Chereads / Shadow slave | Against the Chains of Fate: Embracing the Shadows / Chapter 3 - a day in the life of a unkown Shadow

Chapter 3 - a day in the life of a unkown Shadow

A day in the life of a unkown Shadow ,ch3

Warning 18+ actions and themes

The NQSC its Stands for the North Quarantine Sector ,Due to the Corupted Air in the world ,with its cause being the Gate's of the dream land and the Old end war betwen humans,the Air ,the population of the World had drasticaly fell,with a mere 2 Billions pepole now living in for Sectors around the world ,NQSC sector its made of two 3 in Sectors, the first one being the rich in sector ,the second the middle in sector ,and the third the lower In sector , also known as the slums,with each of the in sector danger level either being lower or higher depending on the sector ,with the slums being at its highest and the rich sector being at its highest...or that its the general idea


A middle age Man was trow in the wall ,The wall cracking at the împact with the man's back

"Cough....cough cough"

The Man spilled some blood on the perfectly cut grass,one of the obsession of the richer class was perfection,and the grass should always be cut and grow at the same Milimiters



The Man  was kicked in the stomach,he holded his abdomen as he sprout more blood on the grass ,the middle age Man ,did not even think abt this morning after he woke up that he will now squirm and and itch in pain due to being hit multiple Times,the Man slowly looked up to See a weird figure stading above him,White hair and a Oni Mask that was carved with 3 Horns stuck to its forehead and 4 fangs , 2 by 2 in a vertical position,2 on the înside being twords the ground and two on the outside align at the mask cheak twords the Sky ,the head coverd the light that shine on the old Man head as he could only See the Pitch black siluete-,the old Man slowly crawled twords the being and grabbed their foot

"Please....please...i will do anything -...stop"

The siluete tilted its head


The siluete Spoke ,a unkown echo following after words from all side's

"Yes! Yes...please dont hit me anymore! Do You want money! I can give it to You!"


The siluete Spoke as it arouse its hand that holded a long black odachi,with its handle resembling that of a Snake at its shoulder

The Man fliched at the action and tremble,he gripped the siluete feet and spoke yet again

"Power! Do You want power ?"

The sliuete breath could be Heard going out of its oni like mask ,as he put his leg on the man's head and stuck the odachi centimers away of its nose


The moment the old Man told this word ,he was slaped on the face with pictures


The Man glanced at the pictures confused

"Bribe,Molesty,human traficing ,selling of ilegal crystal shards on the Black market ....pedophilism and much more"

The sliuete Voice Spoke yet again ...


Sunny sigh as he saw the Man still Keeping his ideas of buying his safety up,plus he was yet again cursing weaver in his mind

'damm You demon of shit - I really wanted that money'

As sunny's in monolog was during the procces of still self reflecting on just not taking a normal mask,but choosing his weaver mask ,the Man gripped his feet and yet again tried to saved himself ,the Man utterd Other non tempring ideas as sunny's annoyece started to awaken

After he struck his odachi near the face of the Man ,Sunny trown at him pictures of the Man deed's captured in fault

The Man face got  confused and horrofied at the words Sunny Spoke

"W...what? those are fake"

He utterd a scared and nevrous laugh

"Is this a prank?! This îs not funny! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I -"


Sunny's foot tested the grounds ...or more like tasted the skull of the middle Man


"Did the girls Sayed the same thing when You raped them?"

Sunny asked - putting preasure on the man's skull, all of this started in a random morning when Effie was in the dream land and He got a phone call from Jet,about a rich Man that its selling human's and soul Shards on the Black market ,and its molestimg and raping young girls for pleasure,Sunny may not have been a hero that would jump at action just for some soul Shards being sell on the Black market ,but even he draw a line and raping and pedophiling

"So...did You do it?"

Sunny put more preasure on the man's head-


"That so?"

Sunny raised the pressure ,and slide his foot along the Man's head and Guide twords the odachi,the Man could strugle all he wanted,but as a mudane human, he would never have the power to rival an awaken,not even much more to rival Sunny- Unfortunately  for the Man ,the odachi was already at the vase of his nose,ready to be cut

"Lets try again"


" uhh..iuu..uhh...iu..uuh.."

The Man took short breaths faster and faster as he glanced at the sharp lenght-



Sunny put more preasure-

"Did what-"



Sunny stomped the Man face knoking him out ,he slowly raise his wrist to his chest and activated his watch

"master Jet, did You record it all?"

Sunny Spoke at the watch as imediatly the response followed..but surprising,not from the watch

"Yep ,its all recorded ,i will send it to the Gouverment and lock this ugly piece of shit behind bars"

Jet Voice aounded behind Sunny,he turned back only to See a women in a Gouverment clothes suit,with the first button of the suit unhooked and a somewhat arousing cleaveage at View ,her face white as snow , sparkiling like after the first shower her Deep blue eyes and black hair fixiating with a smirk at him

"Thank You sunless,I apreciate the help ,this guy has a somwhat good position in the rich sector so we could not just go ant restrict him"

Sunny noded and smile at her

"No Problem,what will You do with the guy now?"

As Sunny asked ,2 officers in the same suit type jet wear ,but for Man,walked past the two grabbed the uncoscious middle age Man and dragged him rwoed a SUV,a restrictive just for Gouverment car,

"Well...We will 'Interogate' him more in case he has other unkown flaw's and we need to catch His Connection'"

"I see,in case You need help You can call me"

"Oh my? But thank You ,i was actualy indeed of doing that soon enough again,but work now had stopped and i m a bit hungry- so how abt we hit the restaurant down the 12 street?"

Sunny smirked at jet's sugetstion and noded he was hungry at a level that may had rival Effie apetite,but uppon more consideration that was Impossible,he shook his head a bit at his monstrous roomate apetite and get inside the front sit passager upon jet's offer ,when a soft Voice could be Heard at the radio ...

"She will come back...i m sure of it"

"it that so? What Belives do You have for this statment,please somg of the fallen please an-"

Sunny changed the channel with a frown

'somehow since that nightmare She Always comes in my View ...or more like ears'

Jet raised an eyebrow at sunny's action

"Not a Fan of her? I Heard that She was in the same patch of pepole like You ,the forgoten shore its a well know story now being the hit of multiple news agency's even If the events hapand 4months ago,song of the fallen had Started to gather the și called... firekeeper's?..i think?"

Jet took a glance at Sunny for confirmation with an eye closed as She drove on the road,

Sunny with a frown shook up and down somewhat fast his head

"Yes yes , firekeeper's now stay with You eyes on the road"

He groan a bit as he laid with his back on the sit chair

Jet Chuckled at his Angry pout and countiue to annoy him more

"I Heard She îs Staring to gather the firekeeper's and make some type of house? Or somth,to prepare to welcome chainging star,do Tell sunless how its chainging star?"

Jet asked,She liked to See him angry,She did not know sure why ,be he could See a small Brother that was now pouting that his Remote control was stolen and the Tv channel he was watching was now changed...well If Sunny would knew her minds,he for sure Shout  a bit

Sunny linger for a moment as he glanced at the retro View mirrors of the car

"She was an Antisocial women-...and a fan of Kpop Troupe...night singers...or somth"

'she was a woman that was ready to sacrafice pepole for her cauze and would never think of Dying in front of a mere awaken Devil '

Sunny smiled a bit as he recalled the unchanged face of her he then frown as he head jet next words

"Oh?! Night singers? Haha so chainging star likes Nightfall to?"


Sunny could fell a vein suddenly pop put of his forehead


*Somwhere behind a stage*



Aiko glanced at kai with horror

"Wha- why did You sneeze? Do You have a cold?! Dont Tell me You cant sing?! What abt the money we will loose if the fans-!"

Kai put his finger on aiko's lips

"I m fine i m fine"

He sayed with a akward smile and a small gulp...

'did..somaone mention me?'

*Back to Sunny*

"Then Tell me...what abt song of the fallen"

Jet words striked sunny's soul core ,a pain aching in his chest


'shes the woman that took my freedom,the one that betrayd me and dared to use me as stepstair for neph to escape...She...She ..She'

Sunny clench hid teeth and fist , somehow rhat damm nightmare yet again struck his mind

The Red string of fate...

"She's....a fake friend-"

Sunny Spoke the words,as he slowly put his hand on his chest,at Any moment he wanted to grab and tear his own chest of Anger...

Jet on the other hand ,was a Little bit Surpised at sunny's action's

'did..he get dumped?'

Her theory....being far from the truth