Airic walked into his first class the next morning, and was knew that because of the events yesterday they were behind. In fact Captain Wong already had the class Syllabus on each of thier desks, and Airic began going through it. As soon as the bell rang Wong called thier attention.
"Normally we would have gone through this extensively yesterday, but our normal schedule was interrupted." He started with looking directly at Airic. "It is further complicated by the fact that one of our own found a Claw in our teaching methods of some of you, and students have had to be readjusted in thier schedules. You have until our class again in 2 days to read, initial, and sign those packets. It is what this class is going to be for the duration of the year, and each section is it's own grade. After lunch those of you who can choose yet have not yet, will select which of the Element Oaths you will choose. Those with multiple Elemental Abilities, will choose which path you will train for the first semester. You know your schedules, and will be following them as if today is the first day of classes as that is how it is being recorded." Captain Wong said before he began his lecture on Combat Tactics and why it was important for each person, regardless of rank, to follow the orders given to them.
The next class was individual Physical Fitness, and they took 2 classes each year that had them training and exercising in some way. One for each day of the week, as they had classes, 6 days a week.
Airic stood to his word, and began with Life Element classes, and the healer who taught it was surprised to see him select the class with her.
"Why have you selected this class Cadet Lieutenant?" She asked as thier were onl grrr a dozen students from all the years sitting in the beginners class.
"I have decided to work on my weakest Elements first ma'am, so that when I graduate I might be stronger in all of them." Airic said as she was surprised and looked at his bracelet. She counted each of them, and was surprised his Life Element level was already a 2. He was correct in it was one of his weakest ones, and she clicked her tongue at the Death Ability she saw of the same level.
"This one we do not encourage students to learn, as such there are no formal classes on it." She said indicating the death element. "If however you are determined to do so, we can discuss a curriculum for you later and it will be after classes. Take a seat." She said as he walked over and sat next to the girl on his Team that was also studying Life. He was surprised to see she had 6 of the 9 Elements on hers as well.
"Leave it to you to change absolutely everything at the Academy." Emily teased quietly making some of the other students who heard chuckle as the bell indicated the beginning of the class.
"Most of the world thinks of Life Element as nothing but healers. That however is a gross misconception, as healing is just one of the many ability paths you can choose from as a practitioner of the Life Element. Used properly, the power of light can be used as a potent weapon that few can stand against. Each of you has a different power level in this Element, even if you are the same base level. As with most Elements, there are 3 main sub categories that you can select to train in, but we will determine which path is best for each of you as we progress. Let us begin." Captain Shelly Frank's said as she began teaching them the basic way to access the power of the Light Element.
Each Element required a different emotional state to use the advanced skills, as each drew power from the body differently. Life drew its power from peace and love primarily, even when channeling a concentrated ray of sunlight as a weapon capable of cutting through steel several inches thick.
After classes were over he went to the barracks for a few minutes, Emily following him as he sat down with a soda before they went to Combat training as a squad. It was his own orders, as he had planned to take the through the stimulators to gain more experience working together.
"Why are we not studying our subjects like the rest of the Platoons?" Emily asked.
"There is plenty of time for that after dinner, and I assure you I will give everyone thier evening study time without interruption. From 1900-2200, every day is for homework and study." He told her as she nodded knowing that dinner was from 1700-1900. That gave him 90 minutes between classes and dinner to train every day they had school. Sunday was off regardless, so they could do it than too.
"So why only use an hour of the available time?" She asked as he had scheduled to end 15 minutes before dinner.
"Because I am not a cruel task Master like that. Hence the soda right now before we go to the simulator." He said with a smile as he drank it and saw they had five minutes to get there.
They both linked into the group of 25 of thier squad mates, and Airic smiled as he looked at them. "Today we are going to test how we do. We are running the final exam as a team, tonsee how well we do together. Are we ready?" He asked as a few raised thier hands.
"Are we going to be doing this every day?" He asked. "As a squad, no. Tomorrow the entire platoon will be joining us, and than we will see if we can't conduct exercises with different the other class and possibly even the other years. 3 days a week however, you can guarantee it will be just us, going through some of the hardest simulations there are. If one gets to be to easy, we increase the challenges and difficulties. The other 3 days a week we will try and get either squad v squad, co op, whatever we can do with others to increase our abilities. If we have classes, 15 minutes after the last class we have scheduled for an hour." Airic replied as they groaned. 25 boys and girls shook thier heads.
"Why so much training as a squad?" Emily asked him.
"Have you heard of the Squad Games?" He asked them as all of them shook thier heads no.
"Computer, explain Squad Games." Airic ordered.
"The Squad Games is an annual tradition of all Acadamies, designed to test the ability of each squad as a whole. 10 tests are designed to test how they work together as teams and squads. The 3 best teams are honored at the annual celebration days." The computer replied as they all looked at each other.
"That is why, as a squad, we will train every single day after class for 1 hour. At the end of the year when the Professors put us through the exams, I want our squad to be ranked number 1. Who else does?" He asked them as they all agreed halfheartedly.
"Has a First year team ever placed first." Cadet Porter asked.
"No, no First Year team has ever placed in the top 10. This ranking is from ALL of the Senor Academies across the world. The highest ever ranked 1st year Squad was 37th." Airic told them making them gasp as the computer displayed the details.
The next day Airic had the other half of his classes, and realized this was going to be just as interesting because his officer training classes were today, and only physical training was with his squad. They had done moderately well in thier first simulation, only losing 6 of 25 in the hour they had.
After dinner however, he was surprised that as he was walking towards the common area to relax for a bit, Captain Frank's approached him. "Come with me Cadet." She ordered him and he followed her into an isolated classroom. "Do you truly wish to learn about the Death Element?" She asked him.
"I would like to eventually yes." Hs said as she smiled.
"Than on the days you have homeroom, after dinner you will come to the infirmary for classes with me. You will need to make a choice about how you proceed with it, as the choices can have major consequences for the future. The Death Element is not to be taken lightly." She warned as she walked out leaving him alone.
His 3rd day of classes proved to be just as interesting as the first two, except today when they went to Physical Fitness there were multiple different instructors for hand to hand combat training. Each represented a different type of weapon that they taught, and Airic approached the one with the long sword. It was almost like the one he inherited from his father, and he bowed to the man as only a couple other students wanted to learn it.
"You sure this is the one you want? Right now my sword is nearly as big as you are." Captain Brick said chuckling.
"So is the one I inherited from my dad." Airic replied and the instructor nodded.
"If you already have the sword, you will need to know how to use it properly. I assume you are atleast competent in the use of the one you are wearing?" He asked as Airic smiled.
"Quite competent, I assure you."
"Good, the difference between the two is not as great as some believe. If you can already use those, you can easily learn to use this."
Airic used one of the class swords for the day, and knew it was a few pounds heavier than his fathers. It however didn't stop him from learning what he could by following the instructions being given to him. He knew it would take multiple semesters at different points throughout his school career to master the long sword, just because he would have to grow to be able to use it properly.
"Technically your form is perfect, the only thing lacking is height and strength. Once you get those things resolved you will have no problems wielding a Long Sword. I suggest coming back next year." The instructor said after the first day.
"I know why you believe that, and believe you are helping me by becoming more proficient in the short sword I already use. That however is fanciful thinking, as I am already a Master in its use, and know how to easily maintain that ability. I do not expect to be able to fight for my life using only.this sword any time soon, but I do want to earn the right to carry my fathers sword as quickly as possible." He relied seriously as the instructor looked at him.
"Than you had best bring your weapon to class next time Cadet Carter, or you will receive a demerit for being unprepared." Instrictor Blaze said to him before dismissing the class.