When they found themselves outside and away from prying eyes, Christopher felt the need to thank Alexander, who nonchalantly shrugged it off.
"You're in this situation because of me, so it wouldn't be fair if I didn't try to get you out of it."
"Still, thank you. I know you have your reservations about me, but you still didn't let me drown back there."
A smile, tinged with a thrill of anticipation, broke across the former King's face.
"Plus, we'll finally get to see who's the best in this place… Watching this worm squirm when I crush his hopes and reputation should be a nice bonus as well."
His grin then took on a sinister quality, which caused shivers to run down Christopher's neck. He was at least certain of one thing: the General was sure to go all out tomorrow.
As they reached the limit of the property, they noticed that their carriage was waiting for them, but this time, with Alejandro seemingly on tenterhooks. When he spotted them, he even sprinted over, not waiting a second longer for their arrival.
"Is it true that you're participating in the event tomorrow?!"
News sure traveled fast…
"Yeah, we've sort of been forced into it."
Lloyd's solemn expression confirmed they had indeed been coerced into it, which wasn't really surprising when considering the manager's involvement. What the gatekeeper couldn't understand, however, was the fact that the Emperor himself seemed involved, something he found truly unbelievable. He simply couldn't fathom why an obscure merchant and his escort were attracting this much attention, and although loyal to Gruzia, he felt like there was something more nefarious at play.
"Oh well, we can only continue forward."
Even if it hadn't completely sunk in yet, Lloyd knew that he couldn't slow down. Alejandro understandably nodded before relaying the instructions to their chauffeur, who readily obliged and steered them towards their destination. During the ride, the soldier made sure to remind the duo about what they'd witness and the importance of maintaining decorum in the presence of those displaying the 'goods', as they were all ruthless, wealthy, and operating within the gray zones of Gruzian law.
"Sounds an awful lot like a cartel."
"A cartel?"
Both Alejandro and Alexander seemed puzzled by the term, which forced Lloyd to expand on it.
"It's a group composed of usually nefarious individuals who monopolize a resource to set its price while limiting competition."
"Oh yes, that's exactly what they are."
And as the explanation concluded, the carriage ground to a halt.
"Welcome to the Slave Market!"
When Edward opened the door for the trio, they were greeted by the imposing sight of a monolithic dome, its towering presence a stark contrast to the humble skyline. The edifice was a grand and awe-inspiring manifestation of architectural prowess, its scale and splendor akin to the sports stadiums of Earth. Paying closer attention also proved fruitful, as an intricate dance of chiseled engravings revealed itself; alien creatures and unknown entities were etched meticulously into the stone facade, a silent testimony to a culture Christopher had yet to discover. The enormity of this all-stone behemoth also brought forth a feeling of disbelief in the scientist, since its sheer weight made it apparent that magic had lent a hand in its construction.
As for its location, it was obvious that they had left the affluent parts of Gruzia, with the surroundings now bearing the unmistakable signs of a more impoverished area. He wouldn't label it a slum per se, but the scarcity of sanitation efforts and the sparse sprinkling of the city's military presence painted a telling picture.
The atmosphere, on the other hand, was a cacophony of human activity. Thousands upon thousands scurried in every direction, their paths chaotic, disjointed and seemingly oblivious to the dangers of vehicular traffic. Drivers, on the other hand, navigated this human sea with seasoned indifference, narrowly avoiding irate pedestrians over and over again, a spectacle reminiscent of Times Square at its busiest. For Alexander, this scene stirred up memories of halcyon days in the Macedonian era, a time when his dynasty was at its zenith.
"Follow me closely."
Alejandro's tone was grave, a stark change from his usual demeanor that was due, Christopher assumed, to their destination. Treading paths you despised was revolting, after all.
As they carved their way through the teeming throng, the engineer began to discern more and more about the daunting fortress and its protective measures. Firstly, entry points were scarce and guarded by a formidable ensemble of private soldiers, all bristling with deadly weaponry. Secondly, there was a lack of windows, a strategic design choice to prevent any voyeuristic peek into its inner workings. And lastly, covered carriages, which were designed to hide their 'goods' from prying eyes. This veil of secrecy lent a chilling aura to the entire setup, making his skin break into goosebumps.
When they finally reached the entry portal, a quartet of guards immediately intercepted them before demanding their identification papers, to which he happily acquiesced with his golden token. However, they immediately dismissed it, which startled him.
"Sorry, but a plaque is only part of the requirement. Outsiders also need a reference from a native."
This was when Alejandro stepped in, quickly offering his credentials and earning them a nod of approval. But despite being cleared forward, the private force still appeared extremely wary of Alexander, his equipment and swords being an evident threat. In turn, his trained eye could recognize their extensive training, sparking curiosity about who was in charge of such an operation as the stare-down came to an end.
While marching onward, the engineer noticed that the entrance was composed of two colossal steel doors, each flanked with two extra guards whose duty, he surmised, was to close them should a security breach occur. As they crossed its threshold, the interior landscape unfurled before them, stopping him dead in his tracks. It was a sprawling vista of relentless activity, with people swarming in every direction on a single open floor.
But it wasn't just people…
From a single glance, Christopher was able to see enchained elves, dwarves, and several other races he couldn't identify. Some looked healthy, while others were at death's door. Some were dressed in finery, while others bore nothing but their skin. Amidst all this chaos, he also spotted various stalls of differing sizes, with their 'goods' ranging from opulent to the most inexpensive. This sight was so overwhelming that he felt a disconnect, a sense of 'unrealness' gripping him deeply and rocking him to his very core, regardless of Alejandro's earlier and repeated warnings. But to his defense, it was a harsh reality that even the gatekeeper seemed to falter under. As for the General, this wasn't something he found shocking nor abhorrent. In fact, he simply felt… indifferent. The bitter taste of war often resulted in such captives, a grim reality he had witnessed countless times. Free labor was, after all, a lucrative prize for any victor.
After a deep and grounding breath, the scientist finally found himself ready for his unorthodox shopping spree, although with one last thing to ask.
"Alejandro, would you be willing to assist me in this process? There are quite a few races I'm unfamiliar with, including their capabilities."