Chereads / The 4th Hellhound {BL} / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Yohan looked at his watch and it was 8.30 he looked around finding the restroom, and went to it

Inside, he look at his reflection in the mirror, and arrange his clothes huffing, thinking if she will take much more time! Seeing his brother's wives he know girls could take forever to get ready.

He felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket, he took it seeing that tattoo artist shop number was the caller "yes"

A male voice: Fourth it's been a while

Yohan knows who was talking to him, it is the owner, the guy who didn't want to ruin his face by giving him the Hellhound tattoo 4 years ago "Sir, how have you been"

The tattoo artist: the sickness is definitely winning

"I am really sorry I bothered you with my problems" Yohan apologies since he knows his situation,

The tattoo artist: don't say that, I am willing to serve you till the last day of my live

"Thank you"

The tattoo artist: about that tattoo you showed to my daughter, it looked familiar so I searched for it, and found out I get it to a guy named 'Yuta Ryu' 15 years ago on his 18 birthday"

Yohan heard the man telling him the information "Yuta Ryu" he replied to confirm

The tattoo artist: yes, sadly my memory isn't at its best shape but I am glad I keep a trace of everything I once did. Even if it took me days to find out.

"No sir, you are never late" Yohan had to say

The tattoo artist: I will text you the information about his exact birthday date maybe you will find it useful, who knows how many Yuta Ryu out there!

"Thank you so much for the information, at least you gave me a lead" Hanging the phone, he saw the man sent him a picture of an old book having a draw of the same tattoo with the name and a birthday date, he automatically sent it to Fang and texted 'try to find out what our options are'

Fang replied: right away 4th!


Leaving the restroom to go back to his dinner table, he stopped mid-way seeing the unexpected view "h'e" Yohan didn't understand why RAIN would be sitting in that table, but Yuki wasn't there! There was another man sitting in front of him.

He grimaced and went to the table where the two were sitting and took his gift but the man spoke with a rude tone

"What with your ugly tattoo taste you think yourself doing?"

Fourth was surprised at the badmouthing of the guy that he doesn't know "Excuse me!"

"Fourth?" Rain stands from his chair asking "why are you here?"

---oh now we are talking? Professionalism when I am fourth!!!--- Yohan stopped thinking "I shall ask you the same question!"

"What?" Rain didn't understand

"Call the security to take out this trash, I though this place is safe for our date"

The man said and Yohan was pissed "who the fuck you think you are?" he put his gift back on the table "how about you get your f****d up as* up off my table you… and he was about to take his gun out while saying that last bad word but before he could Rain was fast to shut his mouth with his hand and stopped him from taking out the gun with the other hand


Yohan pulled Rain hand off him and didn't take the gun out "he started it"

The man sitting yells "GUARDS A GUN" and suddenly his guards came in with guns pointing it at them

Rain could directly see Yohan with a smirk on his face like he was so ready to take it, and didn't even noticed when he took his gun out with his left hand and pointed it to the guy sitting and was about to shoot without thinking twice, but Rain was fast to put his hand on the gun hole making Fourth looking confused "EVERYONE STOP" he yells while standing in front of Fourth protecting him from those who came in wanting to shoot him.

That when the worker came in running in the middle screaming "I AM REALLY SORRY" repeating the words thousand times and bowing till he reaches the ground "I made a mistake"

Yohan know the worker who showed him the wrong side he huffs with "fuck it" and put his gun back to where he hide it, thinking if he put those two here since he knows he switch them up already!

"I made a mistake, please forgive me, the reservation you did was the left restaurant, this side is in Mr.Fourth name and his fiancée for the evening"

Rain turned looking at Fourth "Yuki?"

"Yes, I have a dinner date" Yohan confirmed

"How embarrassing" the man said looking at him

"I was leaving peacefully no?" Yohan said annoyed

And the other guy couldn't deny it, he told his guards to leave, knowing even if they were the one trace-passing someone else privacy he was willing to leave them without a word but he badmouthed him "It is not my mistake you have an ugly tattoo taste"

"You…" Yohan was going to flame and shoot him but felt Rain hand on his mouth again, he pulled it off again "stop doing that"

"Stop saying bad words, and give me that" he said locking him in a one hand hug trying to take the gun with the other

"What you think…" Yohan struggle but pushed him away seeing his gun in Rain hands now

"Can we be more civilians and talk?" Rain said securing the gun on the back of his jeans

"Okay, how about leave before my fiancée comes" Yohan had to use the word 'fiancée' and he saw Rain biting his lower lip little pissed

"Yuki is not coming"

"Someone getting ditched" the man sitting said while mocking

And Yohan swear if he meets him alone he will kill him no doubt "what do you mean by she is not coming?"

"She is in the piano classes right now"


"She knows I have a meeting here"

Yohan closed his eyes when it clicked on his mind that Yuki wanted them to meet "that girl" he shake his head "well, in that case I don't mind to keep your DATE here I will be leaving" he said looking at the gift "give that to her for me"

Rain had this grin while speaking "it's not a date, are you jealous?"

"Oh dear, whatever" he said leaving the place.


-----------------// the next morning


Wearing his casual clothes but taking the hospital uniform and the white coat in his red backpack, Yohan looked at the glasses took the lenses wearing them then arranging his hair with the glasses on

---first day in a hospital, I am so excited---

he smiled with himself on the mirror but stopped then made a fake smile "why I look weird when I smile!" he though looking at his face but shrugs it "well first day as trainee doctor" he nodded liking the sound of it he smiled and took his backpack and was about to leave when his phone rang, he stopped looking at the caller having his smile dropped, it was his father…



-------// a week later


"If you think you can go and come whenever you want it is wrong, as doctors this behaviour is unacceptable, and your classmates already learn much in the past week, I had high hopes in you but you…"

Yohan was hearing the scolding from the doctor in charge, he sure is going to be an example for everyone because the doctor was a furious one and was about to eat him alive if he wasn't a human!

"Go with doctor Vain and start from point zero, others follow me"

Yohan look at the names on the coats and saw the surname Vain he saw the doctor going first so he followed him hearing his instructions

"You will be taking notes on the operations starting at 9 o'clock"

"Yes sir"

And the next hours he spent it at the observation room, a room that he can see the doctor performing the operation on the patients.



------------// after


Yohan was leaving the hospital after he finished, when he heard his name being called, he turned looking at Yuki coming to him with her white coat and uniform still on

"Oh I catch up to you" she said taking her breath "we were worried, where were you"


Yuki accepted the silence thinking she knows "It's okay, can you meet me at 9! I have something important I need to tell you"

"Tell me now" Yohan answered with a poker face

"I am busy now! I will text you the address"

She said and runs away leaving Yohan huffing, he went out straight to his house, thinking if Yuki already knows who he is, in fact she need to know because if she is going to help him she need to fully trust him, and keep lying in case she knows isn't a good idea!

He went to the bathroom took his fake tattoo from the drawer and put it on, but still had his casual look as Yohan who hides his face.


-------------// after


Stopping his motorcycle by a bar he wonder why Yuki would choose a place like this to talk, he got down looking at the security guards who asked for an ID to get in, luckily his uncle made a fake one for him with the nerdy picture to not find any dificulties.

Entering the place, it was a classic one, he look around and stopped by a table seeing some faces that he found strangely familiar.

---Are those a red circle!---

He thought but ignores it since they are in no one area and he doesn't look like the 4th prince at the moment. He went to the bar and sits near the bartender "your best shot" he told and the bartender nodded doing it with a proud performance.

"Cool" Yohan said paying in cash for the drink just to give a big tip to the bartender

"Thanks" the bartender accepted it gladly

"You have your ways in the bars too"

Yuki said standing near him and Yohan turned to look at her but she wasn't alone, Rain was with her "why is he here?"

Yuki pouted explaining "you disappeared for a week, and Rain felt like he was the reason, so he wanted to apologies on his bad behaviour"

Yohan looked at Rain, grimaced while shaking his head "I didn't disappear, I was busy"

"You didn't miss the entrance and the first week because of him?" Yuki asked

"The world doesn't circle around him" Yohan teased looking at Rain who didn't talk back "also I won't be missing my classes for a stupid reason as you" 

Yuki frown "Yohan I invited you so we can get back on a clean page, not to fight again"

Yohan made a one shot to his glass "then I will be leaving" he said standing and did leave not caring of the calls from behind him from Yuki who kept following him 

"Yohan please listen to me for god sake…just let him apologies and hear his reasons"

Yohan was now outside the bar walking when he saw an SUV stopping behind his motorcycle. He remember this one, it is the same car that tried to 'kidnap' him before, then it clicked on his brain the familiar faces he saw "Em…Yuki"


"I will listen to him in one condition"

"Tell me!"

"Wait by the car, and don't come in no matter what"

"Promise me you will not fight?"

"I promise"

Yuki smiled nodding she runs to the car and sits in it, once Yohan saw her there he went back in but heard a clear voice of many gunshots followed by so many screams, "shit" now trying to get in with the fluid of the people running from the inside was a hard task that make him lose time to go and see if Rain was okay.

Once he got in he saw some normal people hiding under the table, but then he saw the men he seems familiar with were showering their guns on the bar counter. Knowing that Rain probably jump hiding there, he took out his own gun aiming on the lights in there, but that make them aiming at him too, still he was fast to run behind a sofa while shooting one of them on the leg

since it was bad to stay in one place he moved fast to another hiding spot so they could focus a little on him, and Rain would find a chance to fight back, and he did heard the gunshots and the screams of those being hit by it. Knowing that Rain really can read the situation fast, but unfortunately he heard more footsteps coming and they yell…

"Kill the red circle heir, don't bother by the other"

Yohan saw that there was a lot of members encountering the bar-counter he huffs taking his glasses off, and his lenses fast. Reloading his gun and pulling his hair up aiming toward the rest of the lights inside that bar till it was all dark…

"On the right"

"No the left"



Were the screams with the continues flashed of the gunshots inside that darkness till it becomes quiet, that when the emergency red lights got opened by the bar walls showing Yohan pointing a gun at the last man conscious

"T-the 4th Hellhound" The man said in a shaky voice

Yohan had the grin in his face with his red pupil turning back to normal, shooting the man arm then hitting him with his gun making him fall unconscious. Seeing it all over he look at the counter to see Rain standing there "are you okay?" he asked with his bangs that falls down with the fight, yet this time they were separating showing his face along with the tattoo. He saw Rain walking around the counter coming to him "are you hurt anywhere?" he asked again but Rain didn't reply at all he put his gun back on it sheath and got very close to the point Yohan didn't have the time to walk backwards, he felt one of Rain hands behind his head grabbing it and pushing him toward his face.

And didn't stop till their lips were touching...