Chapter 8 - the suit of death

Sunny's mind was in shamble's  ,a black suit ,with v shaped pokets toghether with a small bowtie and black gloves,the lower half beimg Composed of some black pants with a black Belt,the pants having a semri circular shape at the end of them,slighty more big pockets, Enough to sustain the lenght of a knife,thats what Sunny was seeing on himself right now

He took a step back from the mirror he was looking on ,and fumbled a bit with the bowtie

'maybe like this?'

Sunny gulped a bit ,he took his right hand and slide it upon his forehead to take away the surplus of hair from his face ,he slide it back and look at the mirror and froze

'shit i m ugly'

He sigh as he let the hair plop down on his face awaken Pepole may get more bueatiful but for im,his face was of a ugly bastard ,He looked at himself and remeber the mirror in the room of the girl he once ocupied ,a slight frown apperd on his face as he moved the hand that was on his hair twords his chest ,he slowly Arranged the poket square that was placed on  his left and then walked Twords the door.

'its to much money for a simple suit'


"Hmm...hmmm....You look Nice for the first time"

Effie noded as She cheaked out sunny's costume ,

"Well....thank You"

Sunny Spoke with a somber Voice,at that comment,efife glared

"Oi- no women will like You If You speak in that tone ,I may soon get to be an aunt because of kai but i want to See some small devils from your side too,saldy the Princess its not ar-"

Effie sentece stopped as She realised what She sayed

Sunny glared at the woman that stood in a wheelchair in front of him and then let a sigh as he shook his head

"Weak chance of somaone falling for me so i m sorry to break Your dream"


"I know,dont worry"

Effie remain quiet for a moment , looking a bit away with an apologetic look ,upon seeing that face Sunny's anger washed a bit away,

"Dont forget to Heat the food before eating it"

Sunny Spoke with a somewhat of a strict,but also a bit of a soft Voice

"Yes..i will"

Effie noded her head like a child does after they get scolded,Sunny smiled a bit and ruffled her hair....It was a bit weird due to the fact that,even If She was sitting down ,her head was litteray a bit taller then his chest

"I m not a child-"

Effie says as She grabs his wrist

"Ouch ouch ouch ..i m sorry i m Sorry"

Sunny apologiesd as Effie started to grin

"Good! You should apologie,now now go and bang that Chick your going with after the hall!"

Sunny was abt to comment yet again when his shadow saw a SUV entering the street

"Oh shes here"

Efife eyes widden,She put her hands on the wheel's of her chair and guided them twords the door of the house

Sunny followed

In the Garden,a women with Black hair and blue like the night eyes,wearing a black suit with 2 Buttons unhooked to show a good View of a cleaveage,wearing a semi long waist lenght white coat over her shoulder's ,with a pair of Red blood color for Heels ,was leaning on the car looking at her watch,after She heard the door open the women smikerd and let her watch wrist Fall to her side and look at the Effie and sunny's shooked face's

"Ohh~~ look ho got prepared for a date"

Jet Spoke as She gave a brif up and down look to sunny's costume

Sunny on the other hand froze,but not because of the atture that jet was wearing,he knew inside that jet was not the type of person to wear a dress ,more ever a short lenght skirt,nor beacuse She look stunning like a movie actor that was abt to walk on the Red carpet at a Grammy award,no no no...he was frozen with the cause being fear...fear of effie comments,and his nightmare obvious occurd

"Dofus,i think You have time to change that costume and wear a Princess Dress"

Sunny Clenched his teeth and put his hand on his face and took a long sigh,jet slowly Started to walk twords the two ,as Effie barrage of question


"Dofus ,who's this Milf?"

"Can i call her mommy?

"Since when did You learn the pull?!"

"Holy shit can i call her mommy?"

"Dofus please,i want to See 2 girls and one boy,alr?"

Jet arrives in front of the two ,takes a look at Effie with a raised eyebrow and ask's

"Your mom?"

Effie froze,no, more like her Brain stopped working the moment She was called a mom,A MOM,for these depresive looking emo hot boy,ofc this toughts where opposite of what sunny's what thinking,or Jet's intention's for saying that

Sunny coverd his Mouth and look away,as he tried to Surpress a laugh,he hit his chest a bit,and then Spoke

"No...She' friend"

Sunny gulped and took a breath

"Effie this îs jet ,jet this îs -"

"Raised By wolfes?"

Jet asked with a slight smirk

"I m sorry ,i was..a bit Surpised to See You like this but i can sense the vast power and raw stengh You have,its Nice to meet You ,i m Jet"

Jet raised her hand twords Effie for a handshake

Effie,still a bit frozen after the comments slowly just nooded and took it

Sunny took a smoll sigh and then walked Twords the car

"We dont have a lot of time so..lets go"

"Dont You think your Forgeting somth?!"


Sunny Looked over his shoulder at the two women that looked at him

,he did a small mental cheak to See If he forgot somth and then open his Mouth

"No i do-"

But he stopped... For sure he will be lashed at by Eiffe If he were abt to Say that so he started to think a bit more...he straighten a bit and then Looked at jet

"You...look bueatiful?"

"Close enough"

Jet Chuckled,as She raised her hand , slowly Shaking the keys in her hand ,

"You forgot this"

She sayes as She gently trowse the keys at Sunny,Sunny on the other hand was frozen,he could swear that was the thing that needed to be sayed but,he still got it wrong , altough of his shamble mind ,his body was in full health so in instinct he caught the keys jet had trown at him


Sunny mutterd with an annoyed look ,with that face ,jet and Effie Started to laugh at

He for sure was due for a long night-

'its alr...i will feel better after i will See  Cassie Alone suffering for the fact that She has no partener'

Yet again ...Sunny forgot who told him That Cassie will be there