"Are you sure you don't want to do anything for the sports event?" Brian said as we walked down the hallway for our second class. I remembered Xander's words from Saturday, keep things interesting. Not because I want to, because I have to live.
"Ok, I'll do something." I said tried of Brian's pestering.
"Great! You can be part of the Band-Aid team." Brian said.
"Why?" I asked confused. A sly grin crept on Brian's face as he replied:
"So that when any of the Harpers get hurt you can give them a speedy recovery. With a kiss" He teased I hit his dark red hair hard.
"And what's that suppose to mean? I asked. Brian just whistled before adding:
"You know, Chris is running for his class in the 1,500m."
I could literally feel my cheeks burn at Brian's statement. The incident from the New Year is still lingering at the back of my mind. You know..... When Chris kissed me and confessed to liking me. Well.... I haven't given him an answer cause honestly I don't know what answer to give.
And because of that I've been sort of avoiding him. But Luke has also been avoiding me, a part of me knows the reason but the other part of me refuses to acknowledge that part. The fact that Luke also likes me, that's why I've also been avoiding Chris. There's no way I'm about to make things awkward between them if I date Chris.
"Awww. You're thinking about Chris? Or is it Luke?" Brian teased, I don't understand why he was surprised when I gave him an uppercut. The Sports Festival happens next two weeks so we're supposed to have everything ready before then and one of the upperclassmen went around reminding us to be on our best behaviours or risk getting detention during the sports event. As in you'll spend those two days of fun in a class with one of the grumpy lunch ladies who will bore you to death with her stories about her drunk husband who barely remembers anything (it was Kristen who told me that while he was painting in his room.)
Lunch rolled in pretty quick and I spotted someone I hadn't seen in a long time: Rio.
"Hi Rio." I greeted, Rio turned his cyan eyes showing to confusion but soon lit up as he saw me.
"Oh hi Jade, whaddup?" He asked.
"Nothing much, just wanted to know if you're avoiding trouble. You know since anyone who causes trouble within these two weeks will be put in detention on the event day." I replied, Rio stared at me before chuckling.
"Oh don't worry. I can still pull of pranks and get away with it." He replied.
"Really?" I asked unimpressed, he nodded before explaining:
"Well, Vlad made me sign up for javelin throw for the lower classes. And all athletes performing are excluded." Rio confidently explained. I looked at him trying to process everything he said, all I managed to ask was:
"You know how to throw a javelin?" His smug attitude disappeared at my question.
"Well actually. I don't, Vlad said he'd teach me how. He honestly made me sign up because he knew one way or another I'd land in trouble." He replied.
"Hey Rio, hi Jade." A sleepy voice greeted. We turned to see an exhausted Luke with disheveled hair.
"Oh hey Luke. What's with that expression?" I asked him.
"Oh nothing, just exhausted and stressed from all the errands I've been doing." Luke explained.
"And what on earth have you been doing that you're stressed?" Rio asked.
"Setting up, making sure everything is ready for the sports event." Luke explained.
"Since when you were part of the student planning committee?" Rio and I asked confused. Luke offered a weak grin before replying:
"Since I realized that they won't put me in detention if I join."
I rolled my eyes at Luke's reply. Of course he did, so long as a person joins any club, committee or sport for the event they can't be put in detention. One flaw of the school's detention rules. Soon school was over and the first thing Luke did when he went to his room was sleep and sleep. Jayden hadn't come home yet, he said he's going to a friend's place to play some games. Christopher decided to crash at his friend's dorm for a week so he won't be around for a while, that left me in the mansion practically bored to death. I decided to wander around for a while until I stumbled into Kristen and Chris' shared room, the only light illuminated from the neon green lights, one side of the room had several food magazines' pages severing as the wallpaper for it. I could easily tell that was Chris' side of the room, the other side of the room was pretty messed up with paint and paper. I saw a figure seated on the bed busily painting something.
"Kristen?" I called out, he raised his head to look at me, his fingertips having traces of paint on it.
"Yea what?" He asked me.
"You can paint?" I asked surprise. Kristen rolled his eyes before showing his hands stained with paint.
"What do you think?" Kristen asked. I shrugged as I stared at the paintings scattered on the floor then one caught my eye: A family portrait, I could see the younger versions of Christopher, Kristen and Chris. But Christopher looked different, instead of the red eyes I know him for having, his eyes in the painting were grey.
"Hey, there's a mistake with your painting. Christopher's eyes are supposed to be red." I pointed out, Kristen stared at me then the painting.
"Nah, his eyes are grey.", Kristen clarified.
"What?" I asked confused. Kristen's eyes widened, as if he said something he's not supposed to say.
"You know, just go. I'm not in the mood for chit chat." Kristen said as he pointed at the door.
He definitely said something he's not supposed to say. I wanted to push on, know what's going on but.... I didn't feel like it, not like that would do me good anyways.
"Alright, see you on the sports day." I said as I left the room, Kristen only nodded but I swear I heard him say something about Christopher's eye colour.
He's definitely hiding something.