Chapter 15 - Dream

"What?! Why am I standing in the middle of the room?"

When I started to look around, I saw someone who looked like me lying on the bed.

"No, it's me! И... "Why am I glowing red?"

At that moment I started to feel a strange energy behind me. And I saw some green colored particles. It was as if these particles were pointing my way. I was walking down the corridor and when I turned the corner, I saw the number 79, which was shining with a bright light.

Waking up lying quietly on my bed I asked myself.

- What was that?

After getting out of bed I looked out the window. It was already noon. 

"Did I really sleep that long?"

It was weird. So I went to the library and decided to look for information. 

(At Satis Academy, servants can also study, they are given basic education such as learning to write and read, the history of the empire, and weaponry).

After checking about fifty compartments in four hours, I found nothing. And when I started to go to my room I remembered the number I had dreamed about. So I decided to check the seventy-ninth compartment. There I noticed only two books. One was what looked like a fairy tale book. And the second book. was empty. That seemed strange to me, so I took the two books. 

And since it was already evening, I decided to eat something tasty and go to my place. On the way I admired the beauty of the academy. It was very huge and the architecture was very good. And I walk like that every day and sometimes with Carla.

All the while, Ari's caretaker, Rosalyn Ziegfard continued to write a report on his behavior.

"Ari Keith - who we found, there was nothing strange during the time we were watching him. But today when I was watching him, he was looking for some book and picked up the very book in the seventy-ninth bay of the library. A book that no one could read. A book written by the same man named Daniel Croft ten years ago. 

I went to my room, put the books on the table and lay down on my bed. At this point I was curious to see how my friends were doing. Friends that I wanted to escape from that place with, but they got caught and I was the only one who escaped.

"Are you all right? Michael, Alice, Sasha, and... Daniel.