A/N: This is a chapter that describes the powers, tactics, and techniques of Guardians in lore detail. This chapter goes into detail in how different abilities work and why they work the way they do.
Credit to Sol Invictus1997 for the info and lore.
***Sub-Class Names***
[hunter]-Nightstalker(Void), Revenant(Stasis), Threadrunner(Strand), Arcstrider(Arc), Gunslinger(Solar)
[Warlock]-Voidwalker(Void), Shadebinder(Stasis), Stormcaller(Arc), Broodweaver(Strand), Dawnblade(Solar), Sunsinger(Pure Light/Solar)
[Titan]-Behemoth(Stasis), Striker(Arc), Sentinel(Void), Sunbreaker(Solar), Berserker(Strand)
***Guardian Sub-Classes Tactics, and Natures***
A/N: The difference is the way they use light in battle and how they view light as an individual.
Titans use Light to enhance their strength and defense.
Hunters shape and weaponize Light, allowing them to flow Light Elements through weapons or some sort of outside catalyst.
And Warlocks become the light themselves.
#"[Warlocks] are warrior-scholars that devote themselves to understanding paracasuality more than [Titans] and [Hunters]. On the battlefield, an average {Warlock} can shatter reality itself with sheer force of will" On Average, {Warlocks} tend to understand their powers on a deeper level than the other two classes, canonically making them the most dangerous Guardian class.
+Voidwalker(Void): In Destiny, the [Void] is associated with space and gravity, but [Voidwalker{Warlock}] tactics almost always center around the third aspect of the void. Life-stealing is a unique aspect of [Void] light that all Guardians are familiar with, but [Voidwalker{Warlock}] excels at.
The ability {Warlocks} call "Feed the Void" can be activated by defeating an enemy with any of their [Void] powers and feeding off their life force.
You'd think distance would save you, but {Warlocks} have the ability to call upon ravenous, sentient black holes made of [Void] lights that can be sent to chase enemies down and feed on their life force to empower their masters.
+Sunsingers/Dawncallers{Warlock}: [Solar] {Warlock} hold mastery over the atomic fire of sol. they embrace celestial flame and envelope their bodies on it. A mix of [Solar] and pure unfiltered light. Almost to the point that their bodies could become just light and disappear.
[Solar] {Warlocks} tend to prefer support roles, gifting their allies with healing and boosting damage with the Traveler's light.
But despite being supporters, don't mistake them as weak. Becuase [Solar] {Warlocks} tend to be the most aggressive and hot-headed of the {Warlocks} and their preferred weapon is the [Dawn Blade{Warlock}].
+Stormcallers{Warlock}: All [Arc] subclasses require the user to focus their [Arc] Light to some extent; {Titans} focus it into themselves to galvanize their fist and bodies, {Hunters} focus it to create tools like a staff or a blade. {Walocks}, however, are different.
Instead, they focus [Arc] through their bodies to become more akin to living lightning, even able to become a literal bolt of lightning. {Warlocks} can even use [Arc] to blink.
{Warlocks} can use an ability called "Ionic Blink" implying they are simply dispersing their atoms and reforming in another location.
#"The difference between a desperate Hunter and an overconfident one is whether they throw a knife at the beginning or end of a fight"-Ikora Rey
+Gunslingers(Solar): Most {Hunters} choose to be loners, only joining a fireteam when the mission calls for it. No one appreciates being alone as much as [Gunslingers]. They live for the thrill of the perfect shot, choosing their battles Wiseley and taking their foes out preferably in a single shot.
+Blade Dancers(Arc): [Bladedancers] prefer the efficiency and stealth of the blade. The [Bladedancer] grimoire card reads "There's something to be said for the blade. A knife won't jam. A knife won't run dry. A knife is very, very quiet." They prize their [Arc] Blade for its "Beautiful Lethality" and "Relentless Style". The [Bladedancers] deliver their attacks quickly, silently, and without mercy.
+Arcstriders(Arc): [Arcstriders] discipline their bodies to let the Traveler's energy flow through them, much like [Stormcallers{Warlock}]. But instead of channeling raw energy, {Hunters} call the lightning itself to hand and wield it like a staff. [Arcstriders] see themselves as living weapons.
+Nightstalker(Void): Canonically, very few {Hunters} draw upon he [Void], but those that do, like [Bladedancers{Hunter}], prize stealth and mercilessly dispatching their foes. Their motto is "Do not hunt the monster. Become the monster." [Nightstalkers] are also easily the scariest of the {hunter} class. As when they hunt, they take their time. They watch, inspect, and memorize their prey's every move and habit.
All for the time when they finally come out of the shadows to take their prey's life. They are also feared a lot for their expert cloaking, in which they bend light around them with gravity, making them invisible, combined with their perfect tracking and hunting, they become a being to be feared.
For all you know, they could be right next to you. Their [Spectral Blade{Hunter}] trickles down your neck, and your life is now in their hands.
[Baldedancers{Hunter}] deride them as slow and the [Gunslingers{Hunter}] say they lack precision. But with the [Void], {Hunters} can wield both blade and bow. They can take enemies out in close quarters with blades of Void Light that atomize their victims, or a Void bow that utilizes gravity to slow its victims.
+Revenant{Stasis}: Perhaps more than [Nightstalkers{Hunter}], [Revenant] {Hunters} prefer to stay hidden right up until they freeze their victims. Only when their enemy shatters into dust will they allow themselves to be seen.
+Threadrunner{Stasis}: Canonically, [Strand] {Hunters} can grapple and manipulate [Strand] tethers better than other classes/ Much like how [Solar] {Warlocks} can fly, stand hunters can stay in the air indefinitely by grappling. Using this method, {Hunters} will often ambush their enemies by binding them or tricking them with a specter.
#Defender Titans are immovable anchors, trained to absorb punishment and control the flow of battle. Defenders are known to induce despair among enemy forces due to the [Ward of Dawn{Titan}] and [Sentinel Shield{Titan}] nigh indestructibility.
+Sentinel(Void): Defenders demonstrate unflinching conviction on the battlefield and have an armory of [Void] techniques. They block the enemy's movements, shrug off their fiercest weapons, and rally fellow Guardians to strike back.
Saint-14 made the [Ward of Dawn{Titan}] a thing of nightmare among the Eliksni because he would often drag his victims inside. Inside the Ward, the Titans are essentially unbeatable unless you are another Guardian, and even then your survival is a Gamble
+Striker(Arc): Striker Titans charge into close combat, armored in Arc Light, wielding fistfuls of thunder. Striker tactics depend on shock and disciplined aggression.
They awe and scatter the enemy. Fellow Guardians prize their ability to draw fire as they shatter the enemy line.
+Sunbreaker(Solar): The [Sunbreakers{Titan}] practice deliberate aggression. Their [Hammer of Sol{Titan}] is adept at shattering the enemy line from a distance, as well as area denial. With their Solar Light, [Sunbrakers{Titan}] sow chaos from afar.
In close quarters, they can use their Sieg hammer to eviscerate combatants with earth-shatter, explosive strikes, and an aura of Solar Light to absorb punishment while constantly regenerating.