Eons ago, there was nothing except darkness, darkness that gave birth to 13 ancient and great beings known as the deities. The deities created many things, fire, the ocean, the harvest, nature, summer, winter, the moon, the sun, love, sorrow, light, dark, and the stars.
These creations become known as the elements, and from these elements, came the mortals, 12 different kinds of people with powers of their elements. Dragons had fire, mermaids had ocean, witches had the harvest, elves had nature, cat shifters had summer, frost giants had winter, wolf shifters had the moon, griffins had the sun, fae had love, humans had sorrow, trolls had light, yokai had dark, but the stars. . . the stars had only its deity to control it, until years later, when the dark ages were upon the mortals.
You see, unlike the other mortals who were kind and loving to the world, the human's were selfish and greedy, who followed strict rules, and worshiped their deity as the only God, and, expected powers and magic as great as the other mortals in return, but all they received was disease and famine, so of course they became envious of the other mortals, and forced them out of their homes, murdering anyone in the name of their so called one true God.
Because of this, a young witch, who's mother had been killed due to false accusations of a curse, prayed to the star deity for her to help their people, and so, the deity made a deal with the young witch.
The deity told the young witch that if they could kill 1 of each type of mortal who has no connection to them, she would save the mortals.
The young witch agreed, and formulated a spell, a curse if you will, that would kill 1 person of random elements, every night, at the stroke of midnight, it was later named the midnight curse. The star deity was pleased with this, and used the blood of the fallen mortals to create a spell, using the young witch as the centerpiece. The spell allowed the deity to create 12 immortals representing her constellations.
These constellations were the 12 zodiacs, and they each identified as different mortals, only more powerful, nearly as powerful as the deity herself. Unfortunately, there was a catch to this, in order to create these star people, as they were called, the star deity had to use pieces of her very soul, nearly killing her. . .
Yet, star deity's servent, an immortal wolfshifter, who was not ready to let their beloved go, took the rest of the deity's soul and placed it in the young witch, creating the 13th star person, and the strongest, the wolfshifter also made a potion, one that would allow the star people to be reborn ever 100 years after their death. . .
So, every 100 years, the star deity returns as a different zodiac, as a different mortal, with no memory or recollection of their past lives.
As for the wolfshifter, they would search and search for many centuries for their lost star deity, hoping to be with them once again. . .