Chapter 4 - propousal

Propousal ch4

The SUV arived in front of a mini restaurant on a corner at the 12 street,jet parked the car with half of its wheel's on the cold and flat and Paved road ,as the other half came slighty bend to the opposite side leading to the car road, even If it was a slight disrespect,it helped Sunny a bit to get down from the car ,he closed the car door as inhaled the Air of the chilly night of NQSC,he turned around and walked around the SUV ,where jet waited for him looking with a tent of excitment on her face

"Ahh,its been a wile since i took a bite from here,Sunless i really recomand You this place ,come on - i know how to make some discounts so lets See If i the guy that i know has his shift right now"

Jet winked as he walked to the small restaurant,now to clarify ,the place was called a restaurant but it was more of a pub where over middle age Man or Teenager gather to either play some 8-ball or to drink and have some fun,the outside place was with the sign outside showing the beer menus and the payment for the time per hour to use the 8-ball Tables,

Sunny raised an eyebrow as he glanced a bit over the intresting menu as i then followed jet inside and then-


A shattering sound had been Heard,Sunny and jet turned their eyes towrds the Sound as some middle age Man that were drinking some beer stared at them


One of the guys,a big hulky Man with a tatto over his shoulder going at the tip of his nape , utter her name

Sunny stepped back as he slowly raise his hand ,ready to summon a weapon at the Given moment , he made his shadow gloomy to quick do a building cheak to See If there are more pepole

'around 4 more that lookes like them are in the they own this place?'

Sunny glanced at Jet,unsure of what to do but ,jet actions made him even more confused

"My boy's!"

Jet Shouted with a energetic Voice and raised her hand and waved ,he quickly nudged Sunny's shoulder and shook her head towrds the bulky's Man and his crew direction

"Come on sunless,they are friends"

Sunny was a bit shocked,he did knew jet was from the slums like him,and he did tought that She may have some unusal friends but to this extend....

Tough reluctant Sunny slowly followed like a Brother that followed his sister to that was abt to show him the evil side of the world

"Jet our girl! How's life at the Gouverment? You look pretty Nice ,did You got a boyfriend or somth?"

The bulky Man hit his tigh as he Laughed at the joke ,the other men then either Chuckled or smirked and shook their head and the joke of their boss,

Jet let a scoff and shook her head

"You already know me i m married to my work ,what abt you Stanly , finally gone to the good side and learnd how to be a good father?"

Jet Spoke harsh words,Sunny was a bit worried at the words She utterd

'is it really Alright to Say this type of words even to friends?'

During sunny's question of frendship,the Man named Stanley  Scratched the back of his head with a flustred smile and a nervous laugh

"Ah well...yea- 2 days ago i just bought my 9 years old month a Puppet somth with clothes"

One of the guys sigh and shook his head

"Its Barbie Boss,B.A.R.B.I.E"

"Of fuck off You dont need to spell the word on letter's jack"

Stanley shouted with a Red face and a frown at jack,as jack just Laughed out of his lungs

"Ahh eazy"

He then moved his head towrds Sunny

"Tell us jet,who's the small mongrel?"

Sunny fronwed at the choosen nickname ,the last person that called him that ended up dead due to his overuse of speed,with their Flaw being aging them up,as jack and Stanley saw his frown they just Laughed out ,even jet made a small Chuckle and the other guys did laugh with the two prior.Sunny frown deepeend

'did She take me here for this guys to laugh at me?' for a moment Sunny tought of fighting this guys ,but somehow ,their Faces did not bring that of disgust or Arogance as they looked at him,but more like of an elder that looked at a child, Fortunately  ,Sunny always new to Strike fast when Pepole looked down upon him,even If their were good eyes or bad , but for now, Sunny could not make the difference as he was prepared to open his Mouth and react

"Dont worry kid,we are just joking,we know Immediatly when a rat from the slums its before us,You will always smell even If You take 50 shower for 2 years each day"

Jack told the words as Sunny's mouth close,he let a inner sigh

'they are nor bad pepole'

That...was just an excuse...j mean they Atlest sayed sorry..that was somth along the line's that sunny's face Spoke

Jet finally let out a laugh as he then shook her head

"Dont worry Sunless,This guys are my 'ears' in the Black market,and they are also from the slums just like us,so they mean no harm"

As jet words echoed the ears of shnng he slowly let the arn that he was Ready to attack with Fall near his body,somth only She maybe have noticed in time due for those words to be Spoken


Stanley shout High and jet's eyes sparkled

"Hehe ,cant wait to tatse Guss food , sunless You will love it too"

Some minutes later,the two new Guest were sat at the table With food made with syntethic ingredients,again due to the coruption of Air and such,a lot of the farms got destoryd,and humanity had to learn how to live with Syntethic ingredients and make recepies that may now have already been long forgoten 

Sunny already glanced at Jet that was already eating at her own pace as he then Looked back at its plate

Some eggs,bacon and milk at the side of the plate...

'somehow...I feel like i saw there somwhere again ...'

Raising a bit an eyebrow and putting to the side his small de ja vu felling - he slowly took  his chopsticks  and cut in half the yolk of the egg,its orange like fluid slowly spelling over the the white force ...that... remainded him of that nightmare yet again...his white soul being tainted by a Red color,that was pierced by the Red stri-

'nope, forget abt it sunless'

Sunless shook his head,in a way he  made  the yolk and the half white get on the bacon , grabbed the the bacon with the new egg on it ,and took a bite....sunny's eyes widen

"Mitch mgmod!"

Jet ,stanely and jack laugh at Sunny reaction,

"Kid,we cant understand"

Jack sayed as Sunny gulped the bacon imbue in yolk egg

"Its good!"

"Haha that so? I m glad to hear that"

Jet shook her head with a sigh as She then frown a bit and then Looked at stanely

"So,did You got the information for me?"

As jet Spoke Sunny , gulped another Bite,the mood now turning into a more sumber one

"Yea,The guy You just locked behind bars,i got one of his Connection's ,its abt a old Man that took those ilegal shards-"

Jet furrowed her eyebrows at the new information

"Have You got a name?"

"Yes ,he's name its Count Il Vounchem"

Jet's eyes widen and then a big grin arouse on her face

"Its that so?..heh"

Sunny holded a bit his Breath as he Beat his chest ,to make more eazier for the food to go inside his  esophagus

"What name its that?"

Sunny could not let a weird name like that slide

Jack this time answer his question

"He's One of the line noble's under the song house"

"Song house..."

Sunny mutterd,If he remeber corectly,seishan belonged to that house was a dangerous house that nephis wants Destory -

"Oh btw,You sayed ILEGALL Shards,but why were they Ilegall?"

Stanley asked jet as then her answer, altough nonchalant, brought silence to the table

"Oh? A corupted terror from the North mountains"


"Your joking...."

Stanley and Jack where both utterly shock at jet's words

Sunny on the other hand ...

"How did that guy get a hand on this type of soul Shard? The only one for it to be obtain its for a sa-"

Jet smlied at Sunny's realization

"Yes,a Saint Its the one that brought it to him,And he prob did not did that just once"

Sunny titled his head a bit


Jet scoffed and noded with a shrug and a sigh ,as he took Another Bite,chew for a few moments and gulped the tasty bacon with egg

"Yep,hes a he,do You know the chain island's? Its a under sector realm ocupied under the control of Saint Tyirs and Saint comac,Saint Tyirs its taking care of the South west and east side of the chain Island ,wile Comad has the north"

"So.. conac had gave the corupted terror soul Shard to that guy ,and that guy sell it to count..somth Somth"

Jet nouded and the sumurise of Sunny

"Yea, basicaly ,so Sunny here's a propousal"

Sunny raise his eye brow as he slowly took the glass milk and started to drink for a bit

"Want to go at a ball with me?"


Sunny spilled them milk down the floor and cough...

"Excuse You?"

"Me ? You should Say that You wasted the Poor milk"

Jet dissapointed shook her head and then Spoke,as he started to tap the table

"Count Il Vounchem its holding a ball in 3 days from now"

Sunny froze for a bit,his barelly 17 boy mind tooking into consideration the words "ball" and "with me",but despire his hormons acting up for a moment -

"You...and how do You know that ,we just recived his name -"

Sunny neded to ask the obvious question

"Oh? Well i was surpised too he was him but he was on the suspect list pretty high in place so we did followed his movemnts and learnd that he will soon have a ball in its mannor ,and now that Stanley confirmed it,the suspiocus ball now makes sense as why It hapans"

"To sell the Shards"


Jet nouded as She took a glass of beer and gulped It down

" What do You say- do You want to take me out at a ball and catch another criminal!"

Jet asked with amusment

Sunny gulped a bit ,a reason not being jet's invitation but the place they would need to go,as it may have been obvious..he never had gone to a ball

As Sunny sigh And took another Bite of his food ,he slight Bite his lip hard

"Pfft,kid take it eazy ,its no big deal to take a women to a ball"

The guys and jet as well laughed,as Sunny's theeth pirced His lower lip,a drop of blood droped on the White edge of the egg,before blood weave could heal the wound ,Sunny glanced at the drop of blood that tainted the soul core...

'wait soul core?'

Sunny head got a bit dizzy as he shook his head ,he glanced at the blood that slowly tainted the egg with Red as he then sigh and looked at jet

"Alr,i will take You"

Sunny stayed,as the dizzynes drove away