Throughout the day Airic discussed with many of his classmates which Element they wished to declare, and even helped a few make up thier minds about which one they wanted. For each of them he recorded it as was expected, knowing tomorrow morning in thier homeroom class that thier teachers would be extremely interested in which one they chose as they were given thier own bracelet that would be used for thier entire military career to identify not only them, but thier rank, Elemental Ability and power level within it.
He looked at the one on his wrist from his father, and it had only turned a quarter green, meaning it was having difficulty locking onto his skills and abilities as it tried to merge with him. He knew either way he would get his own the next day, which was why he had placed it on his left wrist instead of his right. He smiled as he knew why it was having difficulty, because they were normally issued to students who had no clue about the Elemental Abilities, and had no active skills. He however had dozens of skills, and had even learned to combine them to make even more powerful ones than was on the skill list.
After dinner however he felt the need to train again, and was surprised to find several students practicing with swords, spears and staves that were along the walls. Most of them were surprised when he entered with his own sword, and thought it was cool he was so much better prepared than he was. They didn't know he had inherited it from his mother, as it had been her sword before she died giving birth to him.
Many of them watched from the side as he activated the simulator, and set the skill difficulty to 7, weapons only as the presence of others made it harder to use the skills he really wanted to train. So when Emily asked if she could join him with her own staff, he decided why not.
"What level are you accustomed too?" He asked her.
"My grade says I finished in level 7, but if it is accurate than it is hard as hell. You?" She asked as he smiled.
"We can start at level 7." He said knowing why she had made Sergeanf now. Most of the Cadets here finished in the 5th level, which he found out was the mandatory minimum to get into the Atlantis Academy.
"That didn't answer my question." She said as he looked at her.
"13." He told her as her eyes went wide.
"Holy shit!" She exclaimed gathering the attention of everyone there. "Can you even set them that high here?" She asked as they all returned to thier training.
"Need a professor override to go above 8." He told her as he had already tried it.
"Do I want to know how you know that?" She asked as he chuckled.
"Got caught out after hours and had to spar with Sergeant Miller or get two demerits." He said remembering the surprise of the Sergeant as well.
"Well, can you go above level 8?" She asked curious.
"Yes, but not with you participating. Like I said, we will start at level 7, and perhaps tomorrow I will give a demonstration of why I am the Lieutenant." He said with a grin as the simulation began.
For nearly an hour the two of them battled the simulator, and most of the Platoon had heard he was there and showcasing his skills with the Staff Sergeant of one of the Squads. So they had all joined to watch, and were amazed at how he moved and could seem to sense where the targets were going to be. His sword skills were like second nature to him, and his movements fluid to the point that it almost looked like he was dancing with his opponents. Emily however was the one to halt the simulation, as she was exhausted from the constant battle that the simulator provided when paired with him.
"It seems they want a true demonstration now." She said as they all moaned before she walked out of the field.
"You all want to see a true demonstration of what you could possibly do?" He asked loud enough to be heard by all of the other 99 people in the room. The resounding cheer let him know the answer was a yes. "Computer, reset simulation to level 12." He ordered as he walked to the edge. "None of you are to attempt this until you have been cleared by the combat instructors. I have been given special dispensation to go to this level, as I have proven I am capable of handling it. You will see occasional ability skills that you will one day be able to use, and tricks I have learned over the years. Is that understood?" He demanded as they all nodded.
"Yes sir." They said in almost unison.
"Computer, begin." He said as he began again and 3 enemies appeared across the floor from him. "Set timer 1 hour and end once completed."
The next morning his Platoon was all talk about his demonstration, and the second platoon of first years were finding it difficult to believe what they were hearing. Airic had showed them that his advice about Elements was dead on as he had helped some of them decide what they wished to do, and had shown he was indeed advanced in more than one. He quietly ate when General Shank stood, and called for quiet and thier attention.
"Normally this would be your first day of classes, however a great figure has been lost to us. As such, the entire academy has been invited to bear witness to the service to send a great man to the afterlife. Cadet Carter, if you will join me." He said formally as Airic stood and the whispers began.
Airic knew exactly who it was and what to expect, as his father had taught him well the ways of Atlantis. He also knew many of the purists would be pissed he was getting the sword, and knew his fathers family was among them. He fully expected them to attempt to challenge him, but they had no idea he was ready for it.
He followed the General out of the dining hall, and was surprised when one of the flying carlike deals was waiting for them right outside the doors while bigger bus the versions were stationed nearby for the other students and staff to use. Airic said nothing as he saw the flags lowered to half mast, and knew it was in memory of his father and all that he had done for them.
"You should be aware that there is already a point of contention between your fathers family and his will." General Shank informed him.
"I would have been surprised if there were not." Airic replied as he had expected as much and was prepared for it.
"We cannot support you in this, as the academy must remain neutral. They however have already called a Champion, who has recently graduated from this very Academy." Shank told him handing him a file and he was surprised to see it was his Cousin Christopher.
"I know who he is." Airic said handing it back to the General without opening it. "Top of his class, Fire Element. Achieved Advanced 3 status while here." He said giving the highlights of the content.
"Why do you not seem concerned about that? If there is a challenge, he will be fully able to use his abilities." The General said as Airic smiled.
"Because like them, you believe I have no skills beyond the combat skills that were tested in the junior academy. This bracelet indicates that it has yet to fully link with me, and regardless I have not had the time to train with it. So you underestimate what I am capable of, as it has not been demonstrated to you yet." Airic replied confident in his own abilities. "In fact, I am fully prepared to deal with them, and not even allow a challenge unless they make thier own great concessions. Ones they think I am unaware of, and would kill to prevent me from achieving."
General Shank was both surprised and impressed by his confidence as they finished the journey to the Council Chamber where the Challenge would be heard before it progressed to the Arena should it be accepted as a matter of law. He lead Airic before them, and sat in the empty seats behind them as Count Jeffrey Carter and his attorney walked in and sat at the other table.
Right on schedule, the 5 Senior Council members entered thier raised platform. The one in the center banged her gavel, calling the session to order.
"We have a petition to challenge the Will of General Aiden Carter from the Carter Family." She began when Airic stood.
"Apologies Councilor, but I must object. 18 years ago my father was exiled from the Carter Family when he married my mother. As such his former family had no right or authority to challenge his Last Will." Airic said before sitting down again and impressing them.
"Council, despite the deceased being exiled, he was in possession of a Carter Family Heirloom that they simply ask be returned to them." The family attorney Kyle Prush offered.
"Response?" The councilor in the center asked.
"The sword in question was crafted by my father after he was exiled, and challenged by his brother for 15 years ago. A challenge that Darius Carter lost, and since that time had been no attempt by them or my father to reconcile the broken familial bonds. Calling it a Family Heirloom is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to relitigate matters that have been settled in law for well over a decade. My father took nothing from thier so called family when he left, and has even renounced his right to inherit anything upon the death of his father 2 years ago. His Last Will should be honored in its entirety, with ALL of his assets going to his sole legal heir." Airic said to them as there were more than a few nods.
"Councilors, because if the status of the item in question as an Artifact Weapon, it must go to someone from Lantean Heritage." Prush tried.
"Thank you for admitting that Attorney Prush, as I am indeed on Lantean Heritage. A simlky check of the city archive will be sufficent to verify that." Airic said knowing he had trapped them.
"It has long been the position of this Council that familial bonds are the most important in this life. None can replace family, no matter how long it has been since one was exiled." Councilor Griffin said.
"Respectfully your honors, my father was exiled before my mother even became pregnant with me. Every offer from this son called family to reunite with my father, was made with the exclusion of claiming me as family. Every offer was flatly rejected by my father, and I see no reason to co sider them my family now. I have no desire to know them, just as they have no desire to know me." Airic replied formally surprising them that he would flatly reject a bond to one of the great families.
"Council, the Carter family deeply regrets the things that divided them from thier now lost family member. They of course offer membership to all who can become citizens of this great city, and ask they be allowed to keep a powerful artifact out of the hands of those who are unworthy to wield it." Attorney Prush said.
"Councilors, all that must be done to verify the untruthfullness of that entire statement is the offer sent to my father dated two years ago. In it, it clearly states that I would not be offered membership, or accepted into the family despite my clear Citizenship of the great City and its storied history. They claim it is to keep an Artifact away from those who are unworthy, when they themselves are unworthy. Thier argument has no merit as I the sole survivor of my fathers registered family, and Heir to his entire catalogue of possessions. Again, this is a thinly veiled attempt to change the past and claim things they have no legal rights too." He said as the Councilors began looking through the city records as it was all contained within the archives. The first was his citizenship, which showed he was on fact a full citizen under the breeding laws established 35 years prior, as his Lantean genome was 82 percent pure.
"Cadet Lieutenant Airic Carter, your Lantean Citizenship is not in doubt. Nor is the fact that turning over this Artifact to you the Last Will of your father, and would be acceptable to keeping the most powerful Lantean made Artifacts in the hands of Lanteans. However, so long as the family is now willing to accept you into thier ranks, and provide you with the inheritance trust left to your father, we must honor this challenge." The Head Councilor said as Airic nodded respecting the decision.
Jeffrey consulted with his attorney quickly, none of them able to hear what was being discussed between them. "The Carter Family will accept the ruling of this Council and follow the Commands issued thereof. We name Manor Darren Carter as our Champion." Prush said.
"What is your response Cadet Lieutenant?" Councilor Griffin asked.
"I accept the Challenge and issue one of my own for Head of Family." Airic replied as there was an outburst from the table beside them.
"Councilor, he is but a student and cannot be a Head of Family." Prush argued.
"The Challenged have the right to issue thier own demands under the sanctity kf our laws that have been honored by the Respondent today. You have heard the terms, do you wish to proceed with your challenge?" Griffin demanded as all 5 if them rose as Jeffrey looked at them and nodded. "So be it, after the memorial service the challenge kf Carter v Carter shall be completed in Trial by Combat. Should the Carter Family Champion win, the sword of General Aiden Carter will be returned to them. Should Cadet Lieutenant Carter prevail, he will retain the sword and will appoint someone of the Family to administer until such time as he is of age to do so himself." Griffin said slamming her gavel before they left the courtroom.