Let this go viral,l told my PA resting my eyes on the article of Arielle's brand. I didn't know that one of the brands we are promoting is hers until recently. From what I can tell, her recent design is becoming the talk of the town, and they need more publicity than they're getting. What's the point in owning a magazine company, Radio and TV station, and blogs if I can't utilise them to push my friend's work to the limeline? I pray her company grows to the extent she stops working for anybody at least she can have time for herself. It's annoying how some men look at her when she is working. They can't see past her excellence, to the clever, talented, and kind young lady inside. I know how poisonous this industry is, and I know it doesn't suit her personality. I want her securely behind the blazing lights, rather than before them. Arielle has been acting strange lately, and it's killing me slowly. I'm worried for her. The requirements and conditions of being a model is outrageous .The regularly unfavourable shooting locations, keeping fit, and the dieting hmm! I don't even know why she does it at all.
She's the best at it though, but to me, she should have chosen another profession. Her fashion brand allows her imagination to run wild and it broadens her horizon and she will still work within the industry she loves without being subjected to the exceptionally bad parts of notoriety. Bumble Clayton called,my PA, Jim, said to me. "He wanted to ask about the script he sent in. According to your notes, it shows we're prepared to affirm the funding for his production. Should l get to work and put that into motion? I shrugged nonchalantly and said. No, I snapped, the recap of the way he talked to Arielle last night played in my head. He's a chunk. He is an ugly reptilian runt unworthy of being stuck on the foot of her shoe."What?" Jim says, befuddled. I wave my hand in expulsion. Forget it. I never need to listen to that moron once more. We are done working with him, and let it be known that any movie personnel that works with him will never work with Warren Media. The same goes for anybody that gives him funding. Jim's eyes popped out. "What did the destitute sucker do to you to allow him the kiss of death? He'll not survive it you know" I grin at the imbecilic expression. Being boycotted by Warren has been named The Kiss of Death".lt is a slow poison, and those who are hit with it don't realise it until it's too late, then they find themselves encompassed by the remains of their careers. I shake my head. I don't give a damn that he never gets to work again. He should've thought of that before he let his mouth run. Let's see where he's planning to get the cash to pull his project. "Stupid old man" My PA swallowed hard. His stun was clear. I'm done being a gentleman. You ought to be in an industry filled with egocentric men. This idiot, though he'll soon find out what happens when I lose my tolerance. "Come to think of it," I said to Jim as l drummed my fingers nervously on the table .There's a store manager called Philip. He works in our shopping centre. Fire him. He works for one of the gems stores. I can't remember the store name again. The one that has Loretta's favourite brand, that one. Jim clears his throat awkwardly.If it's one of the shopping centres, that's real estate and it falls beneath Bianca's jurisdiction. You know she doesn't like it when we meddle with her affairs. I relaxed back in my chair and gaze at my PA. He's six feet tall and regularly mixed up as my bodyguard however, he grovels at the thought of my sister. I assume I can't fault him. My baby sister is a force to be reckoned with.Call Bianca and tell her that Philip scoffed at Arielle throughout the time I was there with her, he has to go.
I'm sure she would want her bestie to be able to go to one of her shopping centres without being typified and craved after? Jim's eyes popped out ,an imply of outrage in his eyes. This Philip of a guy has the impetus to harass Arielle ?.His jaw tightened, and gestures unflinchingly. I'm on it, I observe as he walks out and smothers my grin. Arielle is a deer and a lamb. Everybody that comes in contact with her falls in love with her. She's so adorable and the whole universe sees it. I look out of the window, wavering for a moment. I can't stomach her vulnerability. What would have been her faith if I hadn't been there the previous night? I get my phone and gaze down at it gulping my pride as I call the one man I despise. He can be so annoying but he's a savant at his work. "Bruno Ferdinand," he says.I felt my pulse quicken, irritated at his voice. This is Ariel Warren. I know. I have your number. All phones have a contact list this day. I despise this man. I would like two additional bodyguards. The finest you've got, but there's a clause. They will work undercover. "Undercover? he inquires, fantastic. I clench my jaw as recollections of Arielle dating this man. For a long time the two of them were seen together dating off and on. I wish there was somebody else way better suited for the favour I need but this man is the finest of the finest. I need them to be undercover. They are to protect someone without her knowing it. I need all the dangers around her to be neutralised before they materialise. That includes men who bug her or those who won't take no for a reply. I do not care how they do it, but the moment she is threatened, I need someone to take charge. He chuckles hazily, the sound chafing. Who is it that is giving you this sleepless night? Your fiancée? I put somebody on her.
I blew a frustrated breath as a chill ran down my spine. " Arielle Rowan''. A gasp escaped his lips.You would go to such lengths to secure her in secret? I close my eyes and breathe in profoundly. I would.It's on the higher side. "Indeed it is, l said. "One condition".To call you at any time if it's not too much of a trouble and you cannot deny me. I signed, Bruno Ferdinand. He knows how much a favour from Warren is worth. Impossible,any other thing l asked? "Then I assume you'll have to get somebody else, Warren." This imbecile. Did you ever care about her?I snap. He chuckles, the sound grinding. "I did and I still do. My family sees Arielle as a part of us, and we continuously will. Yet you request such a tall cost for her protection? I don't mix business with pleasure . Arrant nonsense. He chuckles once more and never before have I been this enticed to punch somebody's face. "Alright," I sighed in frustration okay l agreed. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody and doesn't infringe on my right.Done, he says. Arielle will never realise a few of the most talented and heartless men I've got are watching her twenty-four-seven. At that point, he giggles once more. By the way, it might interest you to know that Arielle has unconsciously had my security for years free of charge. You paid one hell of a premium fee to keep men's propels at barest minimum, something I never disturbed myself with. You should probably ask yourself why. he hangs up on me.