[Reset system task: Defeat all shooters and reach safety, difficulty: Hard]
The blue screen dissolved into the air, I stared at the dissolved screen then Kristen wondering if he had seen the screen. Because if he had, game over.
"What?" He asked confused. I shook my head as I slowly got up and went to the door, I noticed a fire extinguisher and removed it.
"What are you doing?" He asked confused but I put my finger to my lips and told him to shut up. I stood by the door as I heard footsteps approaching, then slowly removed the fire extinguisher from its case. Just then the door swung open and one of the men in black entered with his gun pointed the gun at Kristen but before he could shoot I hit his head with the fire extinguisher, blood gushed out of his neck. I stared at his dead body confused, I hit his head not his neck but then I saw scissors stabbed into his neck then I looked at Kristen.
"How did you throw it?" I asked surprised since his right hand is injuried.
"I'm ambidextrous by natural means." He replied as he removed the scissors and quietly left the room, I followed him because I had a quest to complete. When I realized he wasn't looking, I tried activating the blue screen to come out but nothing was working.
"I wish I asked how to activate the dumb screen" I thought as we continued walking.
[I'm anything but dumb and if you want to activate me just put a finger up in the air, I'll just come.]
"And if I want to reset time?" I quietly asked to avoid Kristen hearing us.
[Just say reset, now is that all you want?]
"No, how many shooters are here?" I asked.
[Shooters: 20, shooters left: 19]
I swiped the screen away, I guess that deactivated it as it dissolved into thin air. We walked through the hallway wondering where on earth the shooters are, then suddenly I saw something like a dot approaching us slowly, I squinted my eyes and realized that's a bullet.
"Kristen, duck!" I screamed, Kristen must have gotten the hint as he dodged the bullet just in time before it could hit him, luckily I dodged too and soon we saw three shooters all in black with masks on their faces. Realising I was still holding the fire extinguisher, I quickly removed the pin and sprayed it at them hearing their yelps of surprise turning into grunts of pain as I saw another figure stabbing and slicing through their flesh with ungodly speed, when the gas dissolved I saw Kristen with blood splattered on his clothes and face. In his left hand was a bloodied up scissors.
"Let's go, I suspect there are more of them here." He said I he began walking off briskly.
He just killed three people with insane speed that I know from the game he doesn't possess and how would he know there are more shooters around?
Maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe he just has good reflexes especially with sharp objects.
But..... Something is off. Something feels off about his behaviour right now.
I brushed it aside as we some how reached an empty stadium, I guess everyone else was evacuated.
"Freeze!" We heard a hoarse voice scream, we turned to see a big burly man with thick black hair, dark brown eyes and a horribly cut moustache, in his arms was a girl with sandy brown hair in our school uniform her green eyes looked at us with fear and panic.
"If you move, I shoot her brains out." The man said threateningly. The girl's eyes widened in horror at his words.
"Shit." I thought looking at the man and the girl. "This isn't good." I thought before looking at Kristen who had a nonchalant expression.
"Do it." He said steadily, his gaze calculating. All the blood drained from the girl's face at his words, the man looked surprised at his words.
"What do you mean by he should kill her? She's in our school!" I screamed at Kristen, who looked at me and pointed at the girl.
"She's also a bitch. So yes she has to die." Kristen countered, I looked at the girl and realized she's in Kristen's class, I guess he has a grudge against her or something like that. Before I could speak again Kristen stared at the man with cold eyes.
"Why? Can't kill her? Ok I will." He said as he suddenly threw the scissors at the girl.
"KRISTEN NO!" I screamed as I closed my eyes when I heard a scream of pure pain and agony, only after the screaming had died down is when I opened my eyes expecting to see a dead girl but all I saw was the man removing scissors from his right eye as the eye came out causing blood to gush out. Before I could even process what had happened Kristen kicked the man to the ground before kicking him excessively in the rib, the man screamed in pain. Then Kristen squatted to stare at the man condenscingly, he slowly picked the scissors before driving deep into the man's rib causing another ear piercing scream.
"Your pain tolerance is as slow as your intellect." Kristen said coldly before turning to his classmate and saying : "Give me your phone."
The girl hesitated for a while before throwing Kristen a white phone, he quickly dialled a number and called it.
"Hello police? Yes, there's been a shoot out at the Robinson stadium. Yes, there is an injured man right here bleeding to death, he claims that there are more shooters in the stadium. Ok. We'll be expecting you in five minutes." Kristen said before ending the call. "The police is on their way." He explained to us, the man look terrified and tried crawling away only for Kristen to step on the man's calf before kicking him again.
"Where are you going? No,no, no we still have a lot to discuss. Unless you want to die." Kristen said with a straight face, his voice eerily calm. Once again he squatted but this time seized the man's hair roughly.
"I know you have a Walkie talkie on you that you use to communicate with your commarades. So here's the plan, you're going to communicate with all of them right now and tell them you have three hostages and that you've contacted the police for negotiations. Got it?" Kristen calmly said, the man let out a whimper of agreement. Kristen's hand went to the man's hand that had fully let go of the gun and took it, I was wondering what he was doing with it then he fired the bullets like five times. I heard screams come from a far distance I turned to see five men on the ground in a pool their own blood.
"Ten down. Ten left." I heard Kristen mutter. Now I know something is wrong. Only I know there are twenty shooters but he somehow knows that to.
"Yo what the hell? Hey you three kids! Did you do this to my gang?!" An angry voice demanded rudely interrupting my thoughts. Annoyed I clearly remember taking the scissors from Kristen and throwing it, we heard a grunt but it soon turned into a giggle then a full out hysterical laugh.
[Side quest: Defeat the gang boss and receive 200 coins]
I stared at the screen in confusion, what on earth am I going to use coins for? But hey, if it means completing why not? Slowly I turned to see a man who seemed to be in his early twenties with poisonous green hair and golden eyes like a serpent's but my blood ran cold as I realized he had caught the scissors.
"Why? Little girl afraid?" The man chuckled, slowly like nine more men claded in black had encircled us, each holding a weapon with a crazy expression on their faces.
[Need my help?]
I stared at the screen confused before slowly nodding.
[Here, make sure to leave a trail of blood for me.]
I felt something hot against my hand, a high standard 22 revolver was in my hand. I don't think anyone realise it was in my hand as I stared at them then one of them wielding a sword charged at us screaming like a psychopath. Kristen's foot instantly connected with the guys face, sending him staggering backwards blood spilling from his cut lips. Kristen then pulled out the gun he took from the man we had met earlier, pointing it to him and shooting him dead before pointing the gun at the boss.
"Come at us." He calmly said, then all the men excluding the boss rushed at us but their quick steps faltered as they saw one of their members fall and me wielding the revolver, they soon picked up the pace as we backed away shooting them at any weak point we saw while trying to protect the girl with us.
Soon Kristen and I were facing eachother back to back as we shot each one of the members down, Kristen's hand grabbed mine as he pulled me away and shot one member straight in his head. I felt his arm around my waist but I couldn't think about that as I pulled the trigger and shot another member in his hip bone.
"Ugh, you guys are such a pain." The boss began as he drew a katana.
"Hope you get reincarnated!" He said as he was about to charge at us when suddenly the police barged in and ordered everyone to freeze, the boss didn't look surprised as he complied with the police as they cuffed him. He just sighed and stared at us before grinning and winking, then he was put in a police car and was sent off.
Ambulances came in and out rushing the injuried to the hospital. Kristen finally let go off my waist.
"We should go." He said while staring at me and the girl.
"I'm afraid you can't leave." An officer said, we turned to see a male with auburn hair and sapphire blue eyes wearing sunglasses.
"I'm Officer Li Xianshang. And we need you to come with us for interrogations."