Chereads / The Games of War / Chapter 2 - Graduation from Junior Academy

Chapter 2 - Graduation from Junior Academy

Airic Carter was finally 12 years old, and was glad when he was told he would be taking his final exam. For 8 years he had been preparing for this moment, and he was more than ready. He had trained hard even before the required age, as his father was The General Carter. Leader of the entire Human Army that fought the Krillinites. It had been a few years since he had seen his father, but he was determined to do his father proud.

So when he entered the simulator for the final assessment, he knew they were going to throw everything they had at him. He closed his eyes, and saw as old Paris formed around him. He smiled as he had run this simulation dozens of times on his own, and knew best how to battle it.

He didn't hesitate as he used the system command to generate his armor and weaponry, knowing that it had remembered his preferences through the thousands of hours he had spent here. He held the record for most hours, despite the risks of what it could do. Because of the Neural Connection, the brain processed it as if the simulation was entirely real. It had driven more than a few completely insane before they had mastered the tech, and despite the safe guards more than a dozen of his own class had been removed from the program. It was just to much for a weak mind to handle, and the military only wanted the best.

When the portal opened he didn't hesitate, and opened fire with a gun that actually could hurt these beasts.

The first time Humanity had been unprepared, and despite the technology of the 21st century, almost nothing could hurt them. Small bullets bounced off, and even 60 caliber machine guns did little more than crack the hard outer shell. It took 20 mm explosive rounds at the minimum to do any real sort of damage, and his machine gun held a 50 round clip as he emptied it at the Krillinites as they stormed one after another. He was a sharp shooter, and a well placed shot to the face of one of these monsters was enough to make them drop dead.

He however knew it wouldn't last, as ammunition was extremely heavy and he didn't carry much of it. The simulations however allowed you to practice with abilities that you got once you went to Senior Academy, and locked them in.

Airic however knew that there was a drawback to the readily available skills that had been discovered, as each elemental ability locked you into that specific class. He hated it, but knew very few outside of the Firsts had abilities not readily available and taught.

The firsts had come through a temporary portal some 50 million years before, and had used thier knowledge and technology to begin the slow process of advancing the native species into something that might one day pose a threat to the Krillinites. It had taken them far longer than believed, but they knew one day the journey would be worth it. They had hoped to have another million years, but fate had forced thier hands. After the third portal opening in old America, Atlantis had finally been forced to reveal itself and share the beginnings of what they knew.

The tech that the Krillinites were using is what they called the system, and at first seemed like a cross between technology and magic. There were 9 Elemental Trees a person could choose from, and Aiden Carter had always told his son to be extremely careful of the one he eventually chose. Only rare people were born with natural abilities, and they were often the exception to the rule. In general, once you chose an Element, that was the one that you lived with the rest of your life. He hoped to be like his father one day, who they called an Elemental. He could learn from and Master all 9, and had taught many a warrior what they needed to survive the ever changing world.

Aiden cleared all this from his mind as the lull went on, the first 12 that originally attacked taken down by his massive weapon, only for him to realize he was now out of ammunition. 200 rounds for 12 kills was impressive as he dropped the gun and pulled out his sword. It was one he actually had and trained with, given to him by his father when he began the simulations at 8 years old. But as the portals went to many planets, and the Firsts had taught them how to utilize the same resources the Krillins did, you never knew what would come through a sim portal. You just knew it wanted to kill, and had to be stopped.

As the next creatures came through he sank into his battle meditation, and began battling everything that came through. He had an extremely high agility, and he used that to his benefit as his sword slashed through the limbs and heads of everything he fought. The damage to nearby structures created an arena of sorts, and he used every bit of his surroundings to his advantage. You learned quickly to do this, or you died quickly.

The sim finally ended when a swarm of pterodactyls flew through, and one pierced his chest with its claws. He hoped his score would be displayed, but all he saw was 'You are Dead' before the screen darkened and the simulator opened to let him exit. He frowned as he had no idea how long he had been in there, he just knew that he was hungry again.

"Your score will be given to you when you receive your Senor Academy Assignment. Lunch is nearly ended, but the staff have been informed to give you a meal regardless. Congratulations Cadet." Sergeant Miles said saluting him before Airic returned it.

"Thank you Sergeant." He said before running to lunch. It meant he had been in there for atleast 3 hours, as he had been one of the first of his class to enter.

It was well after dinner and his room was mostly packed when his computer chimed informing him he had received an email, and he hurried over to it before he read the contents. His eyes went wide when he saw his Senor Academy assignment, and knew his father would be proud. The Atlantis Academy only took those with the best scores from the entire planet, and only allowed 200 Cadets a year to join. They were the best of the best, and his beginning rank surprised him even more before he realized he had 10 minutes before his departure time.

He had barely processed it when there was a knock at the door, and 2 porters stood there ready to take his things to the transporter with him. He forwarded the email to his father, and packed his laptop while the men loaded the boxes before they ran to the transportation hub. It did not do well to be late, even when given extremely tight deadlines.

Right on time his teleport was activated, and he found that he was one of the last to arrive of the 200 Cadets. The belongings of everyone quickly stacked to the side, clearly marked as whose they belonged to. Unlike the myth, Atlantis was no where near the water. It had been constructed in an extinct Volcano in Africa, the walls a natural camouflage to any that would try to locate its exact location.

"Welcome Cadets to Atlantis Academy. For the next four years this will be your home, and you will be assigned dorms based on your scores and accompanying ranks that you will learn in due time. For this evening we will be conducting a tour, and tomorrow will be your one opportunity to decide which of the Elenental Paths you will focus on for the remainder of your life. Each has it's own strengths and drawbacks, it will be your job to determine which of them you can live with. Most of you come from very different time zones, and this day is also to allow you to adjust to our schedule here. Those from nearby Academies will have little issue, while those from further out will find it may be best to remain awake until lights out tomorrow evening. Once you have decided upon your path, your training will commence at a pace you have likely never encountered before. We have 4 years to turn you into Masters, and we expect most of you to achieve it. Your things will be delivered to your room assignments, which will be issued by one of these 9 men. They are the Masters that will be teaching you for the duration of your time with us." The General said before turning and the Captains began ushering the ones in front to come through before slapping a device on thier wrist and giving them thier room assignments.

As one of the last to arrive, he was also one of the last to get his room assignment. Not that he cared as before today, he was one of the last to be picked for everything because of his smaller size. Most thought he was a weakness, not realizing his agility could make him a great asset to most teams. So when he got to the woman in the center as one of the last, he was not surprised.

"Name?" She demanded.

"Cadet Airic Carter." He replied without hesitation as her eyes went wide before she covered her reaction and grabbed a band she slapped onto his wrist.

"The General has requested to see you Cadet, please report to his office immediately." She dead planned reading the information. "Congratulations and welcome to Atlantis Academy."