Chapter 42 - Garden

"Downstairs?" Oh, there's a lot of preparation for the Royal Coronation. It's only a month away." Orion's Coronation? He did tell her that the previous Emperor was...deceased. So they would probably hold a coronation ceremony to officially instate Orion as the new Emperor. "It must be really grand if there's this much preparation when the ceremony is a whole month away." She took a little peek again."Yes, Miss Sasha, I hear such Royal Coronations are extremely grand. There'll be a lot of visitors from all four Empires." Arrare's bubbly energy filled the room. Sasha merely pursed her lips and followed Arrare to get dressed.

Orion didn't appear for breakfast that morning, not that she cared. She'd much rather prefer to eat her meal in peace. After breakfast, she went back to her chambers to continue reading the books but began to feel a bit bored a little while later. "I'll just take a short walk outside." This time, she let Luc tag along, Arrare had to help the other servants with all the preparations. Sasha earnestly ignored all the weird stares being thrown her way and continued to enjoy the hustle and bustle around her. If only these people weren't so set out against her, she might have been able to help to preoccupy herself.

"Hey Luc, this crate is really heavy. Could you help us take it up to the cellar?" A few guards had also left their assigned posts outside to help with the preparations.They called out to Luc to help them since everybody was pitching in. "Miss Sasha, could you stay right here? I'll be right back!" The dreary tone in his voice expressed his reluctance to leave her by herself. "Go on, I'll just head over to the garden there for a bit." She assured him by informing him exactly where she would be. "Mmn," he nodded and left to help the others.

Sasha had seen this large garden during her previous escapade. There was no guard positioned around that area today and the servants were busy all the way on the other side. It was the perfect place to be herself without being constantly watched.

The greenery was bright and abundant. She saw some creatures too, like butterflies and grasshoppers, which reminded her of home. This place bore a refreshing resemblance to Earth. She liked the feeling of nostalgia it gave her