"What did you do?!" Orion quickly pulled her away from the flowers. The moment her hand came into contact with the flower it turned bright red almost like the colour of her hair currently. "I didn't do anything." Startled Sasha clutched her hand I'm the other. Orion frantically inspected the flower. Even though there was no physical damage to the flower, he was still visibly angry. It wasn't a coating and was red as though it had always been that way. Anger slowly giving way to curiosity he turned round and asked her, "How did you do that?"
"I don't know, I-... I should leave." She immediately rushed out of the Petalhaven.
Being there longer meant more questions, questions she didn't have the answer to. "How did I do that?" The flower had turned red under her touch. All she had felt was heat running through her palms to her fingers, this had never happened before. "Miss Sasha there you are!" "Are you okay? You look quite pale." Arrare and Luc scanned her up and down looking for any possible injuries. "I'm okay, sorry for making you two worry." She bit her lip feeling guilty. We understand don't feel bad, right Luc?" Luc nodded in affirmation. "We understand that you needed some time to yourself, as long you're alright that's all that matters"
Sasha was extremely touched, Arrare and Luc were good friends she could rely on. They didn't even get mad after she had disappeared like that. She promised herself to never forget these two even after she was gone. That evening as she was being prepared before dinner a lot of things raced through her mind. The flower's colour change was probably a manifestation of her mana. "Fascinating." she thought. She stared at her hands; maybe she possessed Earth mana? She wasn't so sure. She would get some books on the botany of this place.
"Miss Sasha, dinner is ready." A maid knocked on the door to her chamber and announced. "The Miss is on her way." Arrare spoke to the maid behind the door. "Could you help me tie my hair up, Arrare?" "Of course...all done" Arrare gave the bun a gentle pat. As much as she was dreading dinner, there wasn't much she could do if she didn't want to get on Orion's bad side. She had to finally accept she was stuck here and had to adapt to the place, the sooner the better! With a deep breath, she made her way to the dining room.
Dear readers Silver here, please don't forget to vote and leave a comment after every chapter. This serves as an encouragement to me to do my best to release more juicy chapters every day to you guys. Share the book with a friend don't keep this treasure to yourself. Stay safe loves ❤️.Follow us on instagram silverskull_x19 for more on OriAnne.Byee😁😁😁