After the light disappeared, limitless was now inside a room where no one was there, neither there was a gate. but there was the mirrors. as limitless saw himself in the mirror, he got to know that the mirrors' are too much and he could the unlimited reflections of himself inside the mirror.
He got closer to a mirror, as he touched the mirror it was like he was touching himself, but he was not touching his reflection in the mirror, the hands of his reflection were invisible.
As limitless saw saw this in the mirror, he spoke towards his reflection: "Who are you?"
But it imitated limitless as a result which was natural, the reflection has been doing that all along. limitless had a thought those reflections can think and act differently than him.
"Not replying?"
Limitless stopped talking and had a thoughts with confusion: "What is this place? And where are the rest of cosmos sect? Did i got trapped here forever or is this temporarily? is this probably the level 'You cheated'?
But then suddenly, as the question popped up in this head, he again got the latter from edward, this time was shocked even more. his reflection, same as him, got the latter and was acting as same as him. upon seeing this, limitless' suspicion lifted a bit.
Limitless reads the latter inwardly: "An unknown threat is outside of this room, waiting for you."
After reading the latter, limitless looked in the mirror and realised this can be just a normal mirror.
Limitless thought with a evil smile: "It is now time to make the my reflections in the mirrors alive."
"I did not lost my powers after all."
As he thought this, the unlimited limitless could think and act differently than the original limitless.
"Follow me you all." Limitless shouted.
"Yes." A sound echoed, every single limitless in the mirror was saying this.
Limitless thought again: "I am ready to exit this room and escape, i will deal with the unknown threat with ease."
As he thought this, he created a door in the doorless room without moving any part of this body. the door was not created in any mirror's world but only in original world where original limitless is from.
Limitless shouted towards a mirror: "I command you to open this door and eliminate the unknown threat outside."
Limitless thought: "I cheated in the past and i will cheat again by controlling every action of those pawns."
No one replied, but every reflection of the limitless was moving forward to open the gate this was what limitless wanted, limitless was the one controlling them, he could still control absolute unlimited people as he did not lost his powers yet, on the other side somewhere in the mirror some reflection are saying 'Yes' to limitless's command, this will not stop.
As the limitless's reflection opened the door which leads to outside, limitless created a another huge mirror in his palm and got into the mirror, inside the mirror he created, there was no one else, no reflection of limitless. but as limitless got into the mirror, the mirror got broken, because limitless got into the mirror when the mirror was not on the ground, thus, the mirror got broken as it landed on the ground and when original limitless got into it.
Every reflection of limitless were not stopping exiting the door. outside of the door, huge amount of limitless were trying to find the unknown threat. every single reflection had no knowledge of this city including the original limitless. they were just destroyed the houses of city to find the unknown threat.
as a limitless destroyed a house, he found there was someone in house who did not got any damage, it was dante. dante and limitless looked each other.
Dante was happy to see limitless as he said: "I was hoping for you to come. actually I got a latter too, which mentioned about to be safe from the unknown threat."
Limitless replied: "Do not worry i am not any threat to you, i am the one finding unknown threat myself."
Dante replied with a smile: "I hope you would eliminate the unknown threat."
Limitless replied: "Yeah, i will. because i am not sure if edward is controlling me or not. i am stronger than him after all."
"Where are the angels and venerables?"
Dante's smile faded as he said: "I have no idea."
Limitless replied: "They did not got teleported here into this level i guess because they did not cheated."
Another reflection of limitless was destroying a house, and flied towards the sky to find another house. but at the next moment, he found someone walking. his face could not be seen from the top, because of the different angel not because limitless can not see the whole view with naked eyes.
Limitless saw the person as he said: "This is the only person in the village, could it be he is the unknown threat we have to eliminate?"
At the next moment, as limitless saw that person, he got a kick behind him, the one who kicked him was the same person whom limitless saw from the top.
Limitless got knocked on the ground with just a kick, landed towards the same guy who kicked him and who limitless was seeing from the top.
As limitless saw towards the person from different angel, he spoke: "How could that be? Are you really him?"
"I am not really him but i mean another him" the guy whom limitless saw from the top replied.
He wore white-collared shirt with a trilby hat and .44 Magnum Revolver in a shoulder holster. his appearance was the same as the narrator or Riley Lawden in terms of clothes and hat, he was looking indifferently towards limitless.
He paused to lip up his cigarette, the same way that mysterious guy from the supreme library Riley Lawden or The Narrator Did, as he said: My name is not edward, but Edward-A"