, the offerings had thus far proven little more than mediocre trifles, devoid of any real excitement. Even Alexander hadn't found anything of interest, with his irritation starting to be sensed by the engineer. Still, this was usually how auctions went, with the least impressive products coming out first.

 After another 15 minutes of what could only be qualified as filler, Karina finally repossessed the stage before announcing what they had all been waiting for.

"Esteemed patrons, we shall now proceed to the second phase of the auction!"

 Compared to the roaring wave of applause that had greeted its opening, an almost sacred hush fell over the crowd, with the shoddier attendance slowly fading into the background. It was such a stark change that Christopher immediately turned to Alejandro for explanations, only to see that his counterpart's expression had considerably darkened.

"This is when the elite slave traders showcase their latest and best. From fallen, virgin princesses to disgraced, once powerful mages, nothing is impossible. This is also the stage where the strongest factions flaunt their power, and where the real stakes of the auction come into play."

 Lloyd and Alexander directed their attention back to Karina, whose demeanor had morphed from flamboyant showmanship to something more subdued, further adding to the sense of suffocation and intimidation. The engineer also noticed that a cluster of cubicles, located high above the stage, had come to life, his assumption being that these were the perches of the most influential participants.

 Karina, in her now much more ceremonial tone, then welcomed a man of towering stature and striking looks on stage, his garb radiating unmatched opulence. His arrival also magnetized the audience's focus, making the appearance of his companion, who was nestled in his commanding shadow, quite inconspicuous. The person in question was but a small boy of no more than 10 years old who, at first glance, appeared quite unremarkable. Yet Christopher had learned that looks were often deceiving, and just as he was about to use his ability, he felt the weight of Alexander's hand land on his shoulder. This, of course, made him immediately turn towards him, only to see that he was dumbly grinning with troubling eyes, as they gleamed with the manic energy of someone who had stumbled upon the missing piece of a complex puzzle.

"Get him no matter what."

 He was shocked. The former King, who moments ago had been completely disinterested, now looked completely obsessed with someone who had yet to be introduced. But before he could even ask him why, the presentation began.

"My deepest gratitude to all present today! For those unfamiliar with me, I go by the name of Elias, and I represent the fifth-largest slave trading operation in Gruzia, the Red Circle."

 Instead of the loud and uncoordinated cheers, the crowd instead loudly clapped, a far cry from how the event had unfolded so far. The tension and anticipation, however, were at their peaks, with the audience hanging onto his every word. Satisfied by the reception, the imposing man then quickly ushered the boy into the limelight: a well-developed physique, hair of a rich brown, a sharp nose, tightly drawn lips and a lean face. His clothes were, like Elias', of exceptional quality, suggesting the image of a privileged son rather than a slave. The familiar gleam of the enslavement bracelet was also present, hinting at the fact that it was commonly used among affluent traders. But what truly held Christopher's attention was the boy's gaze, as his eyes simmered with a fervent hatred, a ferocity that he had never seen before. It was not simply an impulse to kill, but a profound desire to inflict pain. The intensity of his stare was so chilling that it even elicited murmurs from the audience, which was probably what had drawn Alexander's interest in the first place.

 With the tension reaching its zenith, a cruel smile etched itself on Elias' face, as he seized this momentum to continue.

"This is Frederick Holland, son and direct heir of the now fallen Emperor, Cedrick The Titan!"

 The audience immediately went into an uproar, prompting the scientist to seek additional context from the gatekeeper. However, the latter's expression had turned ashen, his eyes widening in shock.

"This… This is insanity!"

 He stammered and was clearly unprepared to offer any explanation, leaving Lloyd with no choice but to utilize his skill.

[Frederick Holland (10) — Male Human] : Fallen Heir | <Status>: Slave | <Empire>: None | <Strength>: 25 | <Endurance>: 15 | <Vitality>: 20 | <Dexterity>: 40 | <Intelligence>: 30 | <Magic>: 40 | <Spirit>: 100 | <Luck>: 10 | <Special Abilities>: [Unauthorized access. Requires <Arcadia's System> database.] | <Affinities>: Berserker.</strong></p><p> The raw numbers bore testament to the boy's phenomenal potential, which made him even more curious about his background. Fortunately, Alejandro quickly gathered back his bearings.</p><p>"It happened not too long ago, when the eastern empire of Xenith was torn apart by a military coup perpetrated by its three most decorated Generals. Their opponent, Cedrick the Titan, was an illustrious military figure who had earned his epithet through years of domestic peace and victorious campaigns. After a hard-fought battle between the loyalists and revolutionaries, it ended in the old regime's defeat, culminating in a tripartite division of the domain between said three Generals. Naturally, this also led to the dissolution and execution of the old ruling family, an expected process to eliminate any future dissent. However, the methods used were far too cruel…"</p><p> After a brief pause and some hesitation, the gatekeeper continued.</p><p>"Rumor has it that after defeating Cedrick, they dismembered him, kept him alive and viciously gang raped the Empress for hours on end in front of him and their children. Once she subsequently died from her trauma and injuries, they then decapitated her before repeating the process with his two daughters, leaving only one child left, who in the end witnessed the final decapitation of his now mad father. The fate of that child had been a mystery so far, but not anymore…"</p><p> Christopher's hands had clenched into fists so tight his nails had begun digging into his skin, resulting in a small stream of blood splattering at his feet.</p><p> The anger... The rage...</p><p> What he felt at that moment was simply indescribable… This was far beyond cruelty; it was evil incarnate. He had never felt the urge to kill before, even during his last moments, and yet here, during this very instant, he wouldn't hesitate to snuff out these abhorrent creatures.</p><p> Even Alexander, a man who had beheld the most grotesque bloodshed, struggled to stifle his burgeoning anger. He understood the need to cleanse an old regime to prevent instability, but to do it in such fashion? Disgusting.</p><p> As Lloyd's emotions wildly fluctuated, he then heard Elias continue, as the latter had patiently waited for the crowd to settle down.</p><p>"The price starts at 100 gold coins. Begin!"</p><p> The smile dancing on his face was a perverse mirror to the consternation rippling through the attendance, as everyone weighed the astronomical price and massive risks such a purchase could bring. Christopher, too, found himself ensnared in this conundrum. Whilst undeniably talented, Frederick was also shackled with countless complications, as his current worth was intricately woven with his political standing. He was sure that once news of his existence spread, the concerned parties would either strive to eliminate or protect him at all costs. By taking this into account, the question which then had to be answered was whether he could leverage the loyalists enough against those hell-bent on eradicating Holland's royal lineage.</p><p> This was, after the magic crystals, his biggest gamble yet. One misstep, and he would be trapped in a conflict he possessed little to no knowledge about. But despite everything, this decision wasn't his to make, not if he wanted to keep his promise.</p><p>"Do you still want him, Alexander?"</p><p>The General's grin broadened, his face contorting into an uncanny gleam.</p><p>"Without question."</p><p> Without wasting another moment, the engineer then flung his hand aloft before shouting at the top of his lungs.</p><p>"100 here!"</p><p> The audience, previously adrift in a sea of uncertainty, instantly snapped back to reality, their gazes now all riveted on him, including those ensconced in the elevated cubicles.</p><p> Who was this crazy person?! Was he aware of the level of danger this entailed?!</p><p> Even Alejandro couldn't believe it, since Lloyd hadn't struck him as a merchant that would take such risks. Elias, on the other hand, looked as if he were in the throes of ecstasy. The game had finally begun.</p><p>"Nobody else? Going once, twice…"</p><p> Lloyd's heart pounded in his chest. Was he really going to be alone in this bidding war?</p><p>"110!"</p><p> Of course not.</p><p> Despite the monumental risks involved, the potential payoff was equally colossal. With two parties now involved, he expected others to also join the fray. This wouldn't be easy after all…</p></p></main><!--[--><!--]--></div><!--]--><!--[--><!--]--><!----><!--[--><!--]--><div class="sm:mx-64px sm:pb-64px pb-48px mx-20px mt-auto" data-v-40c8fb78><div class="nav-btn-group sm:mt-64px mt-48px"><a class="block flex-1 text-center font-medium py-12px hover-10 active-10 hover:text-s-gray-700 sm:py-15px <sm:hidden relative after:content-DEFAULT after:absolute after:right-0 after:w-1px after:bg-outline-black-8 after:top-12px after:bottom-12px" href="/novel/30746175000221405/82533898130612053"><!--[-->Previous chapter<!--]--></a><a class="block flex-1 text-center font-medium py-12px hover-10 active-10 hover:text-s-gray-700 sm:py-15px <sm:hidden relative after:content-DEFAULT after:absolute after:right-0 after:w-1px after:bg-outline-black-8 after:top-12px after:bottom-12px" href="/chapterlist/30746175000221405" target="_blank"><!--[-->Contents<!--]--></a><a class="block flex-1 text-center font-medium py-12px hover-10 active-10 hover:text-s-gray-700 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Initium","bookSubName":"ACI","bookType":2,"categoryId":70002,"categoryName":"Fantasy","categoryType":1,"chapterNum":52,"checkLevel":15,"coverUpdateTime":1729791438004,"description":"In a world where magic and political intrigue intertwine, Christopher Lloyd, a brilliant scientist from Earth, finds himself thrust into the realm of Arcadia. Armed with his intellect and newfound magical abilities, he embarks on a journey to build an empire from scratch. Alongside the legendary Alexander the Great, now his subordinate, Christopher navigates the treacherous landscape of Gruzia, a powerful mining hub ruled by Emperor Marcus.\r\n\r\nAs Christopher unravels the mysteries of his extraordinary powers - the ability to analyze and replicate anything he sees, and to absorb knowledge at an unprecedented rate - he becomes entangled in a web of alliances and rivalries. From the gladiatorial arena of the Sanguis to the shadowy dealings of the Red Circle, every step forward is a dance on the knife's edge of survival and ambition.\r\n\r\nWith a diverse group of followers, including elven mages, dwarven craftsmen, and the enigmatic daughter of a crime lord, Christopher must outmaneuver emperors, merchant princes, and ancient warriors alike. As he unlocks the secrets of magic crystals and pushes the boundaries of what's possible, he finds himself at the center of a power struggle that could reshape the very foundations of Arcadia.\r\n\r\n\"Arcadia's Chronicles\" is the first entry into a thrilling blend of isekai, high fantasy, and political drama. It offers readers a meticulously crafted world where science meets sorcery, and where one man's quest for knowledge and power could change the fate of an entire realm. Prepare to be immersed in a tale of strategy, magic, and the birth of a legend.","editorItems":[],"energyNum":0,"essayInfo":{},"expected":0,"feverLink":"","firstChapterId":"82532917938549386","firstChapterName":"The End","flag":{"code":"CA","unicode":"U+1F1E8 U+1F1E6","name":"Canada","emoji":"🇨🇦"},"frequencyUnit":"chs / week","giftInfo":{"giftMax":null,"giftNum":-1,"giftRecords":[]},"giftNum":-1,"groupItems":[],"inLibrary":0,"language":{},"languageCode":1,"languageName":"New Horizons","notes":[],"picPC":"","powerRank":0,"promiseFrequencyUnit":"chs / week","promiseUpdateFrequency":0,"publishTime":1727503470000,"pvNum":145404,"relatedWords":[],"tagInfos":[{"tagId":41000016,"tagName":"SYSTEM","likeNums":1,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41000057,"tagName":"ISEKAI","likeNums":1,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41000121,"tagName":"ACTION","likeNums":0,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41000120,"tagName":"ADVENTURE","likeNums":0,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41000074,"tagName":"WEAKTOSTRONG","likeNums":0,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41001330,"tagName":"SUPERPOWERS","likeNums":0,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41000132,"tagName":"TRANSMIGRATION","likeNums":0,"isLiked":0},{"tagId":41000052,"tagName":"SURVIVAL","likeNums":0,"isLiked":0}],"topFanItems":[{"UUT":1590676440473,"appId":10,"userId":4310945429,"userName":"LaPlume","votingCount":26},{"UUT":1594689018990,"appId":10,"userId":4305498727,"userName":"ericwolf","votingCount":5},{"UUT":1727671870368,"appId":10,"userId":4500695000,"userName":"murimlover555","votingCount":1},{"UUT":1727671073948,"appId":10,"userId":4500694571,"userName":"115chargesfc","votingCount":1},{"UUT":1727670495051,"appId":10,"userId":4500694491,"userName":"joselor909","votingCount":1},{"UUT":0,"appId":10,"userId":4500694461,"userName":"benalop451","votingCount":1}],"topFans":6,"totalChapterNum":52,"totalES":0,"totalScore":0,"translateMode":-1,"translateVoters":0,"translatorItems":[],"updateFrequency":0,"updateTime":1730977205000,"userId":4310945429,"voters":0},"chapterInfo":{"chapterId":"82533886453666611","chapterName":"Auction","chapterIndex":35,"preChapterId":"82533851154400403","preChapterName":"Companions (2)","nextChapterId":"82533898130612053","nextChapterName":"Intimidation","vipStatus":0,"price":0,"originalPrice":0,"discountInfo":"","chapterLevel":0,"userLevel":0,"contents":[{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Welcome everyone! It seems like we have quite the crowd today!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"55ad858d89748d8ae92f92ff371c4ceb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> The opening proclamation was delivered by an enchantress of an announcer, a stunning woman in her prime years swathed in a figure-hugging, abbreviated black skirt. With the grace of a seasoned performer, she confidently commanded the stage, her vibrant energy firing up everyone. Of course, the mob responded instantly to her allure, wolf whistles and ribald remarks soaring through the air. But despite their unabashed lust, she handled it all with a disarming cool, unruffled by the ill-intent that lurked in some corners. It clearly wasn't her first rodeo.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9d5ce95dd4343e93b97e9ccd89dbe5f9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> After rousing the masses for another minute, she then reclaimed her spot at the center of the stage.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2123fee17f86f0f9f97cd9b215307c91","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Now, let's review our code of conduct: no unwarranted contact, and absolutely no interference of any kind until the transaction is concluded.\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f5ccbbb88e717b9693bc56693da111ff","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> After pausing for effect and letting everyone hang on her every word, she continued.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5a2e6421fdef4f4b7b0206550d2a7447","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"In association with the Slave Trading Syndicate, it gives me great pleasure, as your hostess Karina Ria, to officially declare this auction's opening!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"922b9f63376f916a8124928e65e45cb6","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> The audience erupted into applause, their cheers shaking the very air with enthusiasm and excitement. The fervor was simply deafening, compelling some to even shield their ears. But for Christopher, this scene was straight out of a dystopian nightmare, a period when society hadn't yet evolved. Still, now was not the time for such reflections.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"19a84429920093edf556d08aa1cbdf9f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Alejandro, is that the association operating this place?\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4cb23b65a73bac6393e7fe83cfca517e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Yes, they're the ones establishing the rules and overseeing new slave traders. Without their approval, it's impossible to operate here, or in Gruzia for that matter.\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1e217e012d89a484d58512943620292b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> It became evident that the Syndicate was an entity of formidable influence and reach, with nothing off limits. Lloyd could also see the disgust on the gatekeeper's face, as they were clearly the reason why this vile practice had remained popular and untouched over the years. He then glanced back at the stage, where he saw that a new group had ascended, and once they were in position, Karina resumed.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7efca809e3bd414118fdddec0a0f1a22","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Our inaugural seller is a representative from the Morrissons' Network, a renowned enterprise that has served the slave trading industry for almost two decades. I'll be leaving him the floor to present his product.\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cd2199aa9292222d96c44fb3198446d0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> After introducing them, she gracefully ceded the spotlight to a burly man wearing a pseudo-tuxedo. In response, the crowd's fervor tapered slightly, a surefire sign that they had a middling reputation at best.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b76792a8c950846ea7a65e7fc9011057","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Thank you! As you may know, we've always prided ourselves in offering high quality products at affordable prices, and today will be no different.\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7f3919abd7b91ffd49a0c0b795e130c3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> In theatrical fashion, the man then spun on his heel to present the five men who had accompanied him on stage.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ac24c05bbdcc093bdccd66085e8e556a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"These five are all seasoned soldiers who've been captured by our forces following a failed raid against us. They've been treated well and have suffered no physical or mental abuse. Their training has also been rigorous and ongoing, and they come equipped with standard gear.\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cb16e30b0c366dd7e99528da1356b373","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> The interest picked up a bit, as this was quite the comprehensive and ready-to-go package for someone in dire need. This prompted Christopher to immediately use his skill and assess them, only to find out that they were as advertised, nothing less and certainly nothing more. He quickly turned towards the General to gauge his interest, only to see that his face was plastered with a disgusted grimace. Clearly, these were not what he had in mind. With them now out of the race, it would instead allow him to measure the market's going rate and, perhaps, validate if he'd received a fair deal earlier.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9dd3327119e7f91db77de8814e747a63","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> \"The starting bid will begin at 3 gold coins!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1c0403e58d41e64cee6f6a7a59882dcd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> And without delay, the auction went off to a roaring start.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e3831a1fd3011cd4bddac4e4eaff7f12","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"3 gold coins!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d2360c35b88a98e7f4df4409f7d286e2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"5!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f94dff1721efa18f364f50888f96cc93","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"6 here!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d67a10f1d493de75caeb9203645734f6","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> Bidders vied against one another by raising their hands and bellowing their bids, thus giving the event a wild and unrefined atmosphere. At the 11 gold coins mark, the race then ground to a halt which, after a final call for any additional bids, was accepted. While not invested in this result, this outcome still made Lloyd extremely satisfied, since it confirmed that he had indeed concluded excellent business.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6374124b9fdb82c62d54d6303179ab08","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> As the auction went into full swing, a procession of estates and consortiums then began to spring forth at a pace that could have left even the sharpest mind reeling. But despite the chaotic speed, everything unfolded with a smoothness that bespoke an operation seasoned by experience. However, and sadly for Lloyd and his companions, the offerings had thus far proven little more than mediocre trifles, devoid of any real excitement. Even Alexander hadn't found anything of interest, with his irritation starting to be sensed by the engineer. Still, this was usually how auctions went, with the least impressive products coming out first.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4cdf1dca43dfdb83fa756a0d8ae2d441","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> After another 15 minutes of what could only be qualified as filler, Karina finally repossessed the stage before announcing what they had all been waiting for.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7a4233cb8841a732379fe3449fefe59d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Esteemed patrons, we shall now proceed to the second phase of the auction!\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"610454ea09c5b72badf08527faf3d1dc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> Compared to the roaring wave of applause that had greeted its opening, an almost sacred hush fell over the crowd, with the shoddier attendance slowly fading into the background. 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This is also the stage where the strongest factions flaunt their power, and where the real stakes of the auction come into play.\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"83fc195d97579ecc95e2f0c4f312ef7a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> Lloyd and Alexander directed their attention back to Karina, whose demeanor had morphed from flamboyant showmanship to something more subdued, further adding to the sense of suffocation and intimidation. 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Requires \u003cArcadia's System> database.] | \u003cAffinities>: Berserker.\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"eb0cbd18250decbff874b2791c09a0f1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> The raw numbers bore testament to the boy's phenomenal potential, which made him even more curious about his background. Fortunately, Alejandro quickly gathered back his bearings.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6895a9a17541f4bcf282484950ac6010","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"It happened not too long ago, when the eastern empire of Xenith was torn apart by a military coup perpetrated by its three most decorated Generals. Their opponent, Cedrick the Titan, was an illustrious military figure who had earned his epithet through years of domestic peace and victorious campaigns. After a hard-fought battle between the loyalists and revolutionaries, it ended in the old regime's defeat, culminating in a tripartite division of the domain between said three Generals. Naturally, this also led to the dissolution and execution of the old ruling family, an expected process to eliminate any future dissent. However, the methods used were far too cruel…\"\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"285526d130bc5bf4b1f8f584a5009a86","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp> After a brief pause and some hesitation, the gatekeeper continued.\u003c/p>","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"64371c03c32ea70a8223d5e4f63daee7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cp>\"Rumor has it that after defeating Cedrick, they dismembered him, kept him alive and viciously gang raped the Empress for hours on end in front of him and their children. 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