"So what does it do?" I asked as I stared at the green screen in front of us.
"I actually feel like it's more of a power than a system, but basically it gives me the to summon anything I want so long as I know it's components, but sometimes I have to buy some of the things I need through coins." Kristen explained, I remembered the coins I was offered if I defeated the gang boss. So that's what they're used for..... Noted.
"Show me." I said as I took mental notes of his power or system or whatever it is. Kristen took a deep breath as he extended his hand out, his eyes fluttered shut as he focused on what ever he was creating. Small beads of sweat glided on his face as his brows furrowed, a sort of light beamed from his extended hand soon the light faded and in his hand was a rag doll with red hair and buttoned eyes in a cute lakeshore blue dress.
"Wow, did you imagine it to look like this?" I asked in astonishment.
"Yea, as soon as I know the components, I just have to describe how I want it to look like." Kristen replied as he placed the doll on his study table which was covered with a lot drawing sheets and other drawing materials. Suddenly an idea entered my mind.
"Hey, can you summon a fox?" I asked excitedly, and yes I love foxes. They're cute, small, fluffy and adorable.
"I can't summon living beings so no." Kristen dryly replied as he sat on the chair by the study table.
The air suddenly became suffocating because of the awkwardness at the moment, we were basically staring at each other waiting for the other to speak but it clearly wasn't happening.
"So um, do you also receive side quests to get coins?" I asked as I fidgeted with my yellow hoodie.
"You mean the gang boss side quest? Yea, I received the coins." Kristen replied as he shrugged before drawing.
"Really? But we didn't kill him." I said surprised. Kristen stared at me before saying I should check my system which I did, and there it was: 200 coins for beating the boss.
"You didn't really expect that we actually kill him did you?" Kristen asked, I slowly shook my head as I stared at the blue screen in front of me when suddenly a notification dinged.
[New quest found, in the intimacy level system, please go check it out!]
My brows furrowed in confused before I remembered I could also do quests from there, my finger went to this heart icon above the screen. The blue screen changed to a pink and white screen as it said in cursive writing:
[Intimacy Levels]
It showed all the characters in the game, minus Kristen which was confusing. I guess Kristen saw my unease face as he suddenly said:
"I'm real, remember?"
I rolled my eyes as he reminded me about that, I saw that by Christopher's profile picture was a bell. Obviously I clicked on it and there were a list of quests there either under the category main or side quest, all the quests were grey expect one:
[Find out the real reason behind Christopher and Zhao Mei's breakup. Do you accept the quest?]
And what if I don't want to accept the quest, I mean it's none of my business.
[Refusal of this quest will lead to your immediate death, still want to refuse?]
My mouth basically dropped opened at this, so not only does a god want to kill me but a system too? What is wrong with this game. I looked at the screen which was showing me a tick button and a button which "X" on it.
"Kristen, you might want to see this." I said as I pointed at the screen, Kristen sat by me as he read the message, his face changed from indifference to pure horror.
"No way am I about to investigate this." Kristen said, "Reject it."
"If I reject it, I die." I said as we stared at the screen.
"Oh well, then you're on your own. Unlike you I'll actually continue living even if I refuse this quest." Kristen replied, when suddenly his screen came on with the same message and consequence of refusal as mine.
"Fuck you." Kristen muttered as he stared at the screen.
"Oh well, guess you will die with me if you refuse." I said, my voice dripping with fake concern and smugness. Kristen showed me his middle finger as I pressed the tick button on both screens.
"Sorry, but like you said earlier: I'm not your future wife or girlfriend to do that with you." I said as I patted his head smiling to myself.
"Shut up." Kristen muttered under his breath as he looked away from me causing me to laugh.
"How on earth are we even going to find out?" Kristen asked in exasperation as he got up and paced around the room, his hand going through his hair. "Not like they're going to give us a clue too on top of that." He added.
[Hint: Look for Patrick, Christopher's best friend]
"Oh, maybe I was a little to harsh on it." Kristen said before the screen dissolved.
"So we have to find Patrick first. Then ask him about Christopher and Zhao Mei. Which is going to be hard." I noted as I stared at Kristen. "Meaning the hint was as useful as that pink haired anime girl with green eyes." I added. Just then the door swung open and we saw Chris enter with a popsicle in his mouth.
"Dud mwah ay sumeting aout Hantrick?" Chris asked with a muffled voice drawing looks of confusion from us.
"What?" Kristen and I asked in confusion, Chris raised up his hand before removing the popsicle from his mouth.
"Did you say something about Patrick?" Chris asked us while staring at us in confusion with one eyebrow shot up and his nose scrunched up.
"We're looking for him. Have you seen him?" I asked.
"Yea, I saw him at the park sitting by the pond with a camera in hand, he bought me the popsicle." Chris said, Kristen and I got up getting ready to leave. Kristen left before me.
"Chris." I said as I stopped at the door to stare at him. He tilted his head sideways, his eyes slightly opened.
"Thank you." I said as began leaving not before catching a glimpse of him blushing.
I can't blame him though.
After all I was blushing too.