The tension in the room became palpable, with the gatekeeper and the General being taken aback by Lloyd's sudden proposal. Hadn't he already gone past budget?! Without hesitation, the engineer then followed his opening statement with a detached tone.
"I need a skilled architect, two weeks' worth of food for 26 people, and transportation — including coachmen — for the entire group. How much would that cost?"
These basic oversights, which were obvious in retrospect, had slipped his mind due to their teleportation, thus creating glaring gaps in his plan. As for the construction workers, he reasoned that the soldiers would shoulder the load for now, except for the architect, who was needed for the planning of future installations. With these covered, everything was starting to fall into place, like the pieces of an intricate puzzle finding their match.
In response, Elias' mood noticeably improved, turning his eyes into crescents and revealing his white teeth. This was why he loved his job.
"Interesting... I assume you're not requesting top-of-the-line transportation, right?"
"No, but I would like something capable of traversing rough terrain, if possible."
"Hmmm… I can arrange all of that for 80 gold coins, including an architect we've had in stock for a while."
Lloyd's blood ran cold… 80? For that?!
This represented half of what he had invested in Elisen and Thildran, who were game-changers. The quote even shocked Alejandro, who couldn't believe the shamelessness. And as Christopher further assessed the proposition-to-value ratio, he couldn't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter.
This was a scam, plain and simple.
But why…? Why did everyone always see him as a push over? Was it because of his appearance? Was it because he was too welcoming? No. He knew why… It was the same reason why the General had crushed him during their first meeting, and also why Thomas Wixton had tried to do the same. He just lacked… presence. The type of standing that would make one think twice before messing with him. But… did he really lack it? Wasn't he someone who, back on Earth, was revered for his intellect? After all, he had never hesitated to create weaponry capable of killing innumerous people, or invent a new energy source far surpassing that of an atomic bomb. He, perhaps, just needed to channel that madness differently, in a way that served his new purpose in Arcadia.
This self-reflection also brought forth a newfound clarity over his hazy mind, an immense weight finally leaving his shoulders. This wasn't Earth, so why should he hold himself to its standards? Wasn't he, right now, buying people for his own gains? This was a world that only respected the strong, with the weak condemned to forever crawl beneath them. This was its simple truth.
As his laughter reverberated inside the room, everyone began to feel uneasy.
Had he gone mad?
Elias' expression, in particular, darkened. Was he being ridiculed?! But what he didn't expect, however, was the transformation of Christopher's aura, which shifted the previously suffocating atmosphere into one of dread and fear. As his hysteria gradually subsided, he then met Elias' gaze once more before making his heart skip a beat. This wasn't the person he had just talked with moments ago. No… The scientist's eyes now seemed… lifeless, as if his innocence had suddenly been taken away from him. But that wasn't all. They also housed disgust… A disgust so strong it felt like he was about to throw up.
"You must be fucking with me… Is this really how you treat a client seeking to strengthen his relationship with you? How lowly and despicable."
His harsh and cold tone took everyone aback, but especially Alexander, who struggled to comprehend this sudden change. Nevertheless, it still made the corner of his lips rise. It seemed that the small man had finally accepted this world's true nature. Alejandro, too, was unsure about how to react. He had already intervened once to prevent any potential bloodshed, but this felt different. Despite the blatant hostility felt across the room, it felt like a negotiation, meaning that as long as no weapons were drawn, he would feel no need to meddle further.
After a few more seconds of staring at Elias, he resumed.
"Alejandro, how much would I have to realistically pay for what I just asked? Please break down each item while providing the upper price scale."
The gatekeeper was surprised by the question, but still promptly answered. After all, logistical requests were of no secrets to the military.
"For 26 people, you can expect four carriages, four coachmen and eight horses. Considering the sturdiness add-on, I estimate the costs to be around 50 gold coins — 1 coin per slave coachman, 1 coin per horse, 9 coins per carriage and a 2-coin fee to rush the order. Regarding rations, feeding 26 people twice a day would amount to 1 gold coin every 2 days, meaning that for two weeks, it would be 7 gold coins. Lastly, a skilled architect would cost approximately 5 gold coins, a fairly low but reasonable estimate given the abundance of talent in Gruzia. In total, it should amount to no more than 62 gold coins."
The tradesman's face contorted into an ugly grimace, realizing he had been caught red-handed. A 29% markup was not something to be taken lightly, especially considering the already substantial profit the lower quote stood to make.
Lloyd erupted into laughter once more, although to the surprise of no one this time.
"What a pathetic worm… I expected you to be reasonable, even more so after the absurd price I just paid for Frederick. Yet here you are, trying to squeeze even more out of me."
His aura then intensified, its pressure starting to overwhelm the space as his magic ran amok.
Even the system was jolted by the scientist's sudden burst of power, a development astonishing both the gatekeeper and former King. It appeared that he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.
Meanwhile, Elias remained shell-shocked, unable to muster a response. He had anticipated an easy sale, a transaction that'd quickly conclude with a fatter commission after the inclusion of a few additional perks. However, he now found himself cornered and defensive in a situation that was quickly spiraling out of control. Yet all hope was not lost.
While gathering back his composure, he decided to push back.
"Ohoho… It seems I've struck a nerve, but I'd still like to remind you that we're in a place sanctioned by the Syndicate. Let's not do anything rash."
After this open warning, he reached for a handkerchief in his outer breast pocket, which he then used on his face to wipe away the sweat that had begun forming. He figured this would buy him enough time to defuse the situation and plan out his next steps. But before he could even collect his thoughts, Lloyd ruthlessly continued, as one look at Frederick spruced an idea. It was finally time to show the new folly that'd eventually make his name ring throughout the land.
"Let's say that I, hypothetically, cancelled my bid for Frederick. I understand that I'd be on the hook for the contract's penalties, which are definitely not light, but… What if I were, like you and the Red Circle, to broker information to the parties interested in the boy? I can only imagine about the substantial rewards they would offer. Maybe I should even explore that avenue instead."
The representative's face paled, his traits now contorted by pure terror. This was the nightmare scenario, especially since his organization had hidden the boy's existence in the hopes of earning far more at auction. Of course, they had been successful as they had fetched Lloyd's bid, but that was only upon the transaction's completion. Should the engineer instead act upon this threat, they wouldn't be able to auction him back for another week, which was an extra penalty added for a bid falling through. Of course, this additional bit of leverage was unknown to Christopher, but it still undeniably worked in his favor. However, Elias was a veteran of his craft, and there was absolutely no way he'd walk out empty-handed.
"Now, now… Let's not say things we'll all regret later. I'll admit that my quote was a bit inflated, but it was only because of the Red Circle's included services."
Despite rapidly concealing the sheer terror he had just experienced, it was clear that he stood on shaky ground — a weakness Lloyd intended on fully exploiting.
"Cut the bullshit. We both know that if this doesn't go through, you'll have to report to your superiors, as the resulting mess will be far too big to handle alone. I'm also well aware of the boy's history, which is why I know you want this done more than anything."
Elias' face twitched in annoyance. Even with the Red Circle's ample resources, going against an Empire was not an option, which was why this scenario was so catastrophic. Frederick Holland had always been a double-edged sword, one that was proving to be too difficult to handle in the end. He also thought that he had correctly assessed his opponent, only to awaken a predator that now threatened to devour him whole. But there was also another avenue he could entertain, although one that'd have far graver consequences… But despite this option being only briefly considered, his killing intent wasn't as subtle, prompting the engineer's aura to surge forth violently.
"Don't you even dare think about it… I've seen those eyes before, and it'll never happen again, unless you've already given up on life, that is."
His voice reverberated with fury, sending chilling tremors down Elias' spine. The man facing him truly had a frightening intuition… However, the merchant's blatant threat also made Alejandro want to walk forward in protest, only to be halted by the General this time, whose smile had grown darker and darker. This wasn't their battle to fight.
Now completely outmaneuvered and out of options, the tradesman had no choice but to bow out, forcing him to sigh in defeat before taking on a more serene demeanor, even discarding his perverted smile and arrogant attitude.
"Okay… In addition to Frederick, I will include everything you've requested for an extra fifty coins, bringing the total to three hundred. As for our discretion, I cannot promise you absolute secrecy, but only that we will do our best. Even if the Red Circle is rapidly rising, we won't jeopardize our very existence for you, so bear that in mind."
His words were resolute while also conveying a sense of surrender, making it clear that he wanted to put this behind him, as was also the case for Lloyd, who found the new terms fair. After all, he also had the Baxtrons' negotiations afterwards.
"Perfect. I also have one favor to ask if you don't mind."
Of course, this didn't come particularly well to Elias, who grimaced before responding.
"What is it?"
"I would like you to bring everything, including Frederick, to Gruzia's exit gate by tomorrow evening. Is that possible?"
Elias' eyebrows twitched in surprise, clearly expecting worse. Delivery wasn't a service they usually offered, but for a sale of this magnitude, it could be arranged.
"It won't be a problem. Will that be all?"
With the deal finally sealed, a new system window materialized.
[Congratulations, User
This baffled him, since he didn't think he'd be notified of such achievements. He wasn't even sure about how it had occurred, except for the fact that his emotions had taken over, his aura then forming a tidal wave that submerged everything around him. Nevertheless, it was great progress and perhaps even the beginning of his journey into the great mystery of the magical realm.
[The loyalty of subordinate
This notification, on the other hand, brought him a surge of joy. He was finally being recognized by the former King!
"I must report this right away."
But just as the spy was abandoning his concealed position in the ceiling, a presence suddenly appeared behind him.
Before he could even make a sound, a sharp dagger deeply slit his throat in one fast motion, followed by his tongue getting ripped out with ruthless efficiency. With blood threatening to gush everywhere, the killer then acted swiftly by stuffing a cloth in his mouth while pressing on his slashed neck, therefore forcing his blood to rush into his lungs and drown him in a slow and agonizing manner.
"You should have known that doing this would sign your death warrant."
After a futile and last struggle, the body finally went limp, causing the assassin's attention to go back to the scene below, still intrigued by the ongoing events.
"A merchant, that can wield magic, just toyed with us… He's also accompanied by a soldier and an incredibly strong bodyguard. What a unique situation. I think this'll please the Don."
He then vanished as fast as he had come, although this time while carrying the Vexio's spy's body…