The school bus left the campus at around 10am to start the sports festival early but those who were helping during the event left at 9:30am. Including myself, everyone one of us had to make sure everything was ready: refreshments, equipment, first aid kits.
Soon everyone was seated and the event started with a boring speech with the Headmaster saying something between the lines of:
"Our academia's Sports Festival is always one of fun, sportsmanship and teamwork. We hope for no toxic competition or violence, this message goes especially to the third years."
I remembered this part cause I saw the headmaster glare at where the third years were seated. With that a flare was shot and the events began, the first event was relay which finished really quickly. Partly because I wasn't paying attention and partly because no one I knew was part of the relay, and that's how majority of the sports were going like. I conversed with Siniara during 200m and 800m, I slept during shot put and the girls' 4x4 relay. There was this part of the event were I actually had to tend to someone who started hyperventilating during the guys' relay, so to conclude the first half of the event I was bored to death.
Until the guys' 1,500m began because I saw someone I knew. I saw Chris, he was stretching on the track with the other atlethes on the track and I'm going to be brutally honest, I didn't think Chris would win. Not because he's not fit which would be a total lie because he is, he doesn't look like the sporty type he loves drumming, eating sweets, baking and watching rom-coms and gacha videos. Definitely not the sporty type call it being judgmental but it's the truth. Or so I thought it was about 20 seconds ago before the race started, at first he was running behind the sixth person on the track but by the second lap he was just a few inches behind the fourth person then by the last two laps, he was second just an inch behind the first person. Then he passed the first person, then as the athletes where reaching the finish line for good something unexpected happened. The person Chris had just passed suddenly picked up his speed and passed Chris again as they reached the finish line and Chris was second. That was actually one of the best races I've seen.
"Congrats" I said as Chris collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, I laughed a little as I stared at him before getting him a bottle of water which he eagerly drunk.
"Well it's better than last year." He said before collapsing back to the ground, I sat by him staring at him. Then he stared at me, his red eyes locking onto my green eyes.
"What?" He finally asked to which I shook my head.
"Tell me~" He whined while playfully poking my cheek.
"Nothing." I replied but Chris pouted at me causing me to sigh. "It's just that.... " I continued.
"Just that?" He asked, his eyes showing curiosity and excitement.
"You really surprised me today." I finally said. Chris stared at me surprised before he grinned.
"Really? How?" He asked as he propped himself up with one arm.
"I never knew you could run so well. Just thought you love indoor activities." I admitted, Chris stared at me with a look that told me that he was processing what I just said before another grin spreaded on his face as he bopped my nose.
"Well I'm glad I surprised you." He said when suddenly some blunt and yet metallic hit Chris' head, we looked up to see Vlad who was holding a javelin in hand.
"If you want to flirt with your girlfriend, find a room to do it in." Vlad said causing Chris to blush hard.
"She's not my girlfriend." Chris replied making Vlad give him a questioning look.
"I thought you asked her out last year." Vlad asked confused. "Lemme guess, she rejected you?" Vlad asked again causing me to finally intervene.
"No, I told him to give me time to think about it." I replied, Vlad squatted as he poked Chris' cheek.
"Jade, honestly. Any girl in your shoes would say yes to Chris in a heartbeat. He's the sweetest, cutest, most innocent bundle of joy and happiness that you'd ever meet. So say yes to my cupcake." Vlad said causing me to cough at two words: cupcake and innocent.
"I thought Kristen is your cupcake." Chris said.
"No, he's my peppermint. You're my cupcake." Vlad clarified.
"And I don't need to hear more of this." I added, suddenly we heard a cough and turned to see Rio having a javelin in one hand and a bronze medal on his neck.
"You were third?" Vlad asked surprised to which Rio nodded. "Colour me impressed." Vlad added. Rio rolled his eyes as he pointed to the field.
"They're called all upperclassmen who are participating in the javelin throw." Rio said, Vlad got up and left. Not before knocking Rio's head with a resounding thud, I'll get straight to the point Vlad was first. The last sport for day one of the event was discus and I saw Kristen go to the ring as he began to throw. He had been the last person on the list to throw and he had three turns just like everyone else.
"How heavy is that?" I asked Chris as we watched Kristen prepare to throw the green discus in his right hand. Chris squinted his eyes before rubbing his chin.
"Well, Kristen told me that the weight of a discus depends on the colour and I think he said green is around 1.75kg." Chris replied. Suddenly Kristen threw the discus with basically all his strength, his foot maybe some inches away from the ring's outline.
"20.7m!" One of the supervisors said, Kristen sighed as the crowd cheered. On his second throw he had 19.3m and the last throw he had 22.4m which was highest among every discus thrower but, one of the referees called for the infirmary volunteers that Kristen had gotten a cut on his palm. And of I was called to tend to him, (I was being sacrastic).
"Come on, let's go." I said as I led Kristen to the infirmary, we walked in silence until we reached the infirmary.
"Let me see the cut." I said as I sat in front of Kristen, slowly he should me his right palm. The cut wasn't that big but the blood was spewing out was a lot.
"How did you even get cut? Isn't that discus blunt?" I asked confused, Kristen sighed as he explained:
"The discus isn't that blunt and I guess I threw too hard so yea.",
I stared at him before shrugging as I began to disinfect his wound but as I began to bandage his palm, we heard shooting from outside. Curious I went outside to look, my worst mistake as I saw men in black with guns. I basically froze as soon as they spotted me and one of them pulled out their guns.
The last thing I remember hearing and seeing was a bang and a bullet that I felt pierce through my skull. Then everything went black.
Did I just die?