"Ever since I can remember when I was entering middle school...my home was green. It had grass...trees and I went to Lincoln Middle School. Back then, I thought school was hell..." Ren explained as he gave a little chuckle with a tear in his eye. "I was so...innocent." "I'm...I'm so sorry." I said, not knowing what to say in this situation. Not to go off track but what do you even say when something sad happens to someone else? Because I had no clue on what to say anymore. "Anyway...It was a regular day of math. I was doing my work when.....he emerged from the shadows. Adam showed up at the school with three other kids...mind controlled by him. I'm guessing he altered their motherboards somehow but he did it...he used the bots to destroy the school. He...ordered them to execute us all. I remember those words so clearly nowadays that it haunts me..." Ren continued to explain while he kept working on the regulators. So far, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It sounded like something you would see in a dark and depressing movie or something. How could it actually happen in real life and not on a screen where everyone is played by a famous actor? As Ren continued to explain what happened, I continued to feel sad for him...but I figured that wouldn't go away anytime soon. "I had friends that were executed by those bots that day, not a lot of people managed to escape and I was one of them. It happened to almost everyone I knew. I don't remember the next part very well but it was on the news that Adam attacked the Simmons Center, murdered his creator and I'm more fuzzy here but he then took over the states as Supreme Ruler Of The World. He then took over the rest of this here content as no other country could defeat him. He's probably already taken over Asia and Europe since they wouldn't be a threat to his rule. Some people by the last name of Anders then tried to overthrow him but they all died almost instantly. He then took over the wizard world, all magical things went to him and he built this city from his powerful wand, and that brings us to the present day here in Adamento." Ren explained as he was done with his story. A few tears were forming from his face and I was a little surprised. I...I don't know what to say..." I said, not even trying to hide my weakness anymore. "It's like me and my friends weren't there. We stopped him and here...it's...it's like we never existed." "Yeah...What was your world's Adam like?" Ren asked, trying to shift the conversation. "Mostly the same. He hated humans and wanted to kill us all though me and my friends kicked his butt." I responded as a slight smile came from his face. "How I would love to see that day...what else was this other me like?" Ren asked. "Well, you and a robot named Penny started to date until you died." I said. "Hm, at least a version of me didn't die as a virgin." Ren said as his face quickly lit up. "There done!" "What's done?" I asked. "I finally finished these regulators!" Ren said. They took the shape of a semicircle with a black and red look to them. "These should just attach to your shoulders fairly easily. That's the best place to regulate your excess energy." Ren said as he attached the regulators to my shoulders. Just then, they started to glow as I fell to the floor. "Austin!" Ren said as he tried to help. "What is going on?" I screamed as a bright light surrounded me before I closed my eyes. After some time, maybe a few minutes, The light was gone as I opened my eyes. "Woah!" Ren said as my legs felt better. I was able to stand up on them now as I looked at my arms. They now had this slick design with a light blue tint to them now. "Interesting...Your body didn't resist the regulators but now correspond with them." Ren said. "Wasn't that supposed to happen?" I asked in a confused voice. "For the most part yes. It also seemed like the regulators healed your legs." Ren pointed out. "That is the very best part. I don't have to crawl everywhere!" I said as I continued to look at my new and very cool upgrade. "It looks just like the prism!" I said. "What prism?" Ren asked in a confused voice. "Oh right, me and my friends were battling this mech, I destroyed a prism that it wanted, and boom, I was here." I said as I explained how I got here. Ren's face turned from normal to very excited. "What's the matter?" I asked. "I should have mentioned this sooner but this city is powered with a Prism. Its energy matches with yours Austin!" Ren said in a very happy voice. "So wait, the Multiversal Transmitter is here?" I asked. "If that's what it's called then yes!" Ren said. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and get that prism!" I yelled as Ren stopped me. "Woah there, we need a plan you idiot!" Ren said. "Sorry, got caught up in the moment." I said. "Now, that prism is probably the most guarded thing in this city. It's more protected than that document about independence that got destroyed so we need a very thought-out plan." Ren said. "So how are we going to do this? Couldn't we just use your gizmos and gadgets?" I asked. "Adam would expect that. We don't even know where this thing is in this castle." Ren said. "Wait...you said that the excess energy inside me is the same as the prism right?" I asked. "Somewhat yes." Ren said. "Could the regulators give a clue as to where it is?" I asked. "Oh god no, not with these parts. Thankfully, I think my detector can help with that." Ren said as he pulled out his detector. "Well, let's go find that crystal!" I said as I and Ren busted out of that closet, ready for action...and to get back home.