Chereads / Surrendering to Insanity / Chapter 15 - Kai POV

Chapter 15 - Kai POV

Well, here we go. I guess I can check deep diving into my background with practically a complete stranger off of my list of things to do today.

 "I'm just going to go over the highlights, if you want an in-depth story you'll have to ask more questions later. I was born to a dominant trait obsessed father, and when I didn't exhibit any dominant tendencies at the age of two he left my mother. I don't know who he is or where he went, my mother never talked about him. My mother's life was ruined because of his absence, and it was all my fault. I like to think she loved me the best way she knew how, but either way my upbringing was rather… Bleak, to sum it up."

 "That's awful! Didn't your parents know that the accuracy rate of observing dominant tendencies in young kids is only around 45%? Why would they subject you to that, and why would your mother blame you for her life?"

 "Details didn't matter to them. I found a photo album that had photos of my mother before my father left. She was young and beautiful. She had the most vibrant carefree smile I had ever seen. Accuracy or not, I was the one that took everything away from her. The day I turned eighteen she kicked me out, and I went to live with a friend from school until I graduated."

 "I mean obviously that is a sad story, but that doesn't define who you are. I don't know where you got this notion that you are some terrible guy."

Avery looked utterly confused. He didn't seem to understand and wasn't phased in the slightest at hearing that I didn't show dominant tendencies when I was younger. Doesn't he understand what that means?

"You realize that I am a recessive alpha, right?"

"…What does that have to do with anything? Dominant, recessive, the only difference is the frequency of rut and heat cycles, and the amount of pheromones someone is able to produce."

"Wouldn't it make it hard for a dominant omega to be with a recessive alpha? Wouldn't you find yourself having a hard time because of me?"

Avery seemed to be thinking seriously about this question, but his answer was rather direct and lighthearted.

"No, not at all. If anything, you would be the one having a hard time because of me. My heat cycles are more frequent because I am dominant, but I know that I felt really good last time because of you. I don't think it would be a problem for me."

Well, if that's not enough for him to say no, then I guess I should continue where I left off.

"Anyway, after I moved in with my friend from school his family was good to me. They bought me the studio apartment I live in now, and my life was rather lively. I enjoyed being around them, and they treated me like their own son. However, a year after I moved out, the entire family was killed when they were hit by a drunk driver. They shouldn't have even been out that night, but I got a promotion at work, and they insisted on meeting for dinner to celebrate. It's my fault their lives were cut short."

"Kai, I am so so sorry you had to experience something like that. I can't pretend to understand that kind of pain, but you must have hurt deeply for a really long time."

"The worst part was, the Holswell's put me in their will. Since everyone died in the accident, I ended up getting everything. I feel guilty every time I walk through my front door, but I do my best to live a life worthy of their love and support."

"Listen, I promise I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but you weren't at fault for anything that happened. I don't understand why you feel like you are some walking bad omen."

"I was born recessive, and that caused my mother to lose everything dear to her. I ruined her life because of what I am. And it was because of me that the Holswell's were on the road that night. I destroyed two families. I was raised being told that I was a useless waste of space, but it turns out I am good for one thing – destroying the lives everyone I get close to."

"Not to sound too blunt… But that's a fucked-up mentality to have. Your mother chose to give birth to you knowing that there was no guarantee you would be dominant. And that family that took you in, they could have easily been in some other accident the same night whether or not you were in their lives. Fate is a fickle thing, and it can make us feel insane sometimes, but to get through life you have no choice but to give in to it."

"Sigh, So does that mean that after hearing about my past you still want to pursue a relationship with me?"

"Yes it does! Sounds like we will have to work on your mindset about things some… You shouldn't take responsibility for things you had no control over. But yes, I do want to date you, Kai."

"Okay then, Avery. You remember the condition that I gave to you. I told you everything, so now you have to tell me the whole reason as to why you want to be with me."

Avery looked like he was going to make himself sick with how nervous he was getting. Just as he was about to start speaking our food arrived. He stared at his food for a minute before moving the noodles around on his plate.

"Would it be okay if we ate first?"

"Sure, go ahead."

The next twenty-five minutes were spent in silence, and aside from the sounds of our silverware clacking against our plates neither of us made any noise. Avery barely touched any of his food, and I assumed it was the anxiety of what he has yet to tell me that caused his appetite to vanish. Our waitress walked up to the table to ask how we were doing right as Avery tried to take another bite of his food.

"We're doing okay ma'am, thank you. I actually think we will need a to-go container for his food, and we are ready for the check if you don't mind."

"I'm glad to hear that everything was to your liking! I will bring you that box right away. Will you be paying with cash or card?"

"Card, please."

Avery looked panicked as he tried to swallow down his food, but I pulled out my debit card before he was able to protest to me paying.

"Thank you sir, I will be right back."

"Kai, why did you pay? I know this isn't some fine dining restaurant, but it isn't quite some run of the mill steakhouse either."

"She already took the card, no point in arguing about it now. Just finish up what you want to eat, and we can go somewhere else to finish talking."

It was clear that Avery was pouting with the ridiculous face he made, and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the sight of him. He really is young, and he has a completely different background than me. He may think everything is okay now, but in time he will realize it was a mistake. Maybe I should just play along with him for now? If I just steady my heart, and try not to get too attached, then maybe it would be okay to date for a while.

"Here is your card and receipt, I also brought the to-go container. Don't feel rushed to leave, and if you need anything else in the meantime please let me know. Have a great evening."

"Thank you."

I looked at the receipt, wrote down the tip I was leaving, then slid it on the edge of the table. Avery hadn't pecked at his food since I handed my card over to pay, so I took the liberty of putting his food in the container for him.

"How about we go get some fresh air? There is an ice-cream place near by that I can drive us to, we can take it to go and find a park bench to sit on and finish our conversation."

"Um, okay, that's fine. If it's busy I don't know if I will go in with you though, would you mind getting our ice-cream while I wait outside?"

"Sure, not a problem. You know, for how bold you have been with me tonight, I would not have pegged you as someone who is sensitive to strangers. To each their own, I suppose."

We walked outside and I put his food in the small storage space on my motorcycle. I handed Avery my helmet to wear, "Here, put this on. Safety first."

"Wow, you drive a motorcycle! That's so cool, I've never been on one before."

"I rarely ever drive the thing. I live walking distance to most places; I could have even walked here tonight if I wanted to. I just decided to drive tonight instead. Here, let me help you put the helmet on. I'm going to sit you on the bike first, then I will hop on. When I do, I want you to scoot closer to me so that your torso is leaning against my back and wrap your arms around my waist. Don't fight any turns, just relax against me and go with the flow."


He is really enthusiastic about this. I lifted him up and sat him on the back of my motorcycle, then I got on and kicked up the kickstand. He didn't scoot far enough forward, so I reached behind me with one arm and helped him scoot up a little more. Once he was in a good position I started the bike, and we made our way to the ice-cream shop.

It felt odd driving there with him. Maybe it's because I only ever rode with someone on the back of my bike when I was taking my driving classes, but it felt strange. Avery's body seemed to perfectly mold itself against my back, and even though it seemed like he was leaning on me with his full weight he still felt so light. His hands were locked into each other and rested a few inches below my navel, and I couldn't help but think how good it felt to be held like this by him.

A few minutes later we arrived at the ice-cream shop, and I parked in the takeout spot. I put the kickstand up and turned around to open Avery's visor so he could hear me a little better.

"Do you want to go inside, or do you want me to just run in real quick?"

"You can go on ahead, I'll wait here on the bike. I would like pistachio ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and a caramel drizzle, if you don't mind."

Well, he certainly knows what he wants at least.

"No problem, I'll be back in a minute."

Avery put the visor back down on the helmet, and he scooted forward to sit on the main seat of the bike. He seemed so relaxed there, but the view was kind of funny. He is tall for an omega, but he also has quite a petite frame. Seeing him sit on the bike as though he was the driver was an odd sight for sure, but he seemed content waiting there so I let him be.

The shop wasn't too busy, so I was able to get the ice cream quickly. I got us both re-settled on the bike, and started a short drive to a park that was about fifteen minutes away. I helped Avery take the helmet off and gave him a hand to help him off the bike.

"I've never been to this park before; I didn't even know it was here. It seems nice."

He looked around and took in the sight. There wasn't much to look at, it was just a large grass field that was sprinkled with large oak trees here and there. There was a pond further ahead that had a fountain in the middle, and there were a couple weeping willows near the water's edge.

"Can we go sit near the pond?" He asked.

"Sure, lead the way." I said as I grabbed the ice cream.

I followed Avery down to the pond, and he planted himself at the base of a weeping willow and leaned against the trunk while looking out on the water. The moon reflected against the water surface, and with the fountain being off due to the time of day, there were only slight ripples in the water from some ducks nearby.

"You're going to get your shirt dirty leaning against the tree like that."

Avery looked up at me with a shy smile, "I don't mind. It's just a shirt."

I sat down next to him and gave him his ice cream. Once he got fully settled into a comfortable position he opened the lid, took a bite of his ice cream, and then lightly leaned against me. We ate in silence while admiring the nighttime scenery, and once the ice cream was gone Avery wrapped his arms around one of my mine. I looked down at him right as he closed his eyes, and I could see the moonlight reflected off of a single tear that fell down his face.

"I'm scared to tell you" He said, his voice shaky and barely louder than a whisper.

"I… I don't want you to hate me before you even get to know me."

"You told me that it wasn't fair I got to decide how you would feel before hearing the full story. You need to give me the same courtesy, Avery, and give me the chance to make up my own mind."

He slid one of his arms down so that our hands met, and he wove his fingers in between my own. He squeezed his eyes shut, and I could tell that he was trying to minimize the number of tears that he let out.

"I didn't find out about this until last night, a doctor confirmed everything. You can look at the test results if you want, or we can schedule an appointment together to talk to the same doctor. Last Thursday night, when you took me back to your place… I imprinted on you. We found out because yesterday I got exposed to another alpha's pheromones. They weren't strong by any means, barely noticeable. But I had a visceral reaction to them. Micah and Emette, one of my other brothers, took me to the hospital and they confirmed it with blood tests. That's the whole reason I want to be with you."

Wait… He What?! How the hell did he imprint on a random alpha like me, recessive no less?!

"I know it comes as a shock, but I was doing research at home, and they say that even though it's rare, if someone imprints on another person like I did, then it could be an indicator of something called 'fated mates', though that part is more of an urban legend than fact."

"How… Is there a way to remove the imprint?" I asked, not thinking about how he would interpret my words.

"No, there isn't. The only way to stabilize an alpha or omega who has imprinted like this is to become mated with a mark. That's why I didn't want to tell you, because I did not want you to feel obligated to do that with me. I was hoping you would fall in love with me and it would happen naturally."

"What would you have done if I refused to have dinner or firmly said no from the start?"

Avery opened his eyes slightly, and it looked like there was a deep sadness setting up roots inside him.

"I would have said okay and left it at that. There is nothing that I can do about rejecting alpha pheromones that aren't yours, but none of this is your fault either. Some research I found said that getting marked by someone else other than who I imprinted on can help me to accept that other alpha's pheromones, but the imprint will remain regardless."

I put my arm around him and gave him a slight squeeze, then tilted my head to lean on top of his.

"It sounds like regardless of what I do, I did indeed ruin your life."

"No! That isn't true. The doctor said that imprinting like this without being marked first is extremely rare, and it is done subconsciously without the person realizing that they are doing it. All I could think about while I was with you was how much I wanted to be with you every day for the rest of my life. I wanted to always be close to you and held by you, your pheromones make me feel happy and safe and warm. Here, look."

Avery slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out a folded-up piece of paper. He gently unfolded it and handed it to me, then took out his phone and turned the flashlight on so I could see better. It was a drawing of a beautiful landscape on a clear sunny day. There were a few trees scarcely planted about, but the grass was filled with different wildflowers. In the bottom middle of the drawing was a young man lying on his stomach with his face propped up on his elbows. Beneath him was a large blanket.

"It's beautiful, looks peaceful" I said, and I genuinely meant it.

"I drew that yesterday while I was teaching an art class. The concept we went with was 'dreams' and this just came to me. It's how I felt when I was with you, and how your pheromones make me feel. I realized then that I wanted to always be with you, despite not having known anything about you."

He looked at the drawing while he spoke, and he smiled softly.

"I can't guarantee anything, I don't want either of us to do anything because we feel obligated to. But you were right at dinner, that I feel similar to you. So, if you want to, we can try dating. Though I've never dated anyone in my life. In fact, you were my first kiss. So, please be patient with me. And if there is anything I can do to help you in the meantime, just tell me."

Avery squeezed my hand even tighter and let out a rather large sigh after hearing what I had to say.

"Thank you," he said. "I do have one more question though…"

"What is it?"

"…Was I really your first kiss?"

Avery started giggling, it was such a pure sound that danced warmly in the air around us. I let out a small laugh alongside his, and I couldn't help but think that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.