Airic was in the front row waiting for the entire Lantean people it seemed like, when Christopher and Jeffrey decided that of all the seats they wanted the ones next to him.
"Just so you know, despite what was said in the Council, you still won't be welcome in the family. No hard feelings when I beat you later." Christopher said making his father smirk.
"There won't be any at all when I show you what true power is cousin. And if you were under the impression I give one flying Rats ass whether or not I am welcome in the family, I assure you once I am the head all those pretty little fundraisers you joined for will never happen again. You will have to actually go do battle and serve your people for a change. Now shove your Puritan bullshit up your ass and leave me the hell alone, or I assure you that you will live to regret it." Airic said not even bothering to look at him as General Shank snorted from behind them. He was still responsible for Airic, until the beginning of the match.
"It seems too bad you don't understand it doesn't matter that you have no Elemental Ability yet, as I do and will wipe the floor with you." Christopjer smirked sure of himself.
"What is too bad is you believe that bracelet and schooling somehow gives you an advantage over me. It really is too bad that because those records aren't part of the Lantean database yet you would have no clue what exactly I am capable of. Whereas your abilities are all part of the public record, and can be reviewed by any citizen with half a desire to know about your ignorant Purital foolishness. Maybe if daddy over there had taught you to use your brain and think for yourself, you would be more leery of fighting someone you have absolutely no information about. Instead he expects your Puritan roots to protect you, and you are foolish enough to listen to his ignorant ways." Airic said turning to look at him. "Now if you are done disrespecting the ways of our people, I would like to remember my father while the citizens gather to pay thier last respects."
General Shank was surprised at how easily Airic had gotten the feel of the man, as more than one instructor had noted Christopher Carter was arrogant because of his pure heritage, and that it was strongly encouraged by his family. Shank however had seen those records, and knew that the boy in front of him would be more than a match for any warrior who dared challenge him. The best combat instructor of the entire school had already said he would be a force to be reckoned with once he was grown a bit more and added some strength to his blows.
Jeffrey and Christopher were smart enough not to antagonize him further, for he seemed extremely confident he would be able to more than handle his cousin in the arena. The stands did not take long to fill, and unlike other memorials there was not a lot if talking when the body of General Aiden Carter was brought out, his sword still grasped in his hand the way he had been swinging it. Something about its ability was keeping it there, and as soon as someone attempted to remove it they found it impossible even though his hand had been pried open. Airic stood with Christopher at the behest of the Council, and walked to the body as it was laid on the pyre.
Christopher tried with everything he had, but no matter what he did the sword would not come free. Airic however walked up to it, grabbed it by the hilt, and easily removed it before handing it to the Councilor who would hold it until thier challenge was over.
"Would you like to say something?" Councilor Griffin asked him.
"My father was a man of few words unless he found it necessary to speak them, so long as those he spoke to chose to listen. For a long time he preached our current system would fail to overcome our enemy, who has proven very adept at using everything it can to weaken us. For 25 years we have battled for our survival and lost.
"Only by coming together as one people, and freely teaching those the skills they need, will we emerge from this aar victorious. We are only as strong as the weakest amongst us, and only through strength shall we ultimately prevail." Airic said looking directly at his cousin and Uncle. He knew that his Uncle was one of the loudest critics of teaching anyone outside Atlantis about thier skills and abilities, and was one of the major reasons the most powerful of the skills had yet to be taught to anyone who was not a citizen of Atlantis.
Griffin than handed him a torch, and Airic took it before lighting the pyre that would turn his father to Ash as a team of Fire Elementals came forward and used thier combined skill and power to make his body flash burn and disappear into ash before he turned from it.
"I would like his ashes saved please." Airic said as Griffin nodded.
"They will be stored in your vault upon being gathered." Griffin replied as the rest of his inheritance stood unchallenged by the family. They had no idea in the 20 years since his exile, he had surpassed the wealth of the family, and that sword was just one of many powerful artifacts that he had gathered.
Airic nodded before he went to the center of the arena, his cousin quickly following his lead not knowing he was about to be taught a valuable lesson.
As soon as they were both in the center of the arena the stands were raised as they normally would be so those in the rear could see, and the shield to absorb thier attacks and keep the spectators was raised.
"As is our tradition, differences are settled in Trial by Combat. As an agreement to the Heir of Tja sword could not be reached, House Carter has chosen Major Christopher Carter to be its Champion in this matter. Cadet Lieutenant Airic Carter, as the Challenged you may select a Champion if you so wish." Councilor Griffin declared with her voice amplified so that all in attendance could hear her.
"Since the death of my father, I stand alone. As such, I stand as my own Champion." Airic replied with his voice being amplified by the skill as well.
"Very well, should you win you will have proven your strength to rejoin your fathers family, as well as proven the strongest among them to lead it. Should you fail, the Artifact Weapon your father was so well known for shall go to Christopher as its rightful owner. Let the battle begin." She ordered as Christopher wasted no time in using his basic flamethrowet skill believing Airic to be weaker than he was.
Airic didn't even bother to block it in any way they could see, all the spectators believed it hit him as it circled around his telekinetic shield harmlessly rejoining itself behind him. When the stream of flame died down 10 seconds later Airic stood there as his cousin was breathing a bit heavier than he normally would. "Nice skill, however it is nowhere near enough to contend with me cousin." Airic said as Christopher's eyes went wide in surprise as his clothing wasn't even a little scorched.
"How is this possible?" Christopher asked not believing his eyes as his cousin stood there looking bored.
"Oh you thought because I had no bracelet of my own, and that because this one had yet to line with me, that I had no skill?" Airic asked chuckling as he looked at his Cousin's shocked face. "That is the problem with you Puritans, you can never see that you might possibly be mistaken in your belief. Here, let me clear some of your confusion. Bracelet, identify Heir Airic Carter and fuse." He ordered it as it went full green within a second before it changed into 9 seperate colors representing each of the Elemental Abilities.
The crowd watched as he showed his Cousin, whose bracelet was decidedly red with a number 4 in it, which indicated a decent power level. However Airic had trained each of his 9 to atleast a level 2, and those he had achieved Advanced certifications in were all level 5. Mind, Fire, Water, Lightning, and Technology were all level 5. "Seems I forgot to fuse it to myself." He said as he smiled and brought his hands together before using his own ability to cast a basic fireball he threw at his cousin that was twice the size he was. It threw Christopher from the center of the arena and slammed him into the outer barrier less than a second later as Airic didn't stop there.
Within seconds he had combined 3 of his abilities into one skill as the whole kf Atlantis watched the Thunderstorm take shape on the arena, the bolts of lightning seeming to target Christopher who had slumped to the floor before the first bolt struck right between his legs. The clap of thunder was nearly deafening as he felt the power wash over him, knowing he was leagues behind the Cousin he believed would be no challenge.
He watched in horror as Airic still didn't stop as he summoned a rock wall between them, and used his telekinesis to shatter it into tiny bullet size projectiles that began swarming around him as Christopher sat too stunned to even stand. The spectators were silent as they watched the majorly impressive display, as not even his father had thought of combining his skills in such a way as to make them so weaponized.
"I yield!" Christopher yelled as the next bolt of lightning struck only a few feet away, and Airic had begun to advance on him before all of the rocks fell from the air, and the storm abated as quickly as it had formed.
"Wise choice Cousin." Airic said as the shield surrounding them was lowered and the stunned silence of the crowd was enough to draw his attention. The next moment however it seemed to hit them that the match was over, and the screens were even displaying that Christopher Carter had yielded the match to a clearly superior warrior.
The sudden cheer from everyone there was deafening as Airic helped Christopher stand. "How did you do that? I have never even heard of such a skill?" He asked as they walked to the edge of the Arena where the Council was seated.
"You are aware there are wild abilities?" Airic asked him and Christopher nodded.
"Of course." He replied as the Council approached.
"I have 3 wild abilities, one of them allows me to combine the Elemental Powers in ways that has never been possible before. That was a combination of fire, water and lightning." Airic said as the Councilors knew this battle would be broadcast time and again as he had yet to even begin his classes of Senior Academy.
"It seems you will bring honor and pride to your father if you keep up with skills like that." Councilor Griffin said warmly. "As you are still in school, you will need to select a member of your house to lead it until you become of age."
"The Family has already done so, Major Christopher Carter. Hopefully he will use this as a learning experience that tje garbage his father and the Puritans have been spouting for 25 years will no longer lead us into a future free of this war." Airic said without hesitation.