Cora appeared at the front of the White company, the top most prestigious company in all of L.Vegas, her heart beat increased at every pace and her face flushed at any slight thought of her not getting a job, thankfully she had been able to learn a lot of business tricks and ideas online and had gotten a certificate of great work, she had dropped out of colledge when she had Nancy
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking inside the company confidently. Few seconds later she was standing at the receptionist's table
"May I help you" The receptionist's voice was cool and professional without any sense of familarity,this only increased her nervousness
"I am Cora Miller, I was called for the interview"She answered softly not giving way for her nervousness to affect the tone of her voice,the receptionist nodded slightly before pointing to a door not to far from where she was seating,she seemed very busy
Cora walked over to the door and opened it quietly, but she suddenly felt she lost her breath once she saw the the number of people in the room,they were enough to fill a train.She took a deep breath before sitting in the available seat and wondered how they could be so much for just a position,if not for dignity she may have just left since fate was dawning on her
Few moments later, a woman in her mid-thirties also walked into the room
"Good morning, I am Estie Barlowe,the assistant manager, you are to follow me to the testing center so as to ondergo your test on business ethics, sales abilities and mechanical skills" Estie had a professional smile in her face, a young man in a suit came inside and whispered some words into her ear
"The one who passes the test will be interviewed by the conference and will start work immediately" Estie continued after the messanger left
Everyone mummured quietly but the sound increased when Estie walked out of the office
"I heard the president is no longer Mr White himself but his handsome and only son,Arthur White" A petite lady wearing glasses said excitedly
" "Do you think he will notice us,I heard he never glances at any woman"Another lady with a red dyed her said
"He will surely notice me,no one can dare resist my charms" Another beautiful and curvy lady said confidently while the rest argued she shouldn't waste her time as they would surely be noticed first,Cora couldn't help but roll her eyes,she wondered if that was what they were here for,looking at a man who had achieved his aims and dreams with hardwork and devotion,she really wished she would get this job, she and Nancy's living counted on it,she remembered she had to call Aunty May to take Nancy to school every morning when she got the job and pay the money she owed to the school once she got her first salary. She suddenly hit her head playfully,here she was already describing her life once she got the job,but there was also reality, what if she didn't get it,then that was back to square one.
Miss Barlowe walked into the office and ordered them to follow her,they walked through halls and while the other women were having high hopes of seeing Mr President,Cora and the men were praying on the only one good thing at that moment, passing the interview and going home with good news
"This is the testing center,you are to place your bags on the side of your table and only take out a pencil and earser for the test" The words sounded like the one Cora heard when writing a scholarship test to college which she passed but later dropped out of,she closed her eyes,she was determined to start over and become a new person but fate was surely ready to knock on her door countless times.
The luxurious dark coloured limo stopped at the private parking space of the company and one the doorman got out and opened the passengers door,a tall, masculine and exceptionally handsome man got out of the car,his graceful features did not hide his fearful personality and his aura was filled with coldness. His assistant,a young and handsome man in his mid-twenties also got down from the car holding a suit case in his hands,his phone rang and he picked it up with a sigh
"He won't come,I've tried to talk to him but he won't budge,give them their tests and send the one who passes to the conference room,I'll be there"Sebastian said quietly before placing the phone back into his pocket
He quickly looked up and meet the president staring at him,he didn't understand if it was an electric shock that struck him but his legs trembeled and he stood still
"Who was that?" Arthur's voice was deep and strong, pleasing and sexy to a woman's ears but deafening and paralytic to a mans
" manager,he asked if you were coming to the conference room so as to give a brief interview to the new staff"Sebastian's voice was shaky and he gulped hard in fear,not only Arthur's voice but his mere presence alone was enough to make a man fall on his knees
Arthur didn't notice Sebastian's fear and even if he did he wouldn't care, he remembered Sebastian had told him about the interview for the marketing assistant position and asked if he would interview, he figured it was a waste of time especially since they could do it themselves, he sighed
"When your done with the interview get the new staffs credentials into the my office" He said and walked away,heading to his private elevator,only the president and his assistant were allowed into the elevator.
Even after Arthur left Sebastian still stayed in place,he took a deep breath and blunched to the suit case tightly,he wondered how his boss was able to make women trip for him with his personality,he sighed and walked behind him almost running so he won't punish him for being late
Everyone waited for the results of the test, they were asked to stay at the large room till the results were ready,they had been there for an hour before a blond haired woman in her early-twenties walked in
"The results have arrived and the position of the marketing assistant can only be held by one person in this room, the lucky staff is....."
Cora didn't know if she held her breath but the woman's next words made her chock in happiness,if that was possible
"Miss Miller, you are been called to the conference room for your interview" The lady, Della, the marketing coordinator said with a beautiful,she had seen how Cora was so attentive in the testing center and answered the questions diligently and smartly,unlike those girls who used their beauty to flunt and
show arrogance,she was attentive and quiet and this she liked in her
Cora nodded subconsciously and stood up before walking out with her while the others cursed and mummured angrily at her.
Della showed Cora to the conference room and politely asked her to go in, Cora did as told and her heart skipped a beat once she saw the number of people in the room,did they have to be so many
" Miss Miller please have a seat" Cora heard avoice say softly and slowly she sat, she felt the nervousness she felt surgery everywhere in her body,no! She wasn't going to mess this up,she couldn't possibly tell Mona she had passed the first stage of the interview and had flunked the other,she took a deep breath as confidence took over
"Miss Miller we would ask you a few questions as this is a brief interview and you would answer them honestly and briefly,we would give you enough time to think of the answers as you have already passed the first stage of the interview which was to test your technological skills, now we would try your interpersonal skills, are you ready?" Shawn Elsher,the manager said and then asked softly
Cora nodded and answered with a smile
"Yes sir"
"Great,let's begin" Shawn waited for a while before beginning his series of questions
"It was noted in your CV that you are single is that true?"
"Yes sir" Cora nodded
" You dropped out of colledge at your second year, is this true" he asked again
"Yes sir" Cora answered
" You have never had any experience in marketing at any company except online,is that correct" He asked and Cora answered with a "yes",she was secretly relieved he had not asked the reason she hadn't finished college,but her heart beat increased with every question. Luckily the questions were yes and no questions and she answered them promptly, not until they asked the second to the last
"Are you mothering a child?"the question felt like a knife in Cora eyes ready to strick her dead at any moment