Chereads / The 4th Hellhound {BL} / Chapter 41 - Chapter 41

Chapter 41 - Chapter 41

Standing near a movie ticket booth, Yohan bought two tickets for the 9pm movie. He took them and walk outside to wait near the entrance of that fancy mall, he wore his red backpack with his casual white shirt and black jeans with his funny-glasses and bangs hiding half of his face. He looked at the hour on his phone to find it 8:30pm knowing that he is early for his date.

A 10 minute passed and Yohan look at the entrance and saw a familiar face getting in, his eyes got wide open but turned immediately walking away from that area

---Why the hell my second brother is here?---

He said wondering why he was in here from all the places in the city, acting like he was interesting in food he walked to a restaurant in there looking at the menu, but for his bad luck his brother got in there too.

----Damn it damn it damn it---

He said not having any other choice but to go deeper since there was one entrance and his brother along his men were coming from it, he gets behind a wall inside and peeked to see his brother walking finally to another direction "Pfff! Finally"

"ehm, ehm"

He heard from behind him and turn to see the area he got in was a VIP area and a woman in her late 40s was sitting with guards around her looking at some colors fabric catalog.

Yohan smiled nervously feeling embarrassed "cyan, will look good on you" he saw the woman raised an eyebrow and her guards start coming to his direction, he knows he should run away but when he turned he found two guards standing behind him. He stepped back because he is here as Yohan and acting all mighty now will just get the intention of his brother outside. So maybe he should just ask for forgiveness. He turned to look at the woman in between the bodies of her guards "I didn't mean to interrupt I am really sorry!"

"My husband…" the woman spoke and her guards stopped "used to tell me that cyan is the best on me" she turned the page to the color he mentioned, looked at the girl working telling her "this one"

The girl nodded taking the catalog leaving, the woman looked back at Yohan, and the guards grabbed him from both arms dragging him in to where she was but didn't let go when they were in front of her.

"What is your name young man?"

Yohan wonder if he should tell his real name or a made up one, she does look like someone important! And wonder if someday he will meet her! So no lies is the better option "Yohan"

"Beautiful name, why are you here?"

 "I just want to use the restroom" he lied

The women smirked "You looked like you were hiding from someone"

"Yes, the waiter" Yohan kept lying "he didn't let me use the restroom so I was sneaking in"

The woman had that laugh looking down "you still need it? I have one over there"

"Oh thank you" Yohan said seeing the guards taking their hands off him.

"Leave your backpack here and go in"

Yohan knows she probably doubting him, but he had nothing to lose he nodded with "sure thank you ma'm" knowing what she is up to yet he did left his backpack and went in happily he didn't choose to lie about his name since his cards are in there; after using or more like acted like using the restroom, he walked out to see the woman eating alone. With his backpack on the chair in front of her. He respectably bow to her while getting near "thank you ma'm, I will leave now"

"It's okay, what is your doctor major?"

Yohan knew she looked into his things and luckily his phone are in his pocket "Neurosurgery" and she gave him a very interesting look, a look of someone admiring you!

"There is only 30 students in the medical school studying that major, you must be a hard worker even if you hold a black card, are you single?"

"h'e" Yohan had that last question in a surprise

"Are you single?"

She boldly repeated and Yohan had this nervous laugh "I am on a date today" and the woman nodded like she understands

"Sad, still I hope we meet again in the future"

"Thanks" he said bowing and leaving not turning around! Heading back carefully to the entrance seeing his 'date' waiting, he walk there till he was near him and called "Rain"

"Hi!" Rain said nervously when he saw the other one standing in front of him.

But Yohan grabbed his hand with "let's go, the movie is about to start" dragging him in.


Inside, Rain was silently looking at the one sitting next to him, watching the movie in a full focus, when it finished both went out and Yohan saw an ice-cream store and pointed to it with "let's have some" and walked there buying two, he gave one to Rain and start eating his own with the small spoon. Walking around the mall he spoke "I really liked the movie, what about you?"

Rain nodded not touching the ice-cream "yes it's good"

Yohan looked at the ice-cream "you don't like this flavor?"

And Rain stopped "Why are we here?"

Yohan stopped too turning to look at him "I wanted to watch a movie, and it is boring alone!" he then shrugs continuing his walking while eating

After the silent walk Yohan finished his own and look around for a trash can, when he eyed one he looked at Rain seeing him finishing his own too he asked to get rid of it for him "let me" taking the trash he walked fast to the trash can a little far throwing it, when he went back and before he could get near he stopped, seeing that woman walking to Rain

"Fuck" Yohan unconsciously cursed ---the woman did look important how could Rain not know her---


"Shouldn't you be studying?" the woman said in a sharp and ordering tone and Rain grimaced

"I am not arguing with you here" Rain answered looking at Yohan direction and the woman did look at where he was looking. That when she asked

"Are you here with Yohan?"

And Rain had this confusing look "You know him?" he asked but looked at Yohan who made a small bow respect to the woman while getting near them

"You can say so" she smiled changing her tone when he was near them to a calm one "Well I will not disturb your date" she looked at Yohan "and let have lunch the 3 of us someday if things got serious between you two" she said and walked away.

Rain gaze at Yohan "how did you know my mom?"

hearing the word 'mom' Yohan eyes went wide open even for that glasses he is wearing "she is your mom!" he saw the other nodding "I don't know her, I just happen to go inside her VIP ward by mistake when I was waiting for you"

Rain take out a sarcasm laugh "I swear this is the first time I see my mother talking to someone I know kindly, and not flaming him about how they disturb my studying time!"

"Lucky me!" Yohan said happy he didn't lie at her



Walking outside the big mall; Yohan looked at Rain and informed "you should go first, I need to do something real quick around this area"

Rain look around and nodded "okay, so see you at the hospital tomorrow"

"Yeah, see you!" he waved a goodbye and went away, feeling the rain start dropping he felt it is the perfect time, he reached a turn and took a dark alley in that dark night, he heard footsteps behind him, they were 2 and he didn't need to turn to confirm it but then another two show up in front of him holding nightsticks. He stopped. Acted like he doesn't know someone behind him, he stepped back but slams his back in someone and that someone grabbed his neck from behind

"You have nowhere to run now tough guy"

He heard one of them saying but felt a needle being injected in his neck from one of those behind, he tried to push the guy away but two of them helped holding his both arms, Yohan start to feel his body getting heavier, his eyes start to shutdown feeling a sleep but before they fully close they turn red…and he close them on purpose.

Feeling them dragging him

"Go fast, fast"

"Start the engine"

He heard them talking among themselves, feeling that he got put inside a van and the engine voice start driving

"How much the drug stays"

"7 hours"

"good, call the dealer, and tell him we got the bite"

Yohan heard their conversation while getting a phone call on a speaker….

"We got him"

"You guys did! And those before said he beat the shit out of them!"

"Nah he was a piece of cake"

"lock him up in the old warehouse stock room, the orders were to not act in a rush this time"

"what about our share we will get it tonight?"

"You know that sassy woman she had her words at least she said she will pay us tonight meet me at midnight the 26st 538 south"

---Woman, so she maybe is the one I am looking for, that one having the name 'Emma'---

The phone call ended and their conversation continue


"Sassy! She is more like crazy wanting to take down the red-circle"

"did you know who she is?"

"Not really; but I think…"


"I think she is someone close to the red circle"

"why you think so?"

"The details they give is kind of personal, like he is going in a date, or meeting a friend in a bar with his cousin you don't know those kind of things if you are enemies"

---The dude have a point…wait…I hear…f*ck!-

But that conversation got interrupted with a harsh hit from the side making the van losing it control and start turning around till they stopped by force seeing many cars stopping around them having men getting out with guns and suits ready to shoot.

"Fuck it! It's the red circle take the hostage…"

The four men inside the van start to panic they wanted to use Yohan as an escape plan but they were quiet shocked seeing him awake.